The Greek Government apparently penetrates to a rapid start of negotiations on new grants. The negotiators of the creditors would be expected on Sunday evening in Athens, possibly as early as Monday the talks could begin, said a Greek government official. From the EU side, this was not immediately confirmed. Already on the eve applied Athens a new loan with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
For the verge of state bankruptcy Greece time is pressing:. According to the international creditors required the country in the next three years 82-86 billion euros. On August 20, Athens has nearly 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) to repay, in September a further 1.5 billion euros to the IMF are due. At the latest by mid-August, therefore, must the negotiations be completed because the deputies have to agree in Greece and other euro countries an agreement yet.
“Logistical problems” delayed but the planned already for Friday arrival of the negotiators of the ECB, IMF, EU Commission and the euro rescue fund ESM. According to a report of the “Handelsblatt” there was trouble between the funders and the Greek side on the place of accommodation of the experts. Instead as promised by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the capital, they should therefore be accommodated 20 km outside.
take According to Athens for the EU Commission Declan Costello, for the IMF Delia Velculescu, for the ECB Rasmus Rüffer and Nicola Giammarioli from ESM in the talks in Athens in part. The unpopular in Greece creditors “troika” was more than a year no longer in the country.
The new tool of the euro countries is forecast to be nearly 50 billion euros difficult be. The rest will come from the IMF and from Greece through accelerated privatizations.
In an article published on Friday letter to the IMF chief Christine Lagarde Finance Euclid Tsakalotos requested meanwhile a new loan over three years – a further important step towards the opening of negotiations on a new long-term financial support for the highly indebted country. Formally, the IMF loan will run until 2016, to apply for a new reason was not really necessary. Apparently, it was Athens with the letter observers According to a gesture of good will.
Athens had because of the harsh demands for reform of the IMF always reservations about participation of Funds to support future expressed. However, the recent Euro-special summit on July 13, the Greek Government failed mainly to Germany with their desires, no longer to involve the IMF on a third loan package.
Einig IMF and led by Tsipras and his left Syriza party government in a bid to get a debt relief for Greece. The European statistics agency Eurostat gave Athens debt burden last with about 170
The Greek government had at the end of the negotiations in Brussels already one of reduction obligations in return accepted for new credit in the double-digit billion range. On the night of Monday and in the Thursday, Parliament passed two packages of measures belonging to the demanded by the donors Preconditions for a third loan program.
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