Sunday, July 26, 2015

Greece: negotiations with financiers delayed – THE WORLD

After several unscheduled delays due to start talks on a third aid program for Greece on Tuesday at expert level. Should at the latest on Thursday then the chief negotiator for the international donors should come across as Saturday night was reported from the Ministry of Finance in Athens.

Originally the talks were in the Greek capital already on Friday and then start again this Monday. For the delay were alone “technical reasons” in charge, “no political or diplomatic,” it said in Athens.

take According to Athens for the EU Commission Declan Costello, in part for the IMF Delia Velculescu, for the ECB Rasmus Rüffer and Nicola Giammarioli from ESM in the talks in Athens. The unpopular in Greece creditors “troika” was more than a year no longer in the country.

Officials Athens urges Although a rapid start of the negotiations about new grants. According to information from the “world” wants the Greek government to accommodate the experts involved in the negotiations institutions for safety reasons in a hotel about three quarters of an hour outside Athens – however rejected the off, because they saw it as a limitation of the direct contact with the ministries in Athens .

Photo: AFP Serving the ECB: Rasmus Rüffer

For the verge of state bankruptcy Greece time is pressing: In the Negotiations on the third aid package it comes to up to 86 billion euros for the crisis country. They are to be completed by mid-August, because then Greece needs new money. The package will be decided on August 20 in parliament. Prepared is now also the reopening of the Athens Stock Exchange, which was closed the entire month of July.

The negotiations leading EU, European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the so-called Troika. Also present employees of the European rescue fund ESM. Prerequisite for the start of negotiations was the adoption of two reform packages by the Greek Parliament.

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