Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Collective dispute at Lufthansa pilots and management will negotiate again – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Collective dispute at Lufthansa pilots and management will negotiate again – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



                          yet ready to negotiate, but in principle also ready to strike: The pilots of Lufthansa


In the labor dispute between Lufthansa pilots and the company there should be a new trial date on Thursday after the unions. This is clear from a statement of Vereinigung Cockpit of Tuesday evening in Frankfurt. It states: “The VC expected for next Thursday, the 8/28/2014 scheduled negotiations that the Lufthansa management revised its requirements and finally embarks on a serious and honest solution course.”


Until then, was initially unclear whether and when the pilots turn their strike notice in the conflict over the early retirement into action. The Communication puts it simply: “Until an agreement, the VC holds the plans for industrial action upright. We regret any inconvenience to the customers of Lufthansa. “


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A Lufthansa spokeswoman confirmed the appointment. “On Thursday calls are recorded to talk about the further process of the negotiation process,” she said. The Lufthansa pleased by the positive reaction of the cockpit and the fact that the acute strike threat no longer exists. This interpretation contradicted Cockpit spokesman Jörg Handwerg however. “We want an agreement,” said the Handwerg dpa. However, strikes are not ruled on Thursday when they were announced well in advance.


Lufthansa personnel director Bettina Volkens had the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC), called the day before to return to the negotiating table and announced a letter to the pilots’ union. About the content initially was not known. Extensive changes to the existing Lufthansa offer but were unlikely.


If strike, then limited strikes

Previously, the Lufthansa pilot had announced that they are planning only limited strikes in the event of a strike. “It will not be compulsory so that we paralyze three days like the last strike in April, Lufthansa,” a spokesman for the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit said on Tuesday. The walkout was relatively easy to deal with for the airline because

the flight operations for the period was easily stopped. Instead, considering the cockpit now, in the short term at individual locations – for example, for several hours – to abstain. This means that the disruption to air travelers could be reduced. “We do not want to meet the customers, but the Lufthansa.”


For passengers whose flight is delayed taking to provide alternatives, the pilots’ union will vote to strike timing with the railway unions, are also planning walkouts, said the cockpit speaker. “We do not want to cripple Germany.” The Railway and Transport union (ECG) and the train drivers’ union GDL require the railway wage increases. If the demands are not met, could there soon be on strike.


Plan B Lufthansa

But even if the pilots go on strike only at individual airports such as Frankfurt or Munich, could have far-reaching consequences and jeopardize the tightly scheduled flight plan. And although the beginning of the strike is still unclear, the Lufthansa prepares for all eventualities. In order to maintain air operations, the Lufthansa could go as high capacities at subsidiaries or send their own manager with a pilot’s license in the cockpit, said a group spokesperson. The demand for pilots is large: Daily start worldwide in 1600 flyer with the crane logo


In April, the pilots had demonstrated their power and stopped work for three days – a total of 425,000 Lufthansa passengers were affected. Because of the largest strikes in the history of the crane airline underlined then 3800 flights. The decrease in profits for the Frankfurt Group amounted to 60 million euros. The pilots’ union insists on more money and especially the maintenance of internal early retirement. The Lufthansa holds the claims in view of the fierce competition between airlines for not affordable.


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wage dispute at Lufthansa

pilots and management will negotiate


On Thursday, the pilots’ union Cockpit and Lufthansa want to put back to the negotiating table to agree on wage dispute . The pilots call for “a serious and honest solution price”.

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New trial date at Lufthansa: Set cockpit and the … – ABC Online

New trial date at Lufthansa: Set cockpit and the … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 08.26.2014, 19:22
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The unions of Lufthansa and path planning strikes that could put all of Germany lame at worst. However the pilot association “Cockpit” appeased “We do not want to take the customers, but the Lufthansa.” Now new negotiations are scheduled

The Lufthansa pilots. plan in the event of a strike this time only limited strikes. “It will not be compulsory so that we paralyze three days like the last strike in April, Lufthansa,” a spokesman for the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit said on Tuesday. The walkout was relatively easy to deal with for the airline because the flight operations for the period was easily stopped. Instead, considering the cockpit now, in the short term at individual locations – for example, for several hours – to abstain. This means that the disruption to air travelers could be reduced. “We do not want to meet the customers, but the Lufthansa.”

passengers whose flight is delayed taking to provide alternatives, the pilots’ union will vote to strike timing with the railway unions, are also planning walkouts, said the cockpit speaker. “We do not want to cripple Germany.” The Railway and Transport union (ECG) and the train drivers’ union GDL require the railway wage increases. If the demands are not met,

Lufthansa manager with a pilot’s license in the cockpit

could be on strike there soon.

But even if the pilots work only at individual airports such as Frankfurt or Munich resign, could have far-reaching consequences and jeopardize the tightly scheduled flight plan. And although the beginning of the strike is still unclear, Lufthansa is preparing for all eventualities. In order to maintain air operations, the Lufthansa could go as high capacities at subsidiaries or send their own manager with a pilot’s license in the cockpit, said a group

spokesperson. The demand for pilots is large: Daily Start 1600 flyer world with the crane logo

In April, the pilots had demonstrated their power and stopped work for three days – a total of 425,000 Lufthansa passengers were affected.. Because of the largest strikes in the history of the airline stressed then 3800 flights. The decrease in profits for the Frankfurt Group amounted to 60 million euros. The pilots’ union insists on more money and especially the maintenance of internal early retirement. The Lufthansa holds the claims in view of the fierce competition between airlines for not affordable.

Lufthansa and cockpit renegotiate

Given the threat of strikes at Lufthansa and train call especially employers under laws to curtail the power of the craft unions. The Federal Government is currently working on an advance. Under the heading of bargaining unit shall contain the proviso that in one company alone, the union with the most members may negotiate collective agreements. “At Lufthansa that would be the major trade union Verdi,” said Daniel Schultheis, Tarifrechtler at the law firm Simmons & amp; Simmons. All other trade unions in Group would hold still for a collective bargaining agreement by the majority union. However,

workers have a so-called freedom – that is the right to join together to improve working conditions. “The legal problem is that not only large employee representatives have the fundamental right of freedom of association, but also small unions.”

As it turned out in the evening, there is still hope, a strike by Lufthansa pilots still turn to can: After the unions, there should be a new trial date on Thursday. The pilots’ union Cockpit expect for these negotiations that the Lufthansa management “in a sincere and honest solution price” einschwenke, shared cockpit in Frankfurt with

Video:. Yet this week could be strike


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Wiedeking: Ex-head of Porsche must answer in court – Spiegel Online

Wiedeking: Ex-head of Porsche must answer in court – Spiegel Online

Stuttgart – The failed takeover of Volkswagen Group, Porsche will by now nevertheless be legally challenged. The first Criminal Division of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (OLG) has approved the indictment against former Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking and his former CFO Holger Haerter for trial, told the court.

The judges made accordingly “a variety of evidence “, which could speak for or against Wiedeking and hardener. The main method was to take place before the 13th Business Criminal Court.

The judge lifted so that a decision of the Stuttgart District Court in April, which had rejected the opening of main proceedings. The Stuttgart prosecutor had filed in May against the decision of the district court.

Up to five years in prison

The managers were notified through their lawyers that they were “confident that prove the allegations in the trial as without exception unwarranted be “. If convicted, they could face a fine or even up to five years in prison.

The prosecutor had the two former directors Wiedeking and hardener indicted after lengthy investigations in December 2012 because of “information-based market manipulation”. They are accused of having made multiple false statements in 2008 about their plans for VW takeover between spring and autumn.

Until October 2008′ve Porsche, so the

accusation, always denied, 75 percent of VW ordinary shares  chart show purchase /. In fact, this plan had been followed but already secretly. This had affected the market price of Volkswagen ordinary shares and investors led to the sale of shares and short sales.

Damages actions of hedge funds and other investors have the district courts Braunschweig and Stuttgart already dismissed in part. Other civil proceedings are still ongoing. The former Porsche Chief Financial Officer hardener was sentenced to a fine of 630,000 euros already due to credit fraud.

Since February 2013, the Public Prosecutor is investigating several members of Porsche SE, including the Porsche’s major shareholders Ferdinand Piech and Wolfgang Porsche, aiding and abetting market manipulation. Whether charges are brought here, depends on the outcome of the proceedings against hardener and Wiedeking.

Wiedeking building five years after the failed takeover of Volkswagen, meanwhile, an Italian restaurant chain. But the previous guests are not exactly thrilled by the Gastro-temples of the former Porsche boss.


Ex-Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking has to court – RP ONLINE

Ex-Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking has to court – RP ONLINE

| 11.37 clock

Ex-Porsche CEO

Wendelin Wiedeking has in court

Wiedeking’s emotional farewell to Porsche PHOTO: AP

Stuttgart. The former Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking has to stand trial on suspicion of market manipulation. This was announced by the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court on Tuesday

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There, the prosecution had filed an appeal against the decision of the District Court to dismiss the opening of main proceedings. Then sitting together with Wiedeking also the former CFO Holger Haerter on the dock.

The prosecution had accused of market manipulation against the Manager charged because they do not sufficiently the financial market from the perspective of authority between 2007 and 2009 on Porsche’s entry informed at Volkswagen

The managers reject the allegations

Source:.. dpa

Computer – Internet: Amazon buys video site Twitch for about one billion … – Süddeutsche.de

Computer – Internet: Amazon buys video site Twitch for about one billion … – Süddeutsche.de

San Francisco (dpa) – With this deal, it’s about the future of television and the attention of young Internet users. Amazon sets up for about a billion dollars a video site for gamers.

The online retailer Amazon buys for about a billion dollars a video site Twitch, can publish to the gamers live recordings from the gameplay . Amazon reinforcing its games business and is a bit more a competitor for Google. Twitch came last to around 55 million users, of which placed a million videos on the net. The purchase price lies at around 970 million dollars (735 million euros) in cash, Amazon announced on Monday. As a likely buyer had previously been traded since May Google.

The Internet giant with its powerful video platform YouTube was but worried because of possible problems with competition watchdogs, told the magazine “Forbes”, citing informed people. The service industry, “The Information”, however, wrote that there had been differences especially about the future as part of Google. Twitch investments in the order of tens of millions of dollars from Google executives as Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette would have to approve it said. The deal with the Internet giant was indeed already negotiated in principle, the gamer site but I have doubts as to whether they are under the umbrella of Google and YouTube could continue to develop dynamically.

Twitch Boss Emmett Shear stressed now, under the wing of Amazon will remain independent video site. “We chose Amazon because they believe in our user community,

share our values ​​and long-term vision and want to help us get there faster.”

The “Wall Street Journal” had on Monday just hours before confirmation of the deal with Amazon at a price of more than a billion dollars called. In “The Information” it was said that Google wanted to pay about a billion dollars. Twitch was considered in the industry as a good addition to YouTube, where there are also many live streaming channels.

Twitch was started three years ago rather than niche service. The service won but quickly popularity especially among young Internet users. You spend more and more time online video instead of television sets before.

Amazon is with the purchase of an extra competitor to Google. According to media reports, the online retailer will soon also start its own system for selling advertising space on the Internet. Amazon also has a private business with online games based on the Android operating system. The set-top box Fire TV also when it does not reach the function of a games console, the graphics performance of larger rivals such as Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s Xbox.

Twitch site

Amazon Release

Communication of Twitch leaders

report by Forbes

The information about the deal with Google

issued on 26.08.2014 at 13:29 clock


Trial of top bankers: Bayern LB directors come almost unscathed … – Daily Mirror

Trial of top bankers: Bayern LB directors come almost unscathed … – Daily Mirror

11:06 clock

products when purchasing the Austrian bank Hypo Alpe Adria embezzlement and bribery in the game? The court says no. This would be particularly Michael Kemmer – the chief lobbyist for the private banks would not have been met in a conviction.

The German bank chief lobbyist Michael Kemmer and three other former executives of the BayernLB leave the infidelity trial in Munich as innocent. The district court placed the criminal proceedings against four of the six defendants on Tuesday against money requirements. The accusation of infidelity on the purchase of the Austrian bank Hypo Alpe Adria has not been confirmed at them, said the presiding judge Joachim Eckert. Also, a corruption of the Carinthian Government, Jörg Haider in connection with the purchase have the prosecution can not prove the fours. The acquisition of Hypo Alpe Adria in 2007 had become the BayernLB to one billion disaster.

Kemmer said after the court decision, he would again “with full force and full of energy,” his dedicate office as chief executive of the private bank association BdB. Although the acquisition of Klagenfurt Bank have proven to be bad business decision, he was still convinced that he had at that time conscientiously fulfilled his duties as BayernLB Board. He had now decided for practical reasons for preferring to accept the money circulation of 20,000 euros for the state treasury, as the process continued until the hoped-for acquittal. “I would have been tied up many days in Munich courtroom.” Kemmer was the only one of the six accused, who still works

in a prominent position.

the BdB was found after adjustment of the criminal proceedings against its chief executive relieved. “The Association was convinced from the beginning of it, that the allegations prove to be unfounded. The court has now confirmed that Michael Kemmer has not committed a criminal offense, “said the association.

to sit on the dock of the former BayernLB CEO Werner Schmidt and his former board colleague Rudolf Hanisch . They are still accused of infidelity and corruption. They have also rejected the allegations as the now out of the courtroom dismissed. Could walk with Kemmer the former BayernLB Boards Theodor Harnischmacher, Ralph Schmidt and Stefan Ropers. They accepted money runs 5000-15000 euros. Roper said he wanted to finally end the process, even if he “does not accept the allegations in the approach.” Ralph Schmidt could be explained by his counsel, the process meant for him virtually a prohibition.
The prosecution had since the days of the expected adjustment agreed, after she had backed out on Monday. Reuters had reported on last Wednesday of the circles involved in the process that moved near a setting for four defendants to Kemmer.

The prosecution had accused the six defendants, they had the Hypo Alpe Adria 2007 blindly bought and thereby misappropriated money.
Hypo turned out in the financial crisis ailing and has been for the Landesbank and the Free State of Bavaria to the billion-grave. But the prosecutors found it difficult in the ongoing criminal trial for six months, to present evidence of infidelity and bribery. Reuters


Control leap Canada: Warren Buffett jumps at Burger King – n-tv.de NEWS

Control leap Canada: Warren Buffett jumps at Burger King – n-tv.de NEWS


 Tuesday, August 26, 2014


 Ironically, Buffett: The great patriot with the preference for US-established company to assist in a delicate operation Burger King supposedly. The fast-food chain wants to sell to Canada – and so the high taxes in their home market escape


The American billionaire and major investor Warren Buffett wants to engage with the relocation of corporate headquarters to the tax-favorable abroad under the arms Burger King, according to a newspaper report. The after Bill Gates is currently the second richest man in the United States should play a crucial role in the planned for this purpose the acquisition of the Canadian coffee and donut chain Tim Hortons, told the “Wall Street Journal”, citing inaugurated circles.

Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway is therefore expected to finance about 10 billion dollars (7.6 billion euros) heavy Deal to 25 percent. Buffett, who relies heavily with its investment decisions on American traditional company would so fall in the middle of the public debate about US corporations, fleeing the comparatively high corporate taxes in the United States.

At the federal level, claims the public Hand in the United States about 35 percent of income, including local taxes, there are on average almost 40 percent. Against this background, more and more companies are looking for opportunities, the high tax burden to push through more or less creative decisions. In recent years, Buffett made repeatedly with philanthropic donations attention. Finally, the 83-year-old investor in July had over $ 2.8 billion to several charitable foundations.

Burger King reportedly negotiating with Tim Hortons to establish a new headquarters on Canadian soil in the context of a takeover. The sources of the “Wall Street Journal” According to Burger King could make the acquisition of Canadians already in the

next two days in the bag.

Chess Moves by the ketchup pattern?

funding will put exactly on the legs, is still unclear, they say. However, observers feel strongly reminiscent of Buffett’s role in the 23-billion purchase of ketchup company Heinz which Berkshire had also propped together with the Burger King majority owner 3G Capital. 3G Capital is a private equity firm.

At the time Buffett had lucrative equity investments secured, while 3G got the operational control of the takeover target. That could be a model for the future in big deals, Buffett had said at the time.

More on the topic

The enthusiasm of shareholders probably by including the legendary investor who has consistently demonstrated a knack, rise even further. Already at the beginning of the week the Burger King shares rose by almost 20 percent. Last quoted the Burger King papers at $ 32.33.

headwinds from Washington

A little joy in Washington is expected to trigger the Buffett / Burger King operation, however. President Barack Obama and many members of Congress, the tax-optimizing Übernahmetrickserei of U.S. companies have long been a thorn in the side.

But to do something about it, Democrats and Republicans would have to first of all agree on appropriate measures. So far, the U.S. laws make it relatively easy to move their headquarters abroad to save on taxes.

Dwindling tax revenues are likely to aggravate the financial situation of the United States sooner or later on. In addition, the migration of large corporations threatens to bring the fairness of the tax system in a dangerous imbalance.

  Source: n-tv.de


East and West: city, country, poor – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

East and West: city, country, poor – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



Poverty is relative. No one else in this country should take this word only in the mouth – with a view of the conditions in the really poor countries of the world. But even the relative poverty concept has its weaknesses. Because 60 percent of the median income in this country, by definition, the poverty threshold may be a joke in Munich. In Brandenburg, it looks quite a bit different.


Henrike Rossbach author. Henrike Rossbach, born in 1979, business correspondent in Berlin

Poverty decides in everyday life. About what you can buy himself and his children, how you live, what you eat, what things, vacations and interests you can afford. In this respect it is instructive if the institution of the German economy has now calculated that the poverty lines measured on

the cost of living just not flawless run between East and West, but especially between city and country.


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The only question is whether politics draws the right conclusions – for example, when it comes to reorganization of regional support after the expiry of the Solidarity Pact in 2019 goes. An Eternity promise for the solos is guaranteed not what do the people affected by poverty in Germany.


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East and West

City, Country, arm

From Henrike Rossbach, Berlin

The poverty line no longer runs between East and West, but between town and country. Therefore, an eternal solos would be wrong.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Above all cities threatened: Poor Germany! Living in these regions … – ABC Online

Above all cities threatened: Poor Germany! Living in these regions … – ABC Online

Monday, 08.25.2014, 10:30 · FOCUS-Online Editor Christoph Pagel

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Germany is a country of prosperity. But in many regions of the social decline is a reality. A study of the IW Cologne has now found out where there is really poverty in Germany – and what policy can do about it

Germany is a country of prosperity.. As a land of opportunity, come to the immigrants when they are looking for better job opportunities and a high quality of life. Germany’s economy is a job engine, which has made the country rich

But we do it, the ugly side of economic boom. Poverty. People in Germany do not have enough money to buy food themselves. You most need it missing: winter clothes, a decent bed, hot meals. Hobbies are certainly out of the question. They lack any quality of life.

poverty is in German cities at home

From France we know the pictures: The rebellions of the poor on the outskirts, in the “banlieues”. Also in Germany, poor people, especially in big cities are home. This is evidenced by a new study by the Institute of Economics in Cologne. “Arm”, which are in Germany people who have less than 60 percent of the median income available

The result of the IW-researchers. In rural areas, only 14 percent of the population are poor, while in cities are 22 percent. Leader among the poverty-cities is Cologne with 26 percent. No. 2 follows Dortmund before the West Berlin . In Duisburg and Bremerhaven the numbers are also alarmingly high. Even in cities that actually apply as business centers, live many of the poor: In Frankfurt and Dusseldorf 23 percent of the population live in poverty

. these regions is the relative purchasing power poverty rate in 2012 lowest:

class="text block">

These are the regions with the highest purchasing power:

And the situation continues to deteriorate further between 2006 and 2012, the poverty rate rose in cities by 2.5 percent. In rural areas it remained almost the same.

IW measures the poverty with the purchasing power

The special feature of the IW study: The researchers regional price levels in their study incorporate with. Because life in Germany is different expensive – and so is the income poverty measure as inadequate. In Munich, a single needs 1030 Euro to be able to afford so much can as an average citizen who has 870 Euro available

870 EUR. This is the current bunde wide threshold, are considered by the people as poor. Therefore, the researchers speak not now of an income but by a purchasing power poverty.

life in cities more expensive

This allows researchers to depict the regional poverty in Germany. A useful measure because: in German cities such as Munich, Berlin or Cologne prices are more than six per cent higher than in rural areas. Also the gap between East and West Germany is seven percent enormous.

Considering only the income, is Germany still divided into West and East. While the poverty rate in the West rarely rises above 16 percent poverty are lights in the east to Red: In most areas it is around 20 percent – or even higher.

Strong urban-rural gradient

but it takes into account the purchasing power back Germany’s regions together much more closely. Example Thuringia: On average, the regions have here an income poverty rate of 17 percent. Taking the purchasing power basis has Thuringia but suddenly the third lowest rate (14 percent) of all 16 states.

however replaced by a new gradient in the calculation of the researchers to light: between country and city. In the countryside, only 14 percent of the people are poor, while 22 percent are in the city

Video:. How to actually measure poverty?


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Google had too much time? : Amazon is likely to Twitch – n-tv.de NEWS

Google had too much time? : Amazon is likely to Twitch – n-tv.de NEWS


 Tuesday, August 26, 2014


 Shortly after the market close a murmur goes through the ranks of the merchant: Amazon takes on a video site for gamers and puts it close to a billion dollars on the table. According to industry insiders, it’s about the future of digital business.



In the United States continues the series of spectacular acquisitions continued: The online retailer Amazon offers a billion dollar video site Twitch.tv. There, fans of popular computer games live recordings can publish to the game. The streaming service came last to around 55 million users. About one million of these are active published videos on the net, the rest looks to and uses Twitch as an online medium with video contributions from the gaming world.

The interest in games turns by buying on Wall Street for cash money The US-based branches of the takeover a hefty sum from the ongoing operation from – even though Amazon had reported a net loss of approximately $ 126 million in the quarter. The purchase price lies at approximately $ 970 million in cash, Amazon announced after U.S. market close. Shortly before the stock with a slight premium of just 0.7 to $ 333.82 from the market was gone.

For Amazon’s acquisition of Twitch is one of the largest acquisitions ever. The business also underlines the ambitions of CEO Jeff Bezos, to be on the ancestral trading business also become a major attraction in the network. For this purpose the company is investing heavily in its own TV and games offers. “It’s clear that Amazon wants to raise more content that can control it,” said James McQuivey of Forrester analyst firm. Twitch adapt well to this strategy.

Google loses out

rumors of a possible takeover of Twitch circulated on the

market already since May. As a likely buyer of the search engine providers and advertising sales company Google had acted first, however. The Internet Group with its wide-reaching video platform Youtube but I held back with a view to possible problems with competition watchdogs, told the magazine “Forbes”.

More on the topic

The “Wall Street Journal” had already reported earlier this week a few hours before confirming the twitch takeover by Amazon of an alleged purchase price of more than $ 1 billion. In the online service “The Information”, which gave the name of Amazon first as a buyer, it was said that Google wanted to pay about a billion dollars.

Amazon moves to the target group ran

Twitch was started three years ago rather than niche service. The service rapidly gained popularity especially among young Internet users. On the website allows registered viewers watched live games shown and communicate with one another with other viewers as well as the players themselves. The high interest in the service gives the company more and more advertising revenue a.

The acquisition Amazon strengthens its position in the competition for younger population and brings himself According to industry insiders, above all, as a serious competitor to Google in position. According to media reports, the online retailer will soon also start its own system for marketing of digital advertisements on the Internet. Amazon also runs a private business with online games based on the Android operating system.


  Source: n-tv.de


More poverty in the cities – Derwesten.de

More poverty in the cities – Derwesten.de


 For a change of fiscal equalization advocates the Institute of the German Economy. No more East Germany as a whole, but disadvantaged cities in East and West should continue to benefit from the promotion. The demand this time not local Social Democrats, but the employer near Institute of the German Economy (IW) in Cologne. The researchers argue on the basis of a recent study on poverty in East-West comparison: According to the discrimination has declined in large parts of eastern Germany now – in West German cities are not.

The IW has for the first time included the purchasing power in the calculation of poverty. Thus, it is closer to the reality of life of the people than the usual poverty statistics, which only measures how many people have less than 60 percent of the median income available. How many such people can buy with the money in their city, according to IW is crucial for the relative poverty concept anyway.

Although incomes are in the five eastern German states, mostly among the West German. But have prices about rents and consumer goods an even greater distance, the citizens in the east could sometimes do more than in the West, so the IW. Thus is due to the negative peak Cologne with a share of purchasing power of poor citizens 26.4 percent, probably due to the enormous rents in the cathedral city.

is very high, the number of poor people in Dortmund ( 25.5 percent), Duisburg (24.1 percent), Gelsenkirchen (23.5 percent) and other Ruhr cities. In the rural counties in the Lower Rhine and in Südwestfalen contrast, far fewer people whose income is not sufficient in relation to the local prices live.

This is about the Hochsauerlandkreis only 11.6 percent of the population, in the district of Wesel on 13 percent.

The fact that the purchasing power bill of the IW the standard poverty statistics strong whirls, illustrate the poverty lines in euros and cents: In wealthy Baden-Württemberg a Single regarded as “kaufkraftarm” when he has available less than 908 Euros per month. With this sum he would be in Saxony-Anhalt, where wages, but also the prices are well below western levels, well above the poverty line of 812 euros. In North Rhine-Westphalia, he needs more than 875 euros a month, so as not to be considered as poor.

This infers IW CEO Michael Huether the recommendation, “refocus regional aid to be urban problems just.” A focus should be doing the Ruhr area, so Huether. But the so-called “small Ruhrgebiete” with “not bewältigtem structural change”, about Bremen, Lübeck, Kaiserslautern or Offenbach, needed more help.

In his study, the IW provides material for the ongoing debate on fiscal equalization between the Länder. The rich Bavaria and Hesse have complained, however, because they want poorer countries to transfer less money. 2019 also runs from the former East German Solidarity Pact in favor of countries. Among other things the NRW state government will then benefit from a newly negotiated financial compensation. NRW was to be relieved by around three billion euros, Finance Minister Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD) recently.

                 Hannes Koch


Lufthansa faces new strikes to end Holiday – handelszeitung.ch

Lufthansa faces new strikes to end Holiday – handelszeitung.ch

The home is expected this year for many German tourists are cumbersome: The holiday-final sprint threatens strikes on the railways and Lufthansa. In the largest German airline schedule after the failure of the most recent collective bargaining over 5000 pilots to put the stick out of his hand.

in the web could be the situation before the end of the summer holidays in populous states such as Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg escalate as two competing unions outdo with demands.

chance of a EinigungPil

Lufthansa passengers, however, could be spared the worst. Currently is not assumed that the pilots strike coverage as in April, said Lufthansa Manager Raimund Müller. Much more likely the walkout individual airports or areas meet at certain times.

pilots would also announce a walkout 24 hours in advance. Even still there is the chance of an agreement. “We are consensual ready, we seek compromise,” emphasized Lufthansa personnel manager Bettina Volkens.

But even if the pilots go on strike only at individual airports such as Frankfurt or Munich, could have far-reaching consequences and the closely endanger timed schedule. The pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit

let hitherto open to when and to what extent a strike.

60 million euro profit losses

In April, the pilots had demonstrated their power and stopped work for three days – a total of 425,000 Lufthansa passengers were affected. Because of the largest strikes in the history of the crane airline underlined then 3800 flights. The loss of profit for the Frankfurt Group amounted to 60 million euros.

method is the situation even in the car. The train drivers’ union GDL and the Railway and Transport union (ECG) compete for the favor of the railway employees.

put On the Monday after the GDL and the ECG their demands before. It requires 6 percent wage increase, but at least 150 euros a month, said the ECG with. You want to negotiate for all employee groups.

The GDL had more, but also called for a reduction of weekly working time by two to 37 hours and better shift schedules for the 37,000 train drivers, train conductors and Rangierführer5 percent. The train had rejected this as unacceptable.

(sda / dbe)


82 passenger aircraft: Boeing reports of billion-selling to leasing company … – ABC Online

82 passenger aircraft: Boeing reports of billion-selling to leasing company … – ABC Online

Monday , 25/08/2014, 17:09

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The U.S. aircraft manufacturer Boeing has another billion deal with BOC Aviation of Singapore beschlossen.Der Airbus rival announced Monday the sale of 82 passenger aircraft type 737 and 777 to the bank of China owned aircraft financiers known.

The Airbus rival announced Monday the sale of 82 passenger

aircraft type 737 and 777 known to the Bank of China owned aircraft financiers. According list price the Jets $ 8.8 billion (6.7 billion euros) worth. However, in aircraft orders discounts double-digit percentage range are common. BOC since 2006 orders already at Boeing. The order has now been announced, but the largest in the 20-year history. Boeing is targeting in Asia, which is becoming increasingly important in the passenger aviation, other large orders.

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Bone of contention Biblis: RWE sued the federal government for nuclear decommissioning – ABC Online

Bone of contention Biblis: RWE sued the federal government for nuclear decommissioning – ABC Online

Monday, 25.08.2014, 16:17
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The RWE Group is suing the state of Hesse and the federal government because of the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant Biblis. This was confirmed by a company spokesman on Monday. For taxpayers, that could be expensive.

Three years after the nuclear turn is the dispute between the energy company RWE and politics in a new round. The utility filed Monday at the Essen District Court action for damages against the federal government and the state of Hesse for the three-month closure of the nuclear power plant Biblis in 2011.

“The action by RWE Power protects the property interests of the company and its shareholders” , the group said. The amount of damages he has not been quantified. It is estimated more than 200 million euros. RWE had the action announced earlier this year after courts had declared a three-month closure of the Biblis A and B blocks illegal.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"http://m.finanzen100.de/aktien/rwe-wkn-703712_H1504662467_82818/","PERF_PCT":"+0,92%","PRICE":"29,56","NAME":"RWE","PERF_PCT_RAW":0.9217,"CHART_URL_3M":"http://c.finanzen100.de/bwcharts/images/finanzen100/plain/fol_multi_3M.png?ID_INSTRUMENT=82818&key.codeMarket=DE%21%40DE%21W%24%24%21%40W%24%24","CHART_URL_1D":"http://c.finanzen100.de/bwcharts/images/finanzen100/intraday/fol_intra_uebersicht.png?ID_INSTRUMENT=82818&key.codeMarket=DE%21%40DE%21W%24%24%21%40W%24%24","WWW_LINK":"http://www.finanzen100.de/aktien/rwe-wkn-703712_H1504662467_82818/","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":0.27,"PRICE_RAW":29.565,"PERF_ABS":"+0,27"} ->

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Persistent Group

RWE had against 2011 as the only provider the three-month moratorium on nuclear sued. The federal government and the states had reactor disaster in Fukushima agreed to by the in March to shut down the seven oldest nuclear power plants being. In summer 2011, the accelerated nuclear phase followed with the immediate end for these systems and the breakdown reactor in crumbs.

In the present case, it's all about the three months, not to the later phase out nuclear power. Biblis was one of the largest nuclear power plants in Germany with a capacity of over 2,000 megawatts.

Common resistance

The state of Hesse announced coordinate its actions in the case with the federal government. At the attitude of Hesse nothing has changed. "Hessen acted like all other countries, even without hearing due to the Federal rules on behalf of the Federal Government and therefore the federal government should pay for any claims for damages," said the Hessian Ministry of Environment.

The fact that RWE both Hesse and the federal government have sued show that RWE see the federal government has a duty

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Hospitality: Burger King wants to save by mega-acquisition tax – Times Online

Hospitality: Burger King wants to save by mega-acquisition tax – Times Online

data of the economic consulting firm KPMG at 26.5 percent, in the USA there are around 40 percent.

“The United States has the highest corporate taxes in the developed world and they are the only G7 country, clings to an outdated tax system, in which generated abroad profits charged additionally at home, “explained expert Laura Tyson of the University of Berkeley in California.

So far it make the US-laws the corporations relatively easy, the high taxes to go out of the way. The headquarters moved abroad – called inversion – is about permitted, on condition that at least 20 percent of the shares in a merger in the combined company to the foreign shareholders

Although this tax trick is not new, but he is. among increasingly popular. So last sought, inter alia, the banana traders Chiquita and the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer to take with this design competitors abroad. The companies migrate normally but only on paper. For works and management can stay in the United States.

If Burger King to get serious with his emigration plans, should the political debate about high corporate taxes and escape before in the United States continues to pick up speed. Founded in Miami in 1954 burger chain is a uramerikanischer classic brand – quasi gastronomic American Heritage

President Barack Obama and many members of Congress, the tax-optimizing Übernahmetrickserei of U.S. companies already long been a thorn in the eye.. But to do something about it, Democrats and Republicans must first agree on appropriate measures. This is well known in Washington not easy.

WSJ article

Communication from the company


Poverty comparison: city dwellers can afford less – tagesschau.de

Poverty comparison: city dwellers can afford less – tagesschau.de

<-! - Media>

Date: 25/08/2014 15:28 clock

In Germany’s big cities grows according to a study, the risk of sliding into poverty. There adopted in recent years, the income poverty more rapidly than in the countryside, while the purchasing power grew more slowly or even declined, as from the study “Regional Poverty Rates” of employer-Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (IW) is apparent. The gap is partly due to rising rents in the cities.

East-West divide is shrinking

In contrast, shrink according to the analysis the differences between East and West. When looking exclusively at the incomes show a wide gap between West and East. However, would the price differences between cities and rural areas and between eastern and western Germany consulted, subject poverty rates “not that far apart,” explained the economist Christoph Schröder, and Klaus-Heiner Röhl.

So Thuringia, on the third-lowest rate of all federal states. Brandenburg, the purchasing power most of the new states, might even catch up with almost Hamburg, IW director Michael Huether said.

Especially many Cologne are kaufkraftarm

At the same time, the urban-rural divide is stronger than expected. In rural areas are on average only 14 percent of the population “kaufkraftarm”, in the cities, however 22 percent.

Especially bad cuts according to the study from Cologne, where 26 percent are “kaufkraftarm” as – closely followed by Dortmund and the western part of Berlin. Even in cities like Bremerhaven and Duisburg there was almost a quarter “purchasing power arms.”

If in five years of the Solidarity Pact II would expire, get extra money through the East, should the regional policy support to cities and metropolitan areas are deflected, called IW director Michael Huether. There, investments, foundations, education and integration needed to be strengthened.

Less than 870 euros a month

The Institute has the numbers for relative income poverty, the current prices in the regions compared. From this, the researchers form the new term purchasing power poverty, they consider meaningful. Income poor is according to IW, who as a single person has less than 870 euros per month available. But a Munich will just make much as an average German with those 870 euros, he has to spend 1030 euros, as the analysis showed. In Stendal and Vogtland is only of just under 800 euros.

Stark therefore declined purchasing power in cities such as Duisburg, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen. Consequently, in the Ruhr area and the purchasing power poverty has grown the most. Big problems give it continues also in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


German economy is losing momentum in the summer – Reuters Germany

German economy is losing momentum in the summer – Reuters Germany


Berlin (Reuters) -. Bearing the economic pessimists in the German economy wins because of the crises in Ukraine and the Middle East increasingly feed


The mood in the head of the company became cloudy days in August already the fourth month in a row. It is now no longer as bad as for over a year. The Ifo business climate index unexpectedly fell sharply by 1.7 points to 106.3, the Munich-based Ifo Institute told his survey of 7000 managers on Monday. “The German economy continues to lose power,” Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn.


After the economic downturn in the spring – as the gross domestic product unexpectedly shrank – thus diminish the chances of a recovery in the second half. “We go for the third quarter of a growth close to zero,” said Ifo expert Klaus Rabe well. His institute would the previous growth forecast for 2014 of 2.0 percent, “clearly correct in the direction of 1.5 percent.” But probably Rabe also warns against pessimism: “From a recession, we are still far away.” The federal government currently sees no reason to depart from its forecast of 1.8 percent. If nothing dramatic passing, the growth rate will be good in 2014, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Spain.





The managers estimated both business situation and outlook for the next six months, a significantly worse than last. Especially in the export-dependent industry, it runs in the face of many

international crises and the limp economy in the important market of Europe no longer around: Here the business climate is so bad as since July 2013 no more. “From export fewer pulses are expected,” said Ifo chief sense. Also in the wholesale, retail and service enterprises, the mood became turbid. Only the brewing industry was able to escape the downward trend.


In particular, the fear of a trade war with Russia charged to the exporters. German exports there had slumped by 15.5 per cent, or about three billion euros in the first half. Because of the Russian action in Ukraine, the mutual sanctions were tightened in July again. “The German economy remains vulnerable to external disturbances,” said Nordea economist Holger Sandte. “Especially on the industry weigh the ongoing weakness in the euro area and the uncertainty due to geopolitical tensions.” Alexander Krüger Bankhaus Lampe looks more than a little mood damper: “You can now say definitively: ‘Good Mood Goodbye’”





Given the weakening economic powerhouse Germany is growing, the probability that the European Central Bank (ECB) nachlegt fight the recession in the euro-zone. She has worked with the purchase of securities of many billions to pump plans in the drawer euros into the economy and thus stimulate the economy. “The goal is a weaker euro,” said economist Sandte. That could help exporters because it makes their goods cheaper in other currency areas.


Ukraine, Iraq, Syria: Ifo index falls for fourth time in a row – ABC Online

Ukraine, Iraq, Syria: Ifo index falls for fourth time in a row – ABC Online

Monday, 25.08.2014, 10:23
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The many international crises continue to press on the mood in the boardrooms of the German economy. The Ifo business climate index fell in August for the fourth time in a row. People hosts speak of a trend reversal.

The camp of the economy pessimists in the German economy gets growing support for the Ukraine crisis. The mood in the head clouded days in August for the fourth month in a row and is now as bad as for over a year not more. The Ifo business climate index fell by 1.7 points to 106.3, as the Munich-based Ifo institute said on Monday in his survey of 7000 managers. Economists had only expected a decline to 107 meters. “The German economy continues to lose power,” Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn.

damper also said in wholesale, retail and service enterprises

The managers estimated both the current business situation and the outlook for the next six months as a bad last. The barometer of the situation fell by 1.8 to 111.1 meters, the expectations for the 1.7 to 101.7 meters. Especially in industry, it is no longer running around: Here the business climate is so bad as since July 2013 no more. “From export are expected fewer pulses,” said sense. Also in the wholesale, retail and service enterprises, the mood became turbid. Only the brewing industry was able to escape the downward trend.

concerns about trade war with Russia

The fear of a trade war

with Russia charged to the exporters. German exports there had collapsed in the first half to 15.5 percent, which the company cost around three billion euros. Because of the Russian action in Ukraine, the mutual sanctions were tightened in July again. “The German economy remains vulnerable to external disturbances,” said Nordea economist Holger Sandte. “Especially on the industry weigh the ongoing weakness in the euro area and the uncertainty due to geopolitical tensions.” Alexander Krüger Bankhaus Lampe sees more than a small steamer mood: “You can now say definitively ‘good mood Goodbye’”

The German economy shrank unexpectedly in the spring by 0.2 percent.. With the further decline of the most important German economic barometer chances dwindle to a strong comeback in the second half. Ifo expert Klaus Rabe well expect a growth close to zero for the current quarter. His institute will probably correct the growth forecast for 2014 from its current 2.0 toward 1.5 percent.

Economists: Turnaround in the mood Development

After three changes in a direction economists talk of a possible turnaround in the mood development. Experts had expected a further step backwards, but with about a less significant drop. As before, the index holds but at a relatively high level. The Ifo index for March 2010 is already above the mark of 100 points. The Ifo index is calculated monthly by the survey of about 7,000 companies

Video:. Reverses the recession back to Germany?


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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Michael Kemmer – Ex-BayernLB boss comes with 20,000 euros of which – Süddeutsche.de

Michael Kemmer – Ex-BayernLB boss comes with 20,000 euros of which – Süddeutsche.de

By Klaus Ott

defenders circles speak of “de facto acquittal”: The trial against the former directors of the most BayernLB to be set next week – for a small cash requirements from 5000 Euro.

The former director of Bayerische Landesbank comes largely unscathed after the billion-disaster at Hypo Alpe Adria thereof. The Munich District Court I pending criminal trial for misappropriation of bank assets to be set next week for most defendants against small payments for information the Süddeutsche Zeitung . For Michael Kemmer, former CEO of BayernLB, now CEO of the German Banking Association, 20,000 euros are provided.

The same rate is also planned at Theo Harnischmacher, former Vice Chief of the National Bank. Two other former board members, Ralph Schmidt and Stefan Ropers shall each pay 5000 euros. This was apparently discussed between defense counsel and the prosecutor so. In defense sources say that these are “de facto acquittals”. Then are only Kemmer’s predecessor as chief BayernLB, Werner Schmidt, and the then deputy chief Rudolf Hanisch in court. Against them are further allegations.

total losses of 3.7 billion euros

Schmidt and Hanisch to the purchase of the resident in Carinthia Hypo Alpe Adria the former, now deceased Governor Jörg Haider have bribed a football sponsorship in the millions, to get the nod. Schmidt and Hanisch deny this. Munich prosecutors had charged all defendants serious breaches of duty on the acquisition of Hypo Alpe Adria by BayernLB in 2007. Kemmer and

his colleagues had deliberately bought a “pig in a poke”, the motto, “Close your eyes and” embezzled, and so assets to Landesbank.

The aim of the action whether it was at all costs a to create an international financial institution. BayernLB had paid 1.7 billion euros for the Hypo Alpe Adria, which two years later was facing bankruptcy and was rescued by the Austrian government. Overall, the country’s bank lost 3.7 billion euros. Of these, the prosecution rested the old BayernLB Board at 625 million euros. This amount have Landesbank paid too much due to massive errors and omissions in the purchase of Hypo Alpe Adria.

In addition, the Board has the oversight body of BayernLB, occupied with leading CSU politicians Board deceived. Of these allegations remained in the process that had started in late January 2014, virtually nothing left. Many witnesses, including former Finance Minister of Bavaria Kurt Faltlhauser and Erwin Huber, relieved the defendants.

The payments now laid down is not punishment, but to money constraints. In this way, the proceedings with the consent of the tribunal may be set according to Section 153a of the Code of Criminal Procedure, if the “seriousness of the offense does not preclude”. The consent of the court is considered safe. From circles of the parties it is, Kemmer remain chief executive and chief lobbyist of the Banking Association.
