Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Toshiba chief resigns after accounting scandal – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung




A spectacular accounting scandal at the Japanese conglomerate Toshiba pulls staffing consequences. Toshiba CEO Hisao Tanaka and two other top executives resign as the company announced on Tuesday. An internal investigation had revealed that Toshiba had overstated by at least 152 billion yen (1.1 billion euros) in the last six years its pre-tax profit.


With unrealistic demands made managing his staff have systematically put under pressure, they said. The scandal is the largest in Japan since 2011. At that time, the camera manufacturer Olympus had inflated its balance sheets.


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In addition to Tanaka must also be Vice Norio Sasaki and former President Atsutoshi Nishida resign from office. Until a successor to Tanaka found Chairman Masashi Muromachi will lead the 140-year-old company. Toshiba provides a variety of electronic products such as computer chips or laptops forth, but at the same time is also building nuclear power plants.



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Hisao Tanaka

Toshiba CEO occurs after accounting scandal back

The accounting scandal at the Japanese company Toshiba has personal consequences: Several top executives resign – including the boss.

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