Wednesday, July 29, 2015

+++ Windows 10 in News Ticker +++: Windows 10 is there: All the important new … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 29.07.2015, 13:39
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Windows 10 is there. From July 29, users of Windows 7 and Windows 8 can upgrade to Microsoft’s latest operating system. Besides many visual changes also has done a lot “under the hood”. All events and background information can be found at FOCUS Online

The facts:. Microsoft Windows 10 is now on the first computers. The new system will be faster, nicer and easier to use. The test showed that Windows 10 is proving a solid development – it is not quite finished, however. And that’s no accident. The era of the new operating system in a total of 190 countries and 111 languages ​​have started on 29 July

10.22 clock. Users of Windows 7, and Windows 8.1 can upgrade free to the new software within one year. Whether the system will then charge for this audience, Microsoft has not been notified. Users of older Windows systems like Vista or XP Home Edition have to pay 10 135 euros when upgrading to the Windows or 279 euros for the Pro version. For enterprise use to Windows 10 from August 1 will be available.

Start Menu

New version, new Start menu. After the strange combination of Home and Desktop in Windows 8.1, everything is in the new Windows again at one point. The Start menu shows on the left side key features and frequently used programs. Clicking on “All Apps” opens an alphabetical list of programs. On the right side you will find the well-known from Windows 8 app tiles. They are adjustable in four sizes and can be arranged as required or even removed. If the app supports it, live information such as weather or messages are displayed directly on the Start menu. If you like the app tiles do not removed any and pushes the Start menu on-column presentation together. Former users of Windows 7 Import according to Microsoft during the update all menu settings.


Back to the proven. Windows 10 has a taskbar, the classic desktop, on the blank store to files and program icons, the irritating Charms bar is history. Important system information and frequently used functions are now displayed in the Info Center. It is opened by clicking on a balloon icon on the taskbar or by swiping in from the right edge of the screen. Another new feature is the Task View: Clicking or swipe gesture with three fingers open applications are displayed side by side – the Exposé of Mac OS X sends his regards.

Also new are the virtual desktops. By clicking on “New Desktop” in the task view new workspaces can be set up. This provides a better overview. Users of high-resolution screens to benefit from a “Snap Assist” said function, the Prorammfenster simply arrange themselves on the screen and can be fixed. So you can (1920 to 1080 pixels) display (3840 to 2160 pixels) about four Full HD screen with a few clicks on 4K screens.


Windows comes with built-in assistant. Already known from smartphones Cortana integrates well into the system. Tasks such as create appointments, Internet Search, opening programs, weather forecasts, or computing tasks you can be given by voice or text input in the search box in the taskbar. In practical test that works far more moderate. Many questions answered Cortana with Bing search

results. To use Cortana, Windows must be started 10 with an active Microsoft account. The collected data can be managed online. If you want to separate from Cortana, can do that separately for each Windows machine. According to the magazine “c’t” (issue 17/2015) reports user data remain stored online at the Microsoft account.


The Internet Explorer is dead, long live Edge. Although little changed in logo of the browser, the program to explore the Internet, however, is new from the ground up. The result is a slimmer, faster browser with read mode, Cortana integration, faster video presentation and a commentary mode. Websites can be commented directly on the screen, highlighted text passages or individual areas are cut

Security assuming

According to modern hardware allows Windows 10, the biometric identification of the user -. About my facial recognition. In “c’t” test with a “Real Sense 3D camera” from Intel it worked pretty flawlessly. The data is stored according to Microsoft only on the device.


Windows 10 is not a finished system. That is when you look in the “Settings” significantly. Many frequently used options are shown here simply and clearly. Other settings are available in the “Control Panel”, again other options – such as for connected devices – can be found in the “Devices”. In perspective, all settings someday be discoverable under “Settings” – until then it remains a bit confusing. With the new operating system, however, Microsoft also takes the step to Windows as a service. New features and changes to the operating system it will in future be continuously via download.


Official extradition start for Windows 10 is July 29 2015. Then get users of Windows 7 or Windows 8 and 8.1 updates via Internet. To do that you have registered in advance

Video:. Microsoft promises 10 years support for new operating system

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