Thursday, July 23, 2015

Greece’s debt crisis: The long-overdue reform of the judiciary by – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung




The second Eilvorlage was easier than the first for the Greek government. However, the resistance of the left wing in the ruling party Syriza against the policies of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras remains large. A week ago, still had not voted for more tax increases and new spending cuts 39 of 149 MPs of SYRIZA. In the night of Thursday 36 nor Syriza MPs refused the reform of the judiciary and the introduction of the EU banking directive allegiance – as well as the deputies of the Communist Party and the fascist Golden Dawn. 230 of 300 deputies voted for the presentation of the government; a week earlier, it was the 229th


Rainer Hermann Author: Rainer Hermann, born in 1956, editor-in policy

Prime Minister Tsipras has thus in more controversial projects brought a week by the Parliament as all his predecessors. Firstly, it has so that the inputs (“prior actions”) from the final document of the EU summit met on 12 July, so that negotiations can begin on a third utility. Secondly, Tsipras has let the rebellion of the party left that essentially made up of Communists, rebuffed, so they do not jeopardize the reform policy.


In the contentious debate Tsipras admitted once again that the government had decided on a “compromise”, “forcing us to implement a program to which we do not believe”. But he added: “However, we will implement it, because we are faced with difficult choices.” Because there is “conservative forces in Europe, who want to throw Greece out of the euro further”


Parliament President Zoe Konstantopoulou voted again against the government bill. She called the judicial reform as an “attack on democracy”. The former energy minister and leader of the “left platform” in Syriza, Panagiotis Lafazanis, said after the announcement of the voting results at three clock in the morning, disagreements strengthened the party, and he remains a member of Syriza. Last week, even in the camp of the Abweichlert agreed fired by Tsipras former Treasury Giannis Varoufakis, which is increasingly becoming the most important intra-party opponent of the prime minister, this time for the government.


Government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili admitted early Thursday morning: “The gap is visible.” The conservative Kathimerini headlined: “Very close to the split,” the newspaper “Ta Nea” called the dissenters “Drach crap” and wrote, Tsipras will settle accounts with them once negotiations are concluded with the creditors.


In the party committees, the left are more strongly represented than in the parliamentary party and among the voters of Syriza. Tsipras had accused his critics before the start of parliamentary debate in a party meeting, they would give off heroic declarations, but no viable alternatives were beating before.


In the event of new elections Tsipras could disempower the left wing of the party. Because: According to Greek law, a party leader at an early ballot, to be held within 18 months after the last, specify the list of candidates of his party without Party Congress alone


speculation about early elections came government spokeswoman Gerovasili contrary, however. Elections should take place if the country you need, she said. Now it was necessary to conduct the negotiations for a third bailout package and restore normality.


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financial crisis Parliament Tsipras mandate

The Greek parliament Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras strengthen the back. With a clear majority, MEPs Tsipras members during the vote a mandate to negotiate with the creditors on first steps towards reform in return for new grants. More

07.11.2015, 10:16 clock | Politics



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Greece’s debt crisis

The long-overdue reform of the judiciary is by

Rainer Hermann

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has more controversial reforms brought in a week by the Parliament as all his predecessors. The following applies: Only the utility should be, then the dissenters turn.

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