The agreement stands between donors and Greece. A majority of Greek MPs approved in two votes austerity and reform requirements of euro area countries. However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras loses the support of his party. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Since Monday, the banks reopened
- Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms
The facts: The agreement between donors and Greece stands. Banks are open again after three weeks. The government in Athens has started the repayment of 6.25 billion euros to the European Central Bank. On the night of Thursday, the Greek parliament approved the second reform package and thus taken the most important hurdle for a third bailout package. Now to go to Athens the Troika.
Should Germany Greece continue to help?
Troika loosens savings targets for Greece
16.53 Clock: The quartet expanded troika apparently wants to relax the austerity measures for Greece. As the "Mirror" reported, ECB, European Commission, IMF and the European Stability Mechanism ESM were agreed that Greece's budget targets could not be reached anyway. Debt is therefore the weak economy.
As the magazine reported, was not to be expected that Greece, as requested, this year achieved a primary surplus of one percent of gross domestic product. In the coming years the budget surplus before interest should therefore be lower than required. Next year will the Troika therefore an increase of one percent accept instead of the previously planned two percent
Athens trembles. "The IMF is the most difficult and toughest negotiators"
14:58 Clock: Contrary to previous announcements from Athens travels the Troika but not today to Athens. A spokeswoman for the European Commission said in Brussels: "We expect that the institutions, including the (bailout) ESM, in the coming days to Athens travel."
ambiguities there are mainly still in relation to the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the negotiations. The Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili told the Greek radio station Vima FM: "The IMF is the most difficult and toughest negotiators."
Bundesbank board: Greek risks may not be redistributed in Germany
10.32 Clock: The Bundesbank board member and German representative in the Banking Supervision Committee of the European Central Bank (ECB ), Andreas Dombret, the situation of Greek banks looks critical. "In the current situation can be for various reasons very well doubts about the solvency of Greek banks have" Dombret said in an interview with the news magazine Focus . Here he contradicts those indirectly the head of the ECB Banking Supervision, Danièle Nouy, who had recently declared Greece's banks are solvent.
Dombret admonishes in the Focus -Gespräch to rush in stabilization of the Greek banks to be recapitalized with up to 25 billion euros. "About how this recapitalization, the European Banking Authority thinks now after intensive. In my view, this is an important step that should be done quickly. "
Even after the planned capital assistance for banks looks Dombret the financial sector in Greece face major upheavals. ". It is in fact the question of whether all four major Greek banks have long-term viable" for possible losses of Greek savers but should step in any other euro-zone countries: "The rapid creation of a common deposit insurance in the euro area, I think not fit , "said the Federal Banker. "It must not happen that are national risks redistributed in this way . As long as we have no common fiscal policy in the euro area, there should be no joint liability for the protection of bank deposits "
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Chief of the Security Conference: Greece aid is an investment in Europe's security
Friday, 24 July, 01.40 Clock: The planned new aid program for Greece is the Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger's view, an investment in the European security. "I would have been very concerned if a forced resignation would have led out of the euro means that we would have had a permanently sullen and perhaps even vengeful EU partners with Greece," he told the "Berliner Zeitung" (Friday). "An unstable and debased Greece would be an extremely dangerous signal been for the stability of the entire region."
South-East Europe continues to need massive European funding. "To put it bluntly: We can not afford that arise in the Balkans conflicts," Ischinger said. This included that the region is surrounded by the EU - ". And that's just in the south of Greece" Indirectly exercised Ischinger criticizing the German role in the Greek crisis. "Successful leadership requires generosity," he told the newspaper. "That does not mean that we should squander German taxpayers' money. But our self-image should be that of a generous and charitable leadership. That can not be overnight."
funder delegation for talks in Athens awaits
19.03 Clock: Representatives of international lenders of Greece are expected on Friday for talks on financial aid to Athens. Greek government sources expect "swift negotiations" on a third aid program in the amount of up to 86 billion euros. As a target for an agreement August 12th was called.
Review:. After the endorsement of two reform and austerity measures through parliament, the Greek government is preparing to negotiations on new financial assistance before. The experts of the donors were expected on Friday in Athens, reported the well-informed, as a rule Athens News Portal "" and two Greek newspapers on Thursday.
The current troika of EU, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) will this reinforced by a representative of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to a quartet. Athens had submitted an application for assistance ESM few days ago. We're talking about an aid program of up to 86 billion euros for the next three years.
Video: Tsipras brings second reform package through parliament
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