Overall, in the winter months were 2.91 million men and women without work. The 9000 were less than in January and 106 000 fewer than a year ago, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg on Tuesday. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 points to 6.6 percent. In European comparison, Germany thus ranks before the Czech Republic at number one: In no other EU country, unemployment is so low
Federal Agency chief Frank-Juergen Weise, was satisfied with the development. “The labor market has total continued to develop positively in the context of moderate economic growth. “in this case, the job market has also benefited from the relatively mild winter weather in February, admitted the BA manager. In the past three years the number of unemployed
Federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) had risen by an average of 2000 in February. Sees in the new labor market figures a very good basis for the challenges ahead. “We must work hard, that the refugees who stay here stand on its own, as soon as possible – and the period of unemployment remains as short as possible,” Nahles said in Berlin. “But we are about even those not forget that in this country who support necessary.”
In fact, now is growing the number of refugees who register as unemployed at the Job Centres. In February alone, 103,000 people there were registered from asylum countries access as unemployed, reported BA board member Raimund Becker. These were almost 42,000 or 68 percent more than a year ago. “In the second quarter, the number of people we will serve in the job centers, continue to rise.” With a much larger increase but Becker expects only in the third and fourth quarters.
unemployed to the expected large number refugees are the job center but sufficiently prepared, he said. In order to ensure adequate care without neglecting indigenous Hartz IV recipients, had been recruited there in recent months more than 2,000 additional employees. They are trained not only in socio-legal issues, but was also equipped with “intercultural competences”.
As for the placement opportunities of refugees, Becker urged to be patient. For German companies were “a lot of commitment and good will” to stop or train refugees. “However, there are some major issues that we have to deal only. A major issue is the language, “Becker pointed out. “Even what people bring to educational requirements, is very different.” In order to form a young refugee to skilled workers with good employment prospects, one must estimate five to six years, he estimated.
As well, the situation still is in the labor market, is the opinion of BA boss way, the next growing number social insurance jobs; they rose to BA extrapolations most recently in December 2015 to 31.18 million. These are 780 000 more than a year ago. The number of employed persons increased after the recent data of the Federal Statistical Office in January from the previous month, seasonally adjusted 74 000 to 42.96 million. That was 517,000 more than last year. The number of vacancies was in February at 614 000th

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