Cairo – Successful test run for the extended Suez Canal: Six ships have happened on Saturday 72-kilometer waterway, like the Egyptian authorities said. Three ships drove through the canal from the north, while the second fleet in the opposite direction crossed the connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.
In order to enhance the capacity of the channel, a new track with a length of was created 37 kilometers, which runs parallel to the old channel. The existing waterway was also deepened over a length of 35 kilometers and extended. Officially, the new channel will be inaugurated on August 6.
The old Suez Canal was completed 146 years
ago. It is mainly used for trade between Europe and Asia is of enormous importance. The Egyptian government hopes that the extension is for a substantial increase in annual revenue. These are currently at 5.3 billion dollars in 2023, the channel is to rinse, according to official estimates $ 13.2 billion into the state treasury. (APA, 26.7.2015) 

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