- The Greek parliament also adopted a second package with reforms that demanded the financiers of the country.
- Many MPs the ruling party Syriza refuse Premier Tsipras but their agreement to the reforms.
- new elections look increasingly likely. They could even have positive consequences for Tsipras.
Sleeping allowed Alexis Tsipras this Thursday probably will not – on the other hand is easier to sit back already. After hours, heated debate agreed Greece’s Parliament at four clock in the morning on local time via a second set of reforms. The vast majority of parliamentarians voted ‘yes’.
The vote is not surprising that the consent of the opposition parties was considered safe. Quite different it looked to many of Tsipras’ party friends. Dozens of members of Syriza Group had their Premier denied already last week in a vote the following. Had the night to Thursday now even more party members voted “no”, Tsipras would possibly no longer prime minister.
Greek Parliament way for a new aid package
The Greek parliament has approved another reform program. This clears the way for negotiations on a third aid package is free.
(Video: Reuters , Photo: Bloomberg)Success? At least a little
But Tsipras’ tireless courting the support of Syriza MPs was successful. At least a little. Although the government coalition Syriza and Anel missed its own majority for the reform package. There have, however, where only 36 dissenters, reported the Greek state television, 31 votes against and five abstentions. The week before, a total of 38 still Syriza politicians had denied the course of their prime minister. Then Tsipras had dismissed some dissenters in a reshuffle
The 126 advocates are in his government coalition for the Premier so at least a small success. Greece Constitution lists 120 MPs as the lower limit for a minority government. Syriza Group spokesman Nikos Filis had therefore already warned before the recent vote: “If we do not get at least 120 votes on Wednesday, we will not be able to continue governing.”
Greece Alexis the reluctant
The Greek Premier reformed just as much as he has to give. Tsipras believes in a different policy when he operates at the moment – that makes elections without alternative.
This is in the second reform package
About what had to vote Greece’s Parliament? On the table lay a second set of reforms who wanted to see the European donors before new loans necessarily adopted.
On the one hand it was about the implementation of the
Secondly, the Parliament adopted a comprehensive judicial reform. Civil proceedings to be completed more quickly. The law also includes that foreclosures are easier when debtors unable to pay their loans. Tsipras restricted before the vote, however, one that his government would never allow that banks seize the primary residence of citizens.
Federal Ministry of Finance to Greece Why Piketty and Co. are wrong
The top international economists who criticize the Greek policy of Chancellor Merkel, mistaking the true extent of solidarity in Europe.
What is it now?
With the “yes” of the Parliament in Athens the next reform the conditions for negotiations between Greece and the euro bailout fund ESM are now fulfilled. Already on Friday to begin the talks. By mid-August to reach an agreement are.
Dramatically the situation might meanwhile be in the Greek government. It is likely to pass heated arguments over the controversial reforms. Without government majority to implement the laws could also be difficult. Observers believe a split of the Syriza party in a warehouse to Tsipras and a group dissenters to the ultra-left ex-Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis possible – and thus early elections on Tsipras’ instigation in autumn. Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis also brought into play new elections for September or October.
The main opposition parties warned Tsipras before elections and their consequences. There are good reasons: The Premier is shiny with voters there. At elections he may even hope for an absolute majority, according to a survey. In one in the leftist newspaper Efimerida tone Syntaknon published survey Syriza comes to 42.5 percent, to just under six per cent more than in the election in January.
Tsipras and his somersault
This increase his popularity is in contrast to the stark turnaround that Tsipras has taken place in recent weeks. “Kolotumba” somersault, the Greeks call such a pivot of a politician. After all, an overwhelming majority of Greeks had voted in the referendum on the austerity demands of the creditors ‘no’. Just one week later the other hand, Tsipras bowed to pressure from the donors in Brussels and signed the very far-reaching austerity agreement. This paper, which he himself stated publicly for not effective, it must now implement in order to get a third loan package from the ESM.
So should not only within Syriza, but also on the streets of Greece, the rage in the coming weeks to increase further. If Tsipras So actually want new elections, then he would be well advised, given his current popularity ratings to schedule the election as early as possible.
Your Forum Tsipras is still as credible?
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras believes in a different policy when he operates at the moment. Can thus be implemented at all reforms necessary extent? More and more are new elections as a consequence of the dilemma in the room.

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