Friday, July 24, 2015

Low Cost model: Flex or Light – Lufthansa launches new pricing model – THE WORLD

The German Lufthansa starts according to a report of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (“SZ”) in the coming week in Germany and Europe a new pricing model that is geared to low cost airlines. This means that for certain offers only hand luggage included in the price and changes are no longer possible.

As the company had already indicated on several occasions, the three economy fares “Light”, “Classic” and introduced to start in autumn 2015 “Flex” , A spokeswoman for the company told Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Friday night that Lufthansa would officially present the new tariffs on Monday (27.7.) And start selling for flights from 1 October on Tuesday.

It is the largest collective conversion for decades, citing the” SZ “responsible for the ticket distribution Passage Executive Jens Bischof. “In our new concept of customer only pays for what he takes in claim,” said the Lufthansa manager of the newspaper.

The biggest German Airline is responding to the ever-increasing competition, the same flight to completely different prices – depending on the service, time of booking and Exchange possibility – offering. “The aim is to utilize as evenly as possible and using the different air fares flights,” said Lufthansa manager Jörg Hennemann newspaper.

Last year, the utilization was located on average at 80 percent. Until now a relatively uniform tariff system as a feature of the Lufthansa brand. Cheaper daughters as German Wings are already tiered rates.

Also in the future, there will be free drinks and snacks on board, however, according to Bishop, for the customers of both low cost and have to pay extra. Also staying the business class for business customers receive

In recent weeks another change at Lufthansa already had caused a stir. Airfare be from September 16 euros more expensive, provided they are compiled through a global distribution system (GDS). This is so far at around 70 percent of the tickets of the case.

Especially travel agencies, as well as Internet portals use the systems of the three dominant GDS providers to buy and settle worldwide flights and other tourist services. The Kranich airline will thus continue as many tickets to sell themselves and increase their profitability. The Lufthansa Group had earned in 2014 about 30 billion euros in sales,

however, only achieved a mini profit of 55 million euros.

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