Switzerland has around eight million inhabitants. Almost as many young people find in Europe neither employment nor are in training. At this alarming result, the study is “Youth Unemployment in Europe”, which has created on behalf of the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Centre for European Economic Research ZEW. More than half of young Spaniards remained in 2012 without an apprenticeship or job. The same applies to Greece.
Ingrid Hamm, Executive Director of the Foundation, is the alarming numbers. “It produced something of a lost generation and the experts know that those scars in the early career last long and a lot to show to the people later aftermath.” Many people who are unemployed in their youth would no longer gain a foothold. “There is such a thing as a social risk position from which they do not find out.”
cause lies in the structure
For the high youth unemployment, there are many reasons, which can be found not only in the economic crisis. “Youth unemployment is not new, but a structural problem. That was ten years ago already,” says ZEW labor market expert Holger Bonin.

transfer the study to Secretary Sontowski (2nd from right)
Countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal were always affected. According to the study subject the causes in high school drop-rates, in an education system that does not rely on the requirements of the labor market and in too many conflicts between employers and trade unions.
to make the scientists in the education systems high deficits. example, expenditure on the school system were in Italy since 1995 no longer increased while this is happening in all other European countries. In Spain everyone leaves fifth teens school without a degree. On the other hand, the Akademisierungsrate very high. Every second passed the education system with an academic degree.
academics taxi ride
entrants lacked qualifications, thereby increasing the risk of unemployment. “These educational systems are operating remotely, they go past the actual needs of the company and this is a big risk,” says Bonin. “But you produce graduates who ultimately no jobs for graduates.” In the best case, would lead to a unterwertigen employment, but it also have consequences “if the academics have to drive taxi.”
The scientists also criticize labor market regulations by which it in many southern European countries to a division of the labor market come was. While permanent employees benefit from strong employment protection legislation, professionals are employed often only temporary. The latter therefore suffer most from economic fluctuations. The boys had in the last few years as a “buffer” functions during the recession job losses, the study authors write.
Operational training for German model
In Spain , Italy and Portugal have had more than half of the economically active under-25s in 2012 only one fixed-term contract. Of the more than 40-year-olds it was therefore not even one in five. While in Spain already grab the first measures for easing of employment protection, are not so far succeeded comparable steps in Italy and Portugal, warn the experts.
In Spain now also centers for dual training in vocational schools and businesses are built. Modeled on the German system. Rainer Sontowski, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economics sees Germany in the obligation to stand its European neighbors in implementing labor market reforms “advice” to the side. “Even if we are doing relatively well, the problems in other European countries must not get cold.”
Sontowski warns, however, not to overestimate the possibilities for political action. “Politics should not shrug off the responsibility, but social market economy also means that policy and social partners make every effort to get to reducing youth unemployment.” Also German companies would do more for the education of young people in Southern Europe. The automotive supplier Bosch plans to offer this year, 100 additional apprenticeships for young people from southern Europe, of which 50 applicants from Spain.
EU Youth Guarantee does not apply
But scientists also call for more movement in the unions. A good company training since expensive, says ZEW labor expert Bonin. In Germany youthful trainees would pay part of the costs by they took during their apprenticeship low wages in purchasing. Of the German trade unions, this system will supported. In Southern European countries, there is great resistance to accept low starting salaries.
Less success promise, scientists from the attempts of the European Commission to tackle youth unemployment in Southern Europe with the so-called Youth Guarantee. The concept is that every young person under 25 after four months of unsuccessful search is to get a job, apprenticeship or traineeship. This are 21 billion euros planned.
The warranty is a very demanding instrument, explains ZEW labor expert Bonin. “So that the acts must be very accurately approach the individual young person, you need structures in the administration, which can accurately control. Precisely what but it falls short in the Southern European countries.”
called European Job Fair
job-creation measures and public training courses are also experience shows no strong bridge into the labor market, warns ZEW President Clemens Fuest. “Countries should focus on targeted instruments such as the Post-qualification of young people without qualification.” In addition, the quality of vocational guidance and job placement needs to be improved.
In the short term I’m now sure to inform young people about better employment opportunities abroad, to motivate them and to assist with the first steps. The legal requirements for occupational mobility within the EU were created. But still there are many practical barriers such as lack of language skills that prevent young people from proceeding with a job abroad, according to the experts of the ZEW. Holger Bonin also calls for better information facilities within the EU. “We still do not have a transparent European job market, no job placement, since even if we go to great lengths and living in the Internet age. This does not work yet.”

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