Sunday, March 27, 2016

After Kaiser’s Tengelmann takeover by Edeka: New head of … – ABC Online

Sunday, 03.27.2016, 09:18
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The new head of the Monopolies Commission Achim Wambach has its predecessor in the dispute over the acquisition of supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka strengthen the back.

Wambach renewed criticism of the ministerial approval for the deal by Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD). “Full employment is a goal of economic policy. But this is not to be equated with the preservation of jobs in a company world, “the economist said” Sunday “. In the present case it was not a question of structural unemployment. The Commission therefore voted unanimously against the ministerial approval.

Gabriel had accepted the recommendation of the Advisory Board of takeover issued a special permit and thus undermined banning the Bundeskartellamt. Monopoly commission chief Daniel Zimmer resigned in protest. Wambach, previously a member of the Commission and from 1 April President of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), was appointed to

the room successor.

The Critics fear that the competition in the food trade could with the merger of the two chains be further limited. Gabriel had emphasized in his view of the protection of jobs is more important than the concerns of the Cartel. With an appeal to the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf Cologne retail group Rewe

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