After several Delays run the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors on new grants this week in Athens. Before making a report of a Grexit-secret plan of ex-Finance Varoufakis the round. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms.
- Athens sought new assistance from the IMF.
- negotiations with the EU partners run in Athens.
- newspaper reported Grexit-secret plan
The facts:. After several delays negotiate Greece and its international creditors again over new grants. The Troika is unloved since June 2014 for the first time on the spot. By mid-August the final agreement on the reorganization of the Greek budget should be available. Tsipras announced meanwhile to a debt relief in November. In addition, the alleged Grexit-secret plan of the Greeks led by Varoufakis vertebra. The Greek office is investigating the ex-finance minister.
Should Germany Greece continue to help?
"Do not look for scandals at Varoufakis"
13.02 clock: Greece had, in the words of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras never the aim to withdraw from the euro zone. Nevertheless, one was prepared for all eventualities, Tsipras said on Friday in the Greek parliament. The former Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis is criticized because it is said to have worked on a plan for a euro exit of Greece.
Tsipras took his ex-minister in protection. "Do not search for scandals at Varoufakis," Tsipras said. Varoufakis have probably made mistakes. "But you can not accuse him of that to be a crook. You can not accuse him that he stole the people's money. He has no money taken abroad," Tsipras said.
Tsipras confirmed "Grexit" plans, "Yes, I have an order issued"
10.13 Clock: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has for a few minutes ago the first time expressed about the Grexit plans of former minister Varoufakis. In Parliament Tsipras said:? ". Yes, I have given the order to prepare such a plan for an emergency" "If our creditors prepare a Grexit plan, should not we have prepared our defense," said the Prime Minister with a view to the scenario of an imminent euro-Greek exit. In addition, Tsipras said that European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker-have already expressed in 2012 such plans in public.
negotiation of Athens-believer in the decisive phase
08.57 Clock: take preparatory work their inspectors the funder of Greece on Friday directly in touch with Treasury Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis. This was reported from circles of Finance in Athens on Friday morning. With rapid decisions on new aid loans government employees in Athens do not expect. But much time has not the government under Alexis Tsipras. Until August 20, Athens has to repay 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB).
Bundesbank President wants investors in Greek bankruptcy in losses participate
08.13 Clock: buyers of bonds of European crisis countries must continue to expect a significantly higher risk of loss. According to the ideas of Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, the term of these bonds shall be automatically renewed for another three years if the States request assistance in European rescue fund ESM.
That left individual investors in the duty and would be in the event of state bankruptcy participate in the losses. "The Community liability and the volume of aid programs would be reduced dramatically, investors would remain the responsibility of and paid no longer by public aid funds," said Weidmann in an interview with FOCUS.
sees higher credit costs for bonds of the countries concerned the Federal bankers not as a problem: "The effect would be manageable and would mainly concern securities that are due soon. . If a euro area country house hold unsound, then rising risk premiums would in any case exactly the type of market discipline, which is the core of a monetary union in which there should be no joint liability "
Video: This gesture fought Varoufakis from - but now the memory back
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