Well, when new business models equal yield a practical use – and save the marriage peace. As with David Schneider, one of the three chiefs of the Berlin online retailer Zalando. Looking for something new to the listed group attempts now cooperations with a normal small shops around the street fashion shop Bodycheck at Alexanderplatz. Zalando customers can order Hoodies, T-shirts or shoes now there, ordinary goods from the normal loading range. Delivery is immediate. An advantage if you like Schneider urgently a birthday present for his wife needs on the last lever.
Three billion euros, 10,000 employees
“cry with happiness”, The Times, where Zalando has only delivered shoes to predominantly female customers and with shrill TV commercials had to advertise themselves, are long gone. Eight years after its foundation, the former start-up has grown up, board member Rubin Ritter said Friday in Berlin. Three billion euros (plus 33 percent), the online retailer made in the past year and will continue to grow. 20 to 25 percent, it will be a year in five to six years Ritter wants the ten-billion-euro mark crack. Although Zalando the leading online fashion provider in Europe, the market share, the means that the agency in the overall fashion market in Europe, that is still less than one percent. Fashion continues to be a steady business, Zalando wants to change that – and does it involve money in hand. 200 million euros want the Berlin invest this year, notably in the new Zalando campus, which arises in the middle and 2018 – due to be completed – the tenth anniversary. And in new heads. Almost 10,000 employees Zalando currently, of which 1200 the file only to art. “We are looking worldwide for talent,” says CTO Philipp Erler – for the equipment room on Alex, but also for the two new, opened in 2015 technology sites in Helsinki and Dublin
The Zalando CEOs have ambitious goals. In their online store they offer around 150,000 products from more than 1,500 different brands, but the Berlin want to be more than just sales. You hone a new platform model, with which it began last year and is now to be expanded little by little. “We bring people together and fashion,” says board member Robert Gentz. From a pure sales channel to Zalando will develop into a full-service provider for manufacturers, advertising agencies, stylists and consumers -. With different Offered
companies like Adidas and Nike make already use of the possibility to make their own Internet presence at Zalando page to to design. Zalando accepts these “brand shops” delivery and payment.
fashion vendors can also use the new partner programs and in addition to their normal sale, available at Zalando range goods. The shipping companies do the then himself, Zalando takes care of the payment. Or of “Zalon”: Here, customers of stylists can individually clothed – with clothes from the Zalando cosmos. By “Zalando Media Solutions,” provide the internet retailer its brand partners and advertisers a platform to promote the Shop Websites and apps
Zalando chief knight. We are profitable
The development by the dealer for tech companies to Zalando not only fit for the future, but also to make consistently profitable. Lange has earned nothing: High start-up costs and many returns have let Zalando in the early years of slipping into the red. “The money was good invested,” Ritter says. 2015 Zalando generated a pre-tax profit of EUR 107.5 million – and want to make this year profit despite the planned investments. However, on the stock market’s good intentions came to not really know the stock relented on Friday.
In September Zalando also tried for the first time as an exhibition organizer. The fashion fair Bread & amp; Butter, which now belongs to the Internet Group, is to be moved from one exhibition to the public event. With festivals, shows, music and the opportunity to follow the action via Internet, to the fair, which has been relocated from Tempelhof Airport in the Arena, also serve an innate Zalando need: the desire to awaken the shopping.

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