The introduced with Windows 10 Universal Apps should be better used and also bring more benefits for users. Almost all apps come with a modified and adapted surface. It is expected that the Universal apps are also used by more users can than previous ModernUI applications under Windows 8.1 because Windows Apps in Windows 10 as conventional Win32 applications can also be operated in windowed mode and minimize and maximize.
Especially on tablets offer the Windows apps interesting opportunities to work, of course, having to do without parallel installations of conventional applications without. But even on standard PCs are suitable Universal Apps, because this in Windows 10, the same functions and possibilities as conventional applications.

Windows Apps can be used = parallel with Win32 applications in windowed mode , Microsoft hopes that this greater acceptance (Screenshot: Thomas Joos)
Also, the Windows Store, the future focal point for users of tablets. , smartphones, will be PCs, notebooks and even the Xbox, Microsoft donated a new surface. The company wants to enable a more intuitive operation. Microsoft apps that are to extend the functionality of Windows 10, for example, the new app to play DVDs as well as the Office Mobile apps are distributed through the store in the future. Windows 10 users should look at the new store and reload necessary apps. Microsoft introduces the new surface of the stores with the launch of Windows 10 on 29 July available. Some Apps for Windows 10 are not yet available.
Future prospects and new apps for Windows 10
Microsoft wants for users who rely on the Media Center in Windows 7/8, after the publication bring Windows 10 a free app on the market, with the can be DVD / Bluerays easily play. Currently, DVDs can be played only with additional applications such as VLC player.
The company has also announced a new Messenger app, which is also integrated until after the launch of Windows 10 in the operating system. You should be parallel, or can be shared with Skype and works on smartphones / tablets and PCs. This is a real advantage compared to the Platzhirsch WhatsApp. To follow rumors summarizes the new Messenger app together the functions of Skype and SMS, so that users need only a single app for communication. Especially interesting is to be able to send SMS via the PC also the possibility. This works if the Smartphone is connected to Bluetooth or cable to the PC. What exactly the app, and how its surface looks currently, is not yet clear. However, it will be the Messenger is a Windows app, not a conventional Win32 application. This is probably also the fact that only these apps easily scale with the screen on smartphones and tablets
standard apps use -. Mail, Calendar and Contacts
If you want to install any additional applications, can fall back on the default apps in Windows 10 in many areas. Examples include mail, calendar and contacts apps. The Mail app in Windows 8 was, in this respect, however, less popular because it was confusing and PCs too difficult to operate. Microsoft has reworked in Windows 10 here and improves the Mail app significantly. From the look & amp; Feel it reminds Outlook for Android and iOS. While the mobile applications that Microsoft acquired through the acquisition of Acompli, a separation of emails in focus and other offers, and thus ensures a better overview, end up in the current Windows 10 version of its e-mails of an account in a single mailbox. Users of multiple e-mail accounts will miss a common inbox for all accounts

blank With the new Mail app to manage emails better than 8 (Screenshot: Thomas Joos) in Windows.
From the Mail app out can now, for example, to browse other apps, for instance, the app for managing appointments. That is, users can now switch quickly and easily from their doctor appointments and emails. Microsoft also has the wiping movements of the mobile version integrated in the PC version. So users do not have to get used to if you are working with several appliances. The settings for this can be found in the options on the Quick Actions .

In the options of the new Windows 10 Mail app can also be wiping Actions define (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
The Calendar app has been optimized and now offers considerably more comfort. Users must when using the Calendar app but not forced to put on a Microsoft account. Also, the Google calendar, iCloud and other calendars can be connected to the mail and calendar app. Users can switch back and from the Calendar app with one click to the Mail app

The Calendar and Mail app also allows the integration of Google Drive and
Anyone who uses Outlook iCloud., these apps is indeed 10 use rather rare even in Windows, on tablets and smartphones make new apps but a lot of sense, especially because they and touch operation Full screen mode are optimized. Unfortunately, Microsoft has not integrated tablet-optimized applications in Office 2016 or Office 365. This provides the Group in the form of free office mobile after, however, they are severely limited in the operation and the range of functions and especially for Smartphones and Tablets optimized.
Mail and Calendar with Office 365 and Exchange connect – with guidelines
With the Mail and Calendar App in Windows 10, users can also connect accounts based on Office 365 and Exchange. For this, the settings are called into the apps. About Account Accounts Add are also the possibilities of access to professional mail server. The connection is via AutoDiscover. That is, users must enter your e-mail address, the name of the server and the connection is automatic. After the Office 365 account has been found, users still need to login with your password to Office 365.
But even if Auto Discovery was not configured correctly, Exchange and Office 365 can be linked. The link Advanced Setup you can enter all the details in this case. If, for example, for a custom Office 365 domain, the server can not be found, for example, helps to enter the server’s .
Have administrators on the Exchange Server or in 365 account defined guidelines Office, informed the Mail app in Windows 10 above. Users can then choose yourself whether you want to perform the connection and thus to transpose the Directives

Even policies from Exchange / Office 365 can be implemented with Windows 10 ( Screenshot:. Thomas Joos)
Unfortunately, the app does not support professional features such as item types, meeting requests and rules. Therefore, the Mail app is likely to be used by professionals only as an additional application
multimedia with Windows 10 -. Groove Music
To play music, you must have Windows 10 on the new tool Groove Music. This is the successor of Xbox Music. The Windows app automatically reads the music, which is located in the Music folder, but can also be synchronized with other devices and the cloud and the Windows Store. As with the media player also allows users to create custom playlists and manage your music collection in the surface, and at all devices with Windows 10. The app shows in terms of playable formats extremely generous. Neither put the Apple format m4a nor quality FLAC files with 24-bit resolution and 96 kHz sampling Groovemusic prior problems.

Groove Music is the music playback program in Windows 10 (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
Of course, the familiar Windows Media Player component in Windows is still 10. However, this does not allow for cloud and store connectivity as Groove Music. Groovemusic recognizes when users have shopped on other devices and music can download the corresponding albums automatically on the local device. In addition, settings, playlists and more can be synchronized via OneDrive. The Groove Music Pass users can stream music from the store. The service can be booked directly from Groovemusic out.

Groove Music Pass can play music on devices running Windows 10 stream (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
Groove Music can be used on all Windows 10 devices, the users have connected to your Microsoft account, and therefore between the different types of devices such as PC, Notebook , smartphone, tablet and Xbox
Movies & amp. TV Shows – Video streaming and live TV
The new app “Movies & amp; Television broadcasts “is not a substitute for the Media Center, but can only access streamed or locally stored videos and play them. Blu-rays or DVDs so you can not play, but MKV files. Advanced functions are only submitted by another app. How Groove Music can also “Movies & amp; “Access the Store and synchronize multimedia data as well as their settings OneDrive

With the new app “Movies & amp; TV shows, users can video with Windows 10 without additional applications Play (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
Microsoft Office for free in Windows 10 to use
Microsoft represents the Apps Word, Excel and PowerPoint as mobile versions for free from the App Store. However, users should not be confused with these apps to extended applications in Office 2013/2016

Word, Excel and PowerPoint Mobile can be free from the Windows App Store download (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
Word, Excel and PowerPoint Mobile can indeed read documents, but editing is limited. To edit the applications and documents, users need an Office 365 subscription. The free Office apps are suitable for little more than the reading of Office documents at different locations. The data exchange takes place via the Apps OneDrive. Microsoft sees the new apps as an additive solution for users with Office 2013/2016, not as a substitute for the office suite. Office 365 staff but can be tested free of charge through the Office 365 icon in Windows 10. After logging on to the trial and the Office Mobile apps are with editing functions are available. This trial is sufficient at least for an initial overview of
Navigation with Windows 10 -. Also be used offline
Users who want to use the maps in Windows 10 or the Navigation feature will benefit the newly launched maps app. This is based on the Here-service and is generally intuitive. The surface can be on Windows computers but also on tablets easy to use

The maps app allows navigation with Windows 10 laptops, tablets or smartphones (Screenshot: Thomas Joos)
The advantage of the new app is the ability to download the maps used for offline use.. This user will have the opportunity before the trip to be able to download all important data at home and using mobile. In this case, the GPS connection is only needed, but no longer a fast internet connection to download map.
The corresponding menu item can be found in the settings of the maps app, or via Settings System Offline Maps . Here any maps can be downloaded and delete again when they are no longer needed. For this purpose, click on the plus sign and select the region whose map you want to download.

In Windows 10 Load user on request any Offline maps for navigation function down ( Screenshot:. Thomas Joos)
In addition, can be made also configurations with respect to the updating of maps in the settings of offline maps. To save space, the cards can also be anytime from the device

In the settings for Offline Maps users can configure the update and monitor the download (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
To use the navigation in the maps app, of course, should also include the GPS location transmission are enabled. The settings are via Settings Privacy Position to find. Here can also be set, which can access the position data Windows apps. This navigation works with the maps app, the app has to be entered at this point.

The transfer of the position of the navigation on the maps app, users can targeted tax (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
Microsoft wifi App – With Windows 10 in hotspots dial
Microsoft provides with the new Wifi-App in Windows 10 the opportunity to dial an app to supported hotspots. With the app users can purchase through the Windows Store, a quota for the network access and build directly with the app also connects to the network. These users have to search the wireless connection only for compatible hotspots. If no Hotspots displayed is currently no such available. Payment is made so through the Microsoft account. Currently, Microsoft is still negotiating with various vendors to enable the widest possible use. Until the app is really useful, some time will pass away, but in general, the function is quite interesting, especially since the Hotspots are certified by Microsoft.

Windows 10 comes with a new app, which the connection to supported hotspots offers (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
smartphone and PC with Windows 10 use parallel
Connect your smartphone to your Windows user 10- computer starts the “companion phone”. It is a Windows app with which can be data and settings between smartphone and PC to exchange.

Windows 10 for Mobile and Windows 10 to work optimally together and allow data exchange without additional software (Screenshot: Thomas Joos).
In order for the device to exchange data, no additional applications or updates are necessary. About the app can be after you install the Messenger app also messages from PC via the smartphone ship.
Getting Started with Windows 10 and playing with the new operating system
Microsoft, the new app “Getting Started” especially for transfer passengers on Windows 10 all the new features as well as tips on how to deal with those apps are available in the Windows apps. Users should look at the possibilities, because here are explained all relevant new apps. In addition, Microsoft has extended the solitaire card games and also transferred to a Windows app format. In the settings to allow the games to adapt to their own needs. Microsoft Solitaire Collection is after installing Windows 10 automatically available.
New calculator with more features
Many users use the calculator in Windows for fast calculations , So far, this has made quite fast start by entering calc.exe . Windows 10 comes with a new calculator, which is optimized for smartphones and tablets. While such also start calc.exe , but the new computers for fast arithmetic problems many users can be overloaded. Who wants to do advanced computing tasks, can change over the three dashes in the top left between different views back and forth. Users who can not make friends with the computer have, the opportunities to replace those against his predecessor of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. On the side of Deskmodder the procedure is explained. Since this operation system files are replaced, only experienced users should make the exchange

The calculator in Windows 10 provides a new user interface (screenshot: Thomas Joos .)
[With material by Thomas Joos,]
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