Many refugees are first come, according to researchers only as auxiliaries in the German labor market. is mostly for higher-skilled jobs still further necessary, said Herbert Brücker from Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB). About 70 percent of the refugees had no vocational training. Already targeted immigrants mainly in the catering industry and business-related services such as security professionals, cleaning, commercial and storage work.
The IAB expects that, nor about 800,000 are of the approximately 1.1 million refugees who were recognized last year in Germany here.
That now among the refugees come mainly in Helper Jobs, considered Herbert Brücker skeptical. These were partially physically and mentally exhausting. Moreover, the merits of low and unemployment risks are higher than average. German workers wanted to do these jobs increasingly rare. “Therefore, we must see that we are part-time to do something for these people and they may have a rise,” Jumper said of the refugees. Also BA Board Detlef Scheele said: “It must not mean:. Once helper, always helpers” This is also important so that there is no competition between future local long-term unemployed and low-skilled workers and refugees.
The number of potential new workers among the refugees remain at first but still manageable, Jumper said. 2015 were given a protected status, and thus unrestricted labor market access 141,000 refugees. 110,000 of them were of working age. Together with the applicants who come in this year, it could end this year but then 500000-620000 additional new workers be.
The German labor market can absorb a large number of refugees in the opinion of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). “350,000 refugees annually for the German labor market purely quantitative currently not a problem because every year create around 700,000 new jobs”, BA Board Detlef Scheele said in early February of the World .
The past has shown, however, that the labor market integration takes time, says Jumper. In the first year only about one tenth of the immigrants of working age have a job. After five years, this proportion rose to about half. And after 15 years, it was 70 percent.
The most important prerequisite for the integration into the labor market was a quick decision on the right to stay. “The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is therefore the most important player, because without legal certainty is nothing,” Jumper said. Theoretically expected refugees now working after three months. “But it does not work.”
Many asylum seekers have to wait for eight months for a decision. Previously often went by a further three months until they can make their request. “The longer someone is out of the working process out, the harder it is to get him back inside.”
So far, the general education of asylum seekers has been detected not targeted. About half of immigrants over 18 years voluntarily gave information. Accordingly, a high school visited about 46 percent similar to a high school. About a quarter went to no or a kind of basic school. Another quarter visited a center or technical school. Professionals, which could be integrated without further qualification in the labor market, there is therefore among the refugees a few. Many migrants would bring with neither the conditions for training or study. For this was a good third of them 18 to 25 years old and thus the right age for a lesson.

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