Sunday, July 26, 2015

Greece: Grexit Plan of Syriza and coup rumors irritate Athens – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Plante, the Greek government a monetary coup? This suggests at least close to a report by the Athens Sunday newspaper “Kathimerini”. Accordingly deliberate members of the Greek ruling party Syriza, to hack the data systems of the tax authorities to establish a parallel banking system. That should make the return to the drachma possible – by pressing a button.

The details should have spread on July 16 before a group of analysts former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. The newspaper “Kathimerini” will have come to a transcript of the conversation. The information can be difficult to classify from outside, the sheet is viewed as being reputable.

Over the weekend had been reported in other media about the alleged plans. SPIEGEL ONLINE had reported eleven days ago about a similar Grexit plan the Greek government.

“Kathimerini” According to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras have his party colleagues Varoufakis commissioned in December 2014, the secret plan for a possible Grexit , Significantly involved accordingly was also the now ousted Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis. In an interview with “Real News Daily” Lafazanis said they had to take money from the Greek central bank and therefore want to continue to pay pensions to citizens, if Greece would have been forced out of the euro.

The rumors that they had the head of the Bank, Yannis Stouranaras want to arrest, if necessary, if this would have opposed, on the other hand were chimeras Lafazanis said. One Greek news agency over he called the speculation about an arrest as a mixture of “lies, fantasy, fear mongering, speculation and anti-communism”.

Parallel banking system

It is further stated in the reports that Varoufakis wanted instruct an old acquaintance with the hacking of the control data. The troika had therefore had the sole access to this data – ie the Greeks wanted to again obtain the sovereignty over it. According to the secret plan the passwords of online tax accounts should be copied and replaced by new ones, with which the Greek citizens direct financial transactions with the state could handle.

“That would have built a parallel banking system, which would have given us a respite after the ECB, the banks closed” is Varoufakis of “Kathimerini” cited. The currency would have been relatively easy to switch in the parallel system of euro to the drachma. Tsipras but denied him the green light for the plan.

First, the ex-minister had not officially commented on the reports.

However, in the round with analysts, he reportedly said that he would deny everything, the contents should somehow come to the public. Later on Sunday he told the British “Telegraph” that the quotes are correct itself, but would represented twisted in some reports in the Greek press. The reports it could look like this, so if he had planned from the start a return to the drachma.

About Twitter wrote Varoufakis also: “So I was about to chop the control data of the Greek citizen I am impressed with the imagination of my detractors?.”

Irritated by the reports shows the Greek opposition. The center-right New Democracy party has requested an opinion from the government together with the liberal Centre Party and the socialist Pasok To Potami. “The revelations throw great political, economic and moral issues to the government and must be carefully examined,” it says in a statement. “Is it true that an extra used group of Finance has been working on a ‘Plan B’? Is it true that you wanted to build a parallel banking system, by she wanted to hack the control numbers of the citizens?”

A denial came from Vice-Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas. He said the station Skai television: “I have repeatedly said that there has never been such discussions within the government.”

start negotiations this week

On this Monday to begin the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors on new grants. Representatives of EU, European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the euro rescue fund ESM would arrive in Athens on Monday, then there would be immediate talks, said a spokesman for the EU Commission. But others reportedly the negotiations could also begin until Tuesday.

The Athens Stock Exchange remains According to insiders also closed on Monday. Perhaps the trade can be resumed on Tuesday, said a representative of the stock market operator, who asked not to be named. Trading on the stock exchange in Athens has since 29 June silent when the Greek government closed the banks and has capital controls put in place to prevent a flight of capital and a collapse of the Greek financial system.


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