Monday, July 27, 2015

German Bahn AG: Conversion in the Management Board and Group – RP ONLINE

Berlin. Deutsche Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube faces a mammoth task: He will shake up the state company massively in the coming months From Thomas Reisener

In a few days Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) succeeds former Deutsche Bahn CEO Hartmut Mehdorn. Namely, as a witness of the current railway chiefs Rüdiger Grube, who will get married in early August in the Hamburg TV chef Cornelia Poletto. In Grubes first marriage, from which he brings with two grown children, Mehdorn was best man. The two knew each other Sounds complicated from their time together at Airbus.

? But long is not as complicated as what mine currently intends professionally. Before the wedding, he has namely organize a full refurbishment of Deutsche Bahn again precisely. Yesterday, the 63-year-old to the Supervisory Board its plans in a special session before. Grube construction sites, and how he wants to get to grips with:

numbers Of the € 2.2 billion operating profit, the pit has planned for the current year, probably less than two billion euros left. This was reported yesterday from consolidated districts. Officially, the group plans to present details on the economic situation and the reconstruction in the course of today forenoon. This pit would miss its earnings targets for the third time in a row. Also of the 70 billion euros in sales, the former will reportedly achieve by 2020 the group, he is still far away. Presumably it would in the current year about 40 billion euros, according to Grube environment. Grube has now increased its savings targets by 90 million euros to 600 million euros.

IPO While the web is more than ten years a corporation. But the IPO, for Grube’s predecessor Mehdorn had already submitted a concrete roadmap, moves ever further into the distance. Intern that was long clear that the numerous construction sites in the Group are too large. But with the official cancellation of the IPO pit can now streamline the Group structure: specifically, a second holding company was set up for the IPO

Main Line Since the liberalization two years ago the provider overturn private. distance buses with growth figures. Around 20 million passengers per year they won the meantime, making them the strongest competitor of the web. Last year, the track earned with their long-distance trains have 111 million euros less than in 2013 (then 323 million euros). In the first half of 2015, the profit should have even halved. In freight train also new competitors threatens the so-called mega trucks: The

policy approved more and more exceptions to the new mega trucks. Grube promises the customer a service offensive.

transport Nationwide rail loses important jobs to the private competition. Recently in NRW the Rhein-Ruhr-Express (RRX) at two foreign suppliers, which is why their market share in the most populous state will soon slip below 50 percent. About politics Grube wants to achieve more favorable conditions of tender for the web.

Executive conversion on the partly-threatening developments pit reacted with a new board. The panel shrinks from eight to six members. CTO Heike Hamagarth – so far the only woman in the top governing body – is leaving the Group. Your area is split: Infrastructure Board Volker Kefer is in future also be responsible for engineering, systems engineering and safety and quality management. Kefer is also Deputy CEO. The rest of the technology area is taken over by CFO Richard Lutz. The former Chancellery Minister and CDU General Ronald Pofalla is not until 2017, but already follow compliance Board Gerd Becht on Saturday. In addition to the legal and compliance matters, he should also maintain the government contacts train in Berlin and Brussels. The former long-distance leader Berthold Huber will be responsible with the new super-department “Traffic and transport” for Schenker Rail.

privatizations Apparently wants Grube also make parts of the Group. In the low-margin logistics subsidiary Schenker and the foreign business Arriva he seems in search of new minority shareholders to be, contribute money and new approaches

Infrastructure crumbling bridges and switches, as well as outdated interlockings.: The weak infrastructure at risk the reputation of the web. 28 billion euros it will still be pumped in this decade in its infrastructure. That sounds like a lot. But if only the bare minimum in order to combat the renovation backlog. The experts of the “Pro-Rail Alliance” According to last year was almost nowhere comparatively less in the rail network is investing in Western Europe than in Germany

. Source: Goal


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