Anyone who employs a cleaner in Germany, it announces mostly to improperly. This emerges from a new representative survey by the Forsa Institute. Thus, working in eleven percent of all household cleaning power. But only in 36 percent of cases, this is also logged.
For the study, 1,500 people were interviewed, it was commissioned by the Minijob Centre in Essen in order. Director Erik Thomsen suggested that the labor market is even more widespread significantly as close put the poll. “It is estimated that the number of unreported cases of black working domestic helpers is at four million.” Be registered as a mini Jobber in private households only about 284,000 people.Above all, people in West Germany employ cleaners according to the study: They work in twelve percent of households in East Germany there are only six percent. In
addition, the majority of private employers is over 60 years old. The most common tasks of domestic workers: floor mop (74 percent), bathroom brushing (71 percent), vacuuming (71 percent) and windows clean (69 percent). 

The “Shine Atlas for Germany” shows large regional differences in terms of cleanliness. Accordingly, especially the Berliner brush not very regularly – every fourth cleans his apartment less than once a week. At the cleanest it comes to in Baden-Württemberg. All results of the study can be found here.

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