Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bahn: Monopolies Commission calls busting – SPIEGEL ONLINE

More than 20 years after the railway reform criticized the Monopolies Commission lack of competition in the German rail market. In a special report criticizing the competition experts that the German Railways continue controlling the majority of the rail. Network and Transport division are again separated and the logistics and rail freight business to be privatized, urges the Panel.

This ultimately remain the passenger continues in the hands of state-owned railway, the railway network befände contrast, state-owned. The proposals of the Monopolies Commission, which has long been criticized shortcomings in the competition, are contrary to the plans of Deutsche Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube, aiming at a closer integration of individual areas in the course of a corporate restructuring.

The Monopolies Commission is an independent advisory body that advises the federal government and the legislature in terms of competition policy and law and regulation. In the presented to the

federal government Opinion “Bahn 2015: Competition policy from the track?” it says among other, only with a complete separation of infrastructure and transport divisions of the integrated group German Rail could be “effective and undistorted competition develop in the rail sector”.

In a first step, the Commission proposes to outsource the transport and logistics provider DB Schenker Logistics and DB Schenker Rail global privatization. “From a functioning competition, the majority of citizens would benefit,” says Daniel Zimmer, Chairman of the Monopolies Commission, and director of the Institute for Commercial and Business Law at the University of Bonn.


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