The RWE Supervisory Board approves a dividend stop – against the vehement protests of the municipalities. Dozens NRW’s chamberlain will this year have to do without the usual dividend of Essen Group.
dozens of North Rhine-Westphalia chamberlain be this year without the usual have to get RWE dividend. The Supervisory Board of the Essen Group approved on Thursday the proposal of the Board to suspend the dividend. But the owners of preference shares should still get a mini-distribution of 13 cents a share. In the last two years of the famous in the past for its reliable distributions RWE Group had paid one euro per share. This corresponded to a total payment of 615 million euros.
If by the general meeting, should this year just five million euros will go to the preference shareholders. The municipalities had vehemently resisted the reduction. RWE CEO Peter Terium had argued thus, just as the ailing company let strengthen again – especially now pending the splitting, in the conventional power plant business on the one hand and a new company on the other. You should take care of the renewable energy business, power grids and distribution. The new company in turn will go public.
The Supervisory Board approved the staff panel. Accordingly Terium to be from April to CEO of the new Ökosparte, his former vice-Rolf Martin Schmitz, however, the future RWE CEO – the then greatly shrunken Group. Until the IPO of the new subsidiary completed, Terium should keep both jobs. The same applies to CFO Bernhard Günther. He is in the new daughter, whose name is still unknown, change. Until the IPO, but he remains on the old field.
Human Resources Director Uwe Tigges should stay until the end of April 2017, both in the RWE AG as well as in the new subsidiary CHRO. This make sure “that the structural adjustments to the successful IPO of the new company within the meaning of both parts of the group are carried out,” said supervisory board chairman Manfred Schneider. Hildegard Müller, until recently, the industry association BDEW boss should act in the new company as a network board, Hans Bünting as Executive renewables. So far, he headed the subsidiary RWE Innogy. The distribution business accepts Martin Herrmann, who is currently head of international sales at RWE.

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