Saturday, July 25, 2015
Athens faces a new auxiliary Poker. Negotiations for this have to go in the coming weeks over the stage. When will it go exactly, is unclear. Meanwhile, Greece takes an important hurdle.
According to official figures, Greece has applied for new aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). An IMF spokesman confirmed the receipt of a letter. The fund will now be discussed with the Greek authorities and its European partners on the timing and modalities of talks.
“We would like to inform you that we ask for a new loan,” it says in the published Writing Finance Euclid Tsakalotos at IMF chief Christine Lagarde. This marks another major step towards the opening of negotiations on new long-term financial support for the heavily indebted country is done.
It was not until the night of Thursday, parliament adopted a second package of measures to by the donors belongs demanded preconditions for a third loan program of 86 billion euros. When the talks will begin exactly is unclear. A spokeswoman for the European Commission said in Brussels. “We expect that the institutions, including the (bailout) ESM, in the coming days to Athens travel”
On Friday BelTA learned from negotiating circles that “Mission” is still in preparation. Open is still about where the negotiations should take place. What was needed was a place that was easy to reach and lies in the vicinity of Athens ministries. Another source spoke of “logistical problems”. These would but now “resolved quickly”, was reported from government circles in Athens.
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According to a report of the
The force since the end of June capital controls in Greece, however, be eased back for the companies in the country. In future the company will need in transfers abroad until 100,000 instead of 50,000 euros authorized by the competent government commission, as central bank governor Yanis Stournaras explained. He also noted that the amount of financial remittances “very close” subject abroad, despite the introduction of controls in late June at the normal level.
The president of the trade association ESEE, Vassilis Korkidis, said the new rules were already entered into force on Friday. Raising the approval threshold is “positive”. So now 70 percent of the desired of the Company transfers could be carried out without government approval. However, remittances lower amounts must be still approved abroad by the banks. The Greek Government had the capital controls introduced to prevent bleeding of the banks.
Source: n-tv.de

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