BERLIN (AFX) – the Ministry of Finance is concerned, no new aid program for Portugal from the euro bailout fund ESM. “The need for a new ESM bailout program does not exist,” said a spokeswoman on Friday in Berlin on request. so you had a report of the news magazine “Der Spiegel” back, which the Federal Government and the European Commission feared that Portugal needs an EU bailout ESM again. It threatened that the country could be in trouble soon to finance itself on the market itself, the paper wrote.
cause of the distrust on the markets over Portugal’s loud “mirror” by the softening of the consolidation course the new left-wing government. Socialist Prime Minister António Costa had with the support of other left-wing parties made parts of the labor market reforms of the previous government reversed and increased minimum wages and salaries in the public service.
stressed the Federal Ministry of Finance, Portugal had successful under its EU / IMF program brought structural reforms to improve competitiveness and to the recovery of public finances on the way. “It is important that the present government continues this successful economic policy,” the spokeswoman said. Therefore welcome the Federal Government that the Portuguese government was prepared to comply with the European rules and further consolidation measures in 2016 plane./sl/DP/jsl
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