Thursday, July 23, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Tsipras brings second reform package on the road – ABC Online

Updated on Thursday, 23.07.2015, 13:50
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The agreement stands between donors and Greece. A majority of Greek MPs approved in two votes austerity and reform requirements of euro area countries. However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras loses the support of his party. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

  • Since Monday, the banks reopened
  • Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms

The facts: The agreement between donors and Greece stands. Banks are open again after three weeks. The government in Athens has started the repayment of 6.25 billion euros to the European Central Bank. Tourists and locals get the tough reform plans to be felt: The VAT on food rises violently. On the night of Thursday the Greek parliament approved the second reform package and thus taken the most important hurdle for a third bailout package.

Should Germany Greece continue to help?

Tsipras wanted throw Troika - but Friday they come with reinforcement to Athens

11.40 Clock: After the endorsement of two reform and austerity measures through parliament, the Greek government is preparing for negotiations on new funding. The experts of the donors were expected on Friday in Athens, reported the well-informed, as a rule Athens News Portal "" and two Greek newspapers on Thursday.

The current troika of EU, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) will this reinforced by a representative of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to a quartet. Athens had submitted an application for assistance ESM few days ago. We're talking about an aid program of up to 86 billion euros for the next three years.

Chancellery chief welcomes reform decision of the Athens Parliament

10.45 Clock: The Federal Government welcomes the decision of the Greek parliament about a crucial reform package. "This is another important step of the Greek parliament," said head of the chancellery Peter Altmaier (CDU) in Berlin on Thursday via short message service Twitter in English. This is a good start, but not the actual journey.

Greek press sees Tsipras party on the verge of a split

10.01 Clock: Almost the entire Greek press sees the left-wing government party Syriza on Thursday shortly before a split. In the early morning hours, the Greek

Parliament approved another reform package. Here again refused numerous Syriza MPs Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras loyalty.

  • "Very close to a split" headlines conservative newspaper "Kathimerini". The "centrifugal forces" who worked in the Syriza party would have shown once again. Prime Minister Tsipras did its part the left-wing government declared a fortress that he will not leave voluntarily.
  • The newspaper of the political center "Ta Nea" says Tsipras will relentlessly fight for an agreement with creditors. Then he wanted to settle accounts with the dissenters.
  • "The gap remains" headlines the left newspaper "I Efimerída ton Syntaktón". The rift within the Syriza is still great - despite a slightly better result than in the vote last week. The government majority was lost for the second time within a few days.
  • The tabloid "Ethnos" plays with the name of the largest group of inner-party opposition in the Syriza, the left platform: "platform of divorce," the paper wrote.

Video: Delia Velculescu: Prior to this woman now shaking the whole of Greece

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CWE / PNH / lm / KNO / re / AFP / dpa

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