Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) and the SPD chairman chief Sigmar Gabriel have settled their dispute over additional social spending in the federal budget 2017th In an interview on Friday, the two have agreed on a package with a circumference of about five billion euros, was reported in the evening from government. Gabriel confirmed later at an event in Magdeburg: “There is a fairly comprehensive package for integration, but also for social cohesion.”
So will invest about in social housing, and there is more money to long-term unemployment. The planned for Wednesday Cabinet advice on the basic parameters of the new budget and the financial plan for 2020 should no longer anything standing in the way. The Ministry of Finance said on Friday to only that Schäuble will introduce the basic parameters on Wednesday. Given the controversial demand for a social package with which the SPD will also provide additional money for other social purposes in addition to spending more on integration of refugees, had previously been speculation about a shift in the Cabinet appointment.
Now Gabriel has in his talks with Schäuble apparently won a partial victory. Thus, it is for this in any case difficult to hold on to its destination, that after 2016 no new debt be included. Citing coalition circles the “Passauer Neue Presse” reported that Black Zero stay in 2017 made “on paper”. For 2018, however, must be planned with a global reduction in expenditure of several billion euros. A portion of said package volume of 5 billion euros refers however seem to overspending that Schäuble had previously taken for integration services in the eye.
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the Internet edition of the magazine “Focus” quoted from a draft paper, lists the additional spending in six areas. So a total of 2.2 billion euros for employment promotion and training are provided both of refugees, as well as long-term unemployed. Spending on housing and urban development therefore rise by another 800 million to 1.8 billion euros. Additional € 450 million are provided for the expansion of daycare. For controlled by the Interior Ministry integration courses and similar purposes, there should be one billion euros additionally
In addition, the collection contains two other commitments, the social ministers Nahles (SPD) concerning:. Firstly, would the budget in 2017 initially 180 million Euro for the coalition agreement dating – but still highly controversial – “Solidarrente” for low provided. Secondly Nahles should for the reorganization of the disability assistance through a federal participation law receive “the necessary means” later in the context of the detailed budget preparation.
Overspending active – yes or no? The dispute between ministers smoldering for some time. Now he seems settled.
Certain financial leeway there, because in the financial year 2015, an unexpectedly high surplus of EUR 12.8 billion was incurred. Of these planned 6 billion euro for integration tasks in 2016th Overall, 6.8 billion euros were mathematically still available to finance integration services and new social spending in 2017 within the previous guidelines.
However, the crying countries pressure on the finance minister to a higher federal involvement in country-specific to obtain integration tasks: Instead of the agreed until the autumn scheme that leads to their statement to a federal share of 15 to 20 percent, they are now demanding a hälftige cost sharing. The financial programming from the past year had provided for the budget 2017, an output increase by only 2 billion euros to 318.9 billion euros. With the new social package spending to rise to more than 325 billion euros.
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