The Greek finance returns to drastic coercive measures gradually to normal operation: After the banks to on Monday the stock market reopened in Athens. However, the share trading is subject to certain restrictions.
Good to one month after its closure, the Greek stock market be open again on Monday in Athens. The corresponding decree was signed by Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos on Friday, said the Finance Ministry in Athens.
The stock market has been closed since the end of June. At that time the country’s banks were made tight because the customer had previously rows evacuated for fear of a sovereign default of their accounts.
Only 60 euros on ATM
The Greeks can withdraw daily 60 euros from their accounts. The controls were imposed on 29 June, so that the Greek banks do not collapse. The Greeks had raised in the past few months for fear of a financial collapse of the country several billion euros from their accounts.
share trading is subject to limitations
It is clear from the adoption results, the Greeks are until further notice can only buy stocks when they bring it funds from abroad into the country or pay cash for it. Remain The remaining capital traffic controls are.
The European Central Bank had approved the reopening of the stock market in the early week. As trading for Greeks but should be limited, there have been delays. Background were problems with the IT systems of banks, which have to implement the restrictions. For foreign investors, this should not apply.
Parallel run the detailed negotiations for a third Hellas-aid package worth up to 91 billion Swiss francs. Thus, the state bankruptcy is to be avoided. In return, the country should implement further reforms and savings
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