The Greek Government has according to official figures requested new aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This emerges from a report published on Friday writing Finance Euclid Tsakalotos at IMF chief Christine Lagarde. It states: “We wish to inform you that we ask for a new loan.” It is another important step towards the opening of negotiations on new long-term financial support for the country.
The Greek Government has repeatedly expressed reservations on the participation of the IMF in future assistance. In the recent Euro-special summit middle of the month, the Greek government had been trying not to involve the IMF at a third rescue package. This plan failed, however.Also, a number of other tough reform and austerity measures in return for new aid money in the tens of billions of scope had to Athens at the end of the negotiations in Brussels to accept. Only in the night of Thursday, parliament adopted a second package of measures. It belongs to the required by the funders preconditions for a third loan program of 86 billion euros.
start of the talks in time unclear
The “Handelsblatt” reported, Relying on the environment of the institutions, the government in Athens had the IMF merely invited to negotiate on the new rescue program. The utility of the IMF runs until March 2016. According to the resolution of the Euro Summit of mid-July, the country also has to apply for assistance but beyond the Monetary Fund.
After the endorsement of two reform and austerity measures through parliament prepares the Greek Government before the negotiation of new grants. When the talks will begin exactly is still unclear. A spokeswoman for the European Commission said in Brussels: “We expect that the institutions, including the (bailout) ESM, in the coming days to Athens to travel.”
banks on its way to normality
The aim is to Athens government information to end the talks until 12 August. Then would not the Euro Group and the parliaments of several euro states agree. The Greek parliament will approve also the possible
The Greek banks are meanwhile back slowly on the road to normality. The force since the end of June capital controls in Greece of the company country loosened. In future would need companies with transfers abroad until 100,000 instead of 50,000 euros authorized by the competent government commission, said central bank governor Yannis Stournaras after a meeting of central bank representatives with employers and representatives of the Ministry of Finance.
Athens Stock Exchange will be back soon Open
Stournaras presented at the same time the situation of the company as undramatic. The level of financial transfers lie abroad since the introduction of capital controls in late June “very close” to the normal level. The Greek company will see the conditions, however, very critical. They warn of shortage of goods, if they can not replenish their inventories in time.
After a month-long closure and the reopening of the Athens Stock Exchange is prepared. A spokesman for the operator said on Friday a proposal was sent to the European Central Bank to question the monetary authorities for their views. The decision lies with the Finance Ministry in Athens.
According to the plans, foreign investors could sell their shares and withdraw their money from the Euro-State, while this would remain closed because of the restrictions on capital movements domestic investors. Should the government decide quickly, could be traded with shares on Monday in Athens again. Because of the dramatic escalation of the debt crisis, the stock market has been closed since 29 June.

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