Friday, July 31, 2015

Tsipras defended Varoufakis’ Grexit planning – Berliner Morgenpost

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has placed in front of his former finance minister Janis Varoufakis and its controversial plans for a euro exit. This was a preparation for an emergency, which he had been personally commissioned, he said Friday in Parliament on questions of the opposition. “It would be politically naive and irresponsible been not to do that.” Tsipras defended Varoufakis’ integrity. Dishonesty can not accuse

you to him. Meanwhile, it became known that the stock exchange on Monday will open again in Athens.


Athens Stock Exchange opens on Monday – Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen

The Greek finance returns to drastic coercive measures gradually to normal operation: After the banks to on Monday the stock market reopened in Athens. However, the share trading is subject to certain restrictions.

Good to one month after its closure, the Greek stock market be open again on Monday in Athens. The corresponding decree was signed by Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos on Friday, said the Finance Ministry in Athens.

The stock market has been closed since the end of June. At that time the country’s banks were made tight because the customer had previously rows evacuated for fear of a sovereign default of their accounts.

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Only 60 euros on ATM

The Greeks can withdraw daily 60 euros from their accounts. The controls were imposed on 29 June, so that the Greek banks do not collapse. The Greeks had raised in the past few months for fear of a financial collapse of the country several billion euros from their accounts.

share trading is subject to limitations

It is clear from the adoption results, the Greeks are until further notice can only buy stocks when they bring it funds from abroad into the country or pay cash for it. Remain The remaining capital traffic controls are.

The European Central Bank had approved the reopening of the stock market in the early week. As trading for Greeks but should be limited, there have been delays. Background were problems with the IT systems of banks, which have to implement the restrictions. For foreign investors, this should not apply.

Parallel run the detailed negotiations for a third Hellas-aid package worth up to 91 billion Swiss francs. Thus, the state bankruptcy is to be avoided. In return, the country should implement further reforms and savings

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German Bank tripled profit – Hamburger Abendblatt


 New Co-chief complains unacceptably high costs and large loads from litigation

                 Frankfurt. The German bank has worked in the second quarter despite continued high burden of litigation further upwards. Pre-tax profit climbed compared with the same period last year by 34 percent to 1.2 billion euros, as the DAX Group announced in Frankfurt on Thursday. The Bank <"p_2" p class => benefited from active trading in the financial markets and favorable exchange rates.

The revenues increased by 17 percent to 9.2 billion euros. The surplus has more than tripled to 818 million euros. A year ago, an extraordinarily high tax burden had burdened the balance sheet. Progress made the Bank to strengthen their capital ratios.

“The solid revenue growth highlights the underlying strength of our business,” said the reigning since July, Co-Chief John Cryan. “However, our challenges are clear:. Unacceptably high costs, persistently high burden of litigation to balance intensive businesses and overall returns for our shareholders, which is too low” Costs rose in the second quarter by 17 percent to 7.8 billion euros. Thus, the cost-income ratio stood at 85 percent. The Bank is therefore for each occupied euro 85 cents off. This is true in an international comparison as too high.

The numerous lawsuits hit with 1.2 billion euros to beech,

almost three times as much as a year ago. Overall, the Bank for legal legacy has now reserved 3.8 billion euros. The legal risks for which cash has not yet come, the Bank now liquidated to 3.2 billion euros. As the largest of outstanding concerns case disputed transactions are securitized real estate loans in the United States from the financial crisis

Cryan asked for patience in transforming the Bank. “. It will take years to deliver” He had replaced on July 1, Anshu Jain as part of the dual leadership with Jürgen Fitschen. After the Annual General Meeting in May 2016, the Briton will be sole CEO.

A capital increase is not planning Cryan time being. “I know that there are these speculations,” the Briton said in a conference call. “Another capital increase will not solve our core issues.” In addition, the issue of new shares is not in the interests of shareholders. “Our main challenge is strategic in nature, we have a structural cost problem that is obvious.”

Again and again had torn misperceptions to the capital requirements of the supervisory authorities as well as billions of penalties because of numerous scandals holes in the balance sheet and the image of the battered bank. The reigning since 2012 twin spiers Jain / Fitschen became increasingly coming under fire. At the annual general meeting in May, shareholders punished from the duo. In June, the Supervisory Board set the course for a new beginning.


“I do not believe that what we do to you” | secretly CDU politician in … – PICTURE

Greece ex-Finance Varoufakis revealed a US magazine most intimate details of his short political career. more …

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So many specials There’s never been – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung




Use record: Never before there has been in the German food trade as many promotions as the first half of 2015. This emerges from a study by the Society for Consumer Research (GfK) <. / p>

Almost one-fifth of sales of consumer goods of everyday needs – apart from the fresh food counters – was achieved in the first six months as part of cutbacks actions reported GfK retail expert Wolfgang Adlwarth on Friday. For branded products thus accounted for even 27.8 percent of sales achieved on Promotions – noticeably more than in previous years,


“The issue prices dominated this year’s competition is much stronger than in recent years,” says Adlwarth. Trigger was the price war between the discounters Aldi and Lidl. Aldi list currently getting new brand products in order to benefit from the trend observed in Germany for higher-value consumption.


Lidl feels characterized attacked explains Adlwarth. The company feared for his far superior price image in branded goods and hit back – which in turn Aldi will not let rest: “This is a battle that will take place over rock-bottom prices.”


“The madness must come to an end”

The journal “Lebensmittel Zeitung” spoke of a “veritable earthquake” that would have triggered the brand’s Listings from Aldi. In fact, the battle of the giants affect the entire food trade. To remain competitive, according to GfK also need classic supermarkets and drugstores at least go along to a certain extent – for example through additional promotions. And also the smaller discounters such as Kaufland has no choice but to orient themselves to the market leaders.


The brand manufacturers view the developing situation with concern. The Germany boss of the consumer goods giant Unilever (Langnese, Knorr, Axe), Ulli Gritzuhn demanded recently in an interview: “The madness must come to an end.”


The price wars at the expense of brand manufacturers could not cope with the company in the long run. “We as an industry and trade must find a way how we can stop the destruction of value in the brands”, demanded Gritzuhn.


The sales decreases anyway

Also Andreas Gayk, the head of sales policy and trade relations with the Association of Brand Manufacturer (Brand Association), resents the latest development: “This is value destruction par excellence.” What passing there, is neither necessary nor meaningful: “We would welcome pronounced when the food trade would find ways to distinguish themselves differently on simple price mechanism to compete with rivals.”


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sales successes have not yet brought the discounters already aggressive cutbacks actions. According to GfK, sales of low-cost carriers in the first half year by 0.7 percent below the previous year’s level. The classic supermarkets shone contrast with a growth of 2.8 percent. Overall, the buying mood of consumers all over the German retail sector helped from January to June, according to the Federal Statistical Office to a real (price-adjusted) increase in sales of 2.5 percent compared to the same period last year.


The fact that the desire for the brand to an early end of price wars in the food business come true, trade expert Adlwarth believes not: “The price spiral will probably continue to turn for a while.”


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Berlin Aldi supermarket Extreme Fund at discounters: Much cocaine, little bananas

The common narcotics investigation team Berlin, consisting of customs investigators and the Berlin police, can ensure 380 kilograms of cocaine. The drugs were hidden in banana boxes, which – probably inadvertently – were delivered to a discounter More

05/05/2015, 10.: 17 clock | Society


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+++ +++ Greece crisis: Tsipras commissioned Varoufakis with Grexit plan – ABC Online

Updated on Friday, 07.31.2015, 13:34
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After several Delays run the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors on new grants this week in Athens. Before making a report of a Grexit-secret plan of ex-Finance Varoufakis the round. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

  • Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms.
  • Athens sought new assistance from the IMF.
  • negotiations with the EU partners run in Athens.
  • newspaper reported Grexit-secret plan

The facts:. After several delays negotiate Greece and its international creditors again over new grants. The Troika is unloved since June 2014 for the first time on the spot. By mid-August the final agreement on the reorganization of the Greek budget should be available. Tsipras announced meanwhile to a debt relief in November. In addition, the alleged Grexit-secret plan of the Greeks led by Varoufakis vertebra. The Greek office is investigating the ex-finance minister.

Should Germany Greece continue to help?

"Do not look for scandals at Varoufakis"

13.02 clock: Greece had, in the words of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras never the aim to withdraw from the euro zone. Nevertheless, one was prepared for all eventualities, Tsipras said on Friday in the Greek parliament. The former Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis is criticized because it is said to have worked on a plan for a euro exit of Greece.

Tsipras took his ex-minister in protection. "Do not search for scandals at Varoufakis," Tsipras said. Varoufakis have probably made mistakes. "But you can not accuse him of that to be a crook. You can not accuse him that he stole the people's money. He has no money taken abroad," Tsipras said.

Tsipras confirmed "Grexit" plans, "Yes, I have an order issued"

10.13 Clock: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has for a few minutes ago the first time expressed about the Grexit plans of former minister Varoufakis. In Parliament Tsipras said:? ". Yes, I have given the order to prepare such a plan for an emergency" "If our creditors prepare a Grexit plan, should not we have prepared our defense," said the Prime Minister with a view to the scenario of an imminent euro-Greek exit. In addition, Tsipras said that European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker-have already expressed in 2012 such plans in public.

negotiation of Athens-believer in the decisive phase

08.57 Clock: take preparatory work their inspectors the funder of Greece on Friday directly in touch with Treasury Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis. This was reported from circles of Finance in Athens on Friday morning. With rapid decisions on new aid loans government employees in Athens do not expect. But much time has not the government under Alexis Tsipras. Until August 20, Athens has to repay 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB).

Bundesbank President wants investors in Greek bankruptcy in losses participate

08.13 Clock: buyers of bonds of European crisis countries must continue to expect a significantly higher risk of loss. According to the ideas of Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, the term of these bonds shall be automatically renewed for another three years if the States request assistance in European rescue fund ESM.

That left individual investors in the duty and would be in the event of state bankruptcy participate in the losses. "The Community liability and the volume of aid programs would be reduced dramatically, investors would remain the responsibility of and paid no longer by public aid funds," said Weidmann in an interview with FOCUS.

sees higher credit costs for bonds of the countries concerned the Federal bankers not as a problem: "The effect would be manageable and would mainly concern securities that are due soon. . If a euro area country house hold unsound, then rising risk premiums would in any case exactly the type of market discipline, which is the core of a monetary union in which there should be no joint liability "

Video: This gesture fought Varoufakis from - but now the memory back

if the euro is in danger: So save your money

Do you also have such a queasy feeling? , you will see 30 pages as your receive assets in uncertain times and secure it despite euro crisis and low interest-times and continue to multiply.
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class="navText"> Day of Truth: Greek Open banks - ECB repayment ...
  • course, won the heart: Now waving Tsipras absolute ...
  • Federal Government: No last minute rescue for Greece
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  • +++ +++ Greece crisis: Tsipras defended Varoufakis: “I have Grexit … – ABC Online

    Updated on Friday, 07.31.2015, 16:53
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    After several Delays run the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors on new grants this week in Athens. Before making a report of a Grexit-secret plan of ex-Finance Varoufakis the round. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

    • Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms.
    • Athens sought new assistance from the IMF.
    • negotiations with the EU partners run in Athens.
    • newspaper reported Grexit-secret plan

    The facts:. After several delays negotiate Greece and its international creditors again over new grants. The Troika is unloved since June 2014 for the first time on the spot. By mid-August the final agreement on the reorganization of the Greek budget should be available. Tsipras announced meanwhile to a debt relief in November. In addition, the alleged Grexit-secret plan of the Greeks led by Varoufakis vertebra. The Greek office is investigating the ex-finance minister.

    Should Germany Greece continue to help?

    Stock Exchange in Athens will open on Monday

    16.53 Clock: The Athens Stock Exchange accepts on Monday after five weeks off their resumes operation, which has the Greek Ministry of Finance announced a few minutes ago. Over the weekend a number of test runs are planned. The reports, the Greek business newspaper "Naftemporiki"

    "Do not search for scandals at Varoufakis"

    13.02 clock. Greece had, in the words of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras never the aim to withdraw from the euro zone. Nevertheless, one was prepared for all eventualities, Tsipras said on Friday in the Greek parliament. The former Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis is criticized because it is said to have worked on a plan for a euro exit of Greece.

    Tsipras took his ex-minister in protection. "Do not search for scandals at Varoufakis," Tsipras said. Varoufakis have probably made mistakes. "But you can not accuse him of that to be a crook. You can not accuse him that he stole the people's money. He has no money taken abroad," Tsipras said.

    Tsipras confirmed "Grexit" plans, "Yes, I have an order issued"

    10.13 Clock: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has for a few minutes ago the first time expressed about the Grexit plans of former minister Varoufakis. In Parliament Tsipras said:? ". Yes, I have given the order to prepare such a plan for an emergency" "If our creditors prepare a Grexit plan, should not we have prepared our defense," said the Prime Minister with a view to the scenario of an imminent euro-Greek exit. In addition, Tsipras said that European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker-have already expressed in 2012 such plans in public.

    negotiation of Athens-believer in the decisive phase

    08.57 Clock: take preparatory work their inspectors the funder of Greece on Friday directly in touch with Treasury Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis. This was reported from circles of Finance in Athens on Friday morning. With rapid decisions on new aid loans government employees in Athens do not expect. But much time has not the government under Alexis Tsipras. Until August 20, Athens has to repay 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB).

    Bundesbank President wants investors in Greek bankruptcy in losses participate

    08.13 Clock: buyers of bonds of European crisis countries must continue to expect a significantly higher risk of loss. According to the ideas of Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, the term of these bonds shall be automatically renewed for another three years if the States request assistance in European rescue fund ESM.

    That left individual investors in the duty and would be in the event of state bankruptcy participate in the losses. "The Community liability and the volume of aid programs would be reduced dramatically, investors would remain the responsibility of and paid no longer by public aid funds," said Weidmann in an interview with FOCUS.

    sees higher credit costs for bonds of the countries concerned the Federal bankers not as a problem: "The effect would be manageable and would mainly concern securities that are due soon. . If a euro area country house hold unsound, then rising risk premiums would in any case exactly the type of market discipline, which is the core of a monetary union in which there should be no joint liability "

    Video: This gesture fought Varoufakis from - but now the memory back

    if the euro is in danger: So save your money

    Do you also have such a queasy feeling? , you will see 30 pages as your receive assets in uncertain times and secure it despite euro crisis and low interest-times and continue to multiply.
    Click here for more information and to download

  • Federal Government: No load minute rescue for Greece
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    The Germans have less thirst for beer – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



              The glass is … you know.



    After boozy football Summer Party last year, the German brewers the subsequent hangover has caught. In the first half 2015, they brought more than a million hectoliters of alcoholic varieties less among the beer drinkers. The total amount of 46.9 million hectoliters a decrease of 2.1 percent, the Federal Statistical Office reported on Friday.


    Especially in the inland people had less thirsty for beer and Co. The taxed amount of beer was above average by 2.7 per cent to 38.6 million hectoliters. This could only be partly offset by increased exports, as well as in the EU weakened the paragraph with a minus of 4.7 percent significantly. After overseas exports rose, however, by 11.2 percent to around 3.3 million hectoliters.


    The German Brewers’ Association makes weather differences of as the main reason for the poor mid-term review in 2015. 2014 had been an exceptional year, says chief executive Holger Eichele. “Have contributed to the positive result in 2014, a relatively short winter and the good weather in spring and early summer and the good sales during the Football World Cup.” All that was missing in 2015, so that you can hope for a sunny summer and a mild autumn.


    But not all vendors have the same cat gets difficult. In the international business, especially the Bavarian breweries are successful with their tradition beers. From the southern province came in the first half of 2015. A round back third of the Export beers – followed by Lower Saxony / Bremen, where especially the Beck’s brewery AB Inbev-stands for the overseas business. Domestically, however, continue to dominate the Brewers from North Rhine-Westphalia.


    According to an analysis of the journal “Inside-drinks” has managed with Krombacher a brand from the Sauerland region, despite a slight drop in sales (-0.3 percent), to become the most popular beer in Germany. The heavily advertised brand was the duration competitors Bitburger and Veltins behind and could also the longtime leader Oettinger displace first

    time since 2004 to second place.


    The largest sales losses of 7.7 percent among the top ten had to accept the Warsteiner brewery, which is ailing for some time and had clearly lost in the boom year of 2014 against the trend. A round-quarters of its sales lost the traditional Hamburg brand Holsten. Strong growth, however, recorded according to the journal, the largest German brewer Radeberger Group with its East German brands.


    see their future among other brewers in non-alcoholic beers. In the past year they have around 6.3 million hectoliters sold them -. About 50 percent more than in 2010


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    Disappointing, however, business was with the popular, especially among young people beer mixtures. Here, the control statistics recorded in the first half of 2015, an above-average decline by 14.6 percent to just 1.92 million hectoliters. The much described trend towards craft-based “Craft beers” remained in the crowd without major consequences.


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    beverage trend Is Craft Beer the better beer?

    The days when American beer drinkers a choice between the mass products of brewing giants like Anheuser-Busch, Miller or Coors had are gone: thousands of small artisanal breweries abound on the market and pampered connoisseurs with exotic flavors. Now Craft Beer prepares to make the breweries in Europe competition. More

    21/04/2015, 12:59 pm clock | style

    World’s Fair Expo 2015 in Milan revolves around food

    At the World Expo in Milan everything revolves from 1 May to food: The Expo Milano 2015 is themed Feeding the planet, energy for life “. By the end of October, the organizers expect more than 20 million visitors. The show was overshadowed in advance of corruption scandals More

    05.01.2015, 10:03 clock |. Feuilleton

    More Significantly more tax revenue

    The German economy is in the spring probably only grew by 0.3 percent. VW’s sales shrink and Bundestag President Lammert calls from the United States access to TTIP documents. More

    20.07.2015, 06:54 clock | Economy



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    Heel Statistics

    The Germans have less thirst for beer

    The business of German breweries running in 2015 so far sluggish. After the exceptional 2014 they must recruit against the dwindling Bierdurst again. In this case, move the market shares.

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    Giant Flyer “Aquila”: Facebook wants to bring a drone on the Internet – Tagesspiegel

    09:49 clock <- inTeaserPicPosition: -1 -> <- self.position! : -1 -> <- classId: HCF inline-left -> <- position:! left -> <- Text position: -> <- inIsPrint: false ->

    With 40 meters it has a wingspan as an airliner. The drone “Aquila” to remote areas to bring the Internet. Facebook hopes to new customers.

    <- self.position eq 2 -> <- classId: HCF ! INLINE left -> <- position: left -> <- Text position: -> <- inIsPrint: false -> <- inHasPic: false ->

    Facebook has introduced the first version of its drone that will bring internet to remote areas. The unmanned aerial vehicle named “Aquila” have the wingspan of a Boeing 737, said Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg late Thursday.

    The solar-powered drone weighing less than a car and could stay in the air for months. In addition, Facebook has developed an extremely precise laser system, the data can transferred per second at a speed of ten gigabits

    <- inTeaserPicPosition. <- Self.position - - otherwise!>: -1 – ! -> <- self.position: -1 -> <- classId: HCF inline-left -> <- position: left -> <- Text position: -> <- inHasPic: false -> <- self.position eq 2 -> <- inTeaserPicPosition:! -1 -> <- classId: HCF inline-left -> <- position: left -> <- Text position: -> <- inIsPrint! : false -> <- inHasPic: false ->

    Google relies on balloons

    The world’s

    largest online network with about 1.5 billion members have long pursued the project, from the Internet to bring air in areas with weak infrastructure. For Facebook last year bought the British drones developers Ascenta.

    Google is in a similar program also on drones – but also on huge balloons with antennas. Hundreds of millions of new Internet users are also likely to online giants bring more business.

    The “Aquila” -Drohne should fly up to three months at a time at altitudes between 18,000 and 28,000 feet, reported the Technology -Blog “Mashable” from a presentation at Facebook. In the air they’ll put on a helium balloon, from which they then abkoppele itself. (AP)

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    Current Topics from the economy -Ressort


    German Bank CEO takes hard by – THE WORLD

    The new head John Cryan wants to bring the German bank with a radical treatment on course and close the gap on the competition. The almost 100,000 employees must prepare themselves for severe cutbacks. “Changes can be stressful, but maintain the status quo is not an option,” wrote the Briton to the workforce. Although it was 818 million euros to more than triple the net income for the second quarter of Germany’s biggest money home, because the days business was robust. But it was “because not nearly where we should be,” Cryan found clear words. The costs were too high: “Our main challenge is strategic in nature, we have a structural cost problem which is obvious,” he said to the investors at the launch of the results

    Cryan sitting since July 1 on the executive chair. He took over from Anshu Jain, who resigned after criticism from supervisors and investors because of years of group restructuring has not brought the desired results. In return, the bank has remained below expectations, the dividend is stagnating, while the US competition which attracts. Many European banks have consistently saved as the German bank.

    For the people of Frankfurt to the new “2020 Strategy” bring the breakthrough. Cryan, who sat the last two years on the Supervisory Board, has helped to develop it. Details he wants to introduce in October. In essence, it comes to be smaller – including through the sale of Postbank, the dismantling of the private client business and a retreat from several countries. The investment bank, which needs a lot of capital is to slim down. Observers expect that the Group thousands of jobs disappear

    Cryan made it clear where the journey goes:.. “So our strategy is successful, we need to be more efficient, we must be disciplined at the question of how, where and with whom we do business. ” The German bank did not draw from their potential. At the same time Cryan asked for patience in transforming the Bank “. It will take years to deliver” But many believe to him, the long-promised “culture change” actually implement – as a man from the outside, he must on no cliques considerate and can give the new beginning credibility. Officially Cryan has until spring still Jürgen Fitschen as Co-Chief on the side. The Lower Saxony is to open the doors to the British domestic economic variables and make the transition. At the shareholders the news came on

    Thursday at good: The share climbed to its highest price in three months.

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    +++ +++ Greece crisis: IMF does not want to at third rescue package for … – ABC Online

    Updated on Friday, 07.31.2015, 06:35
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    Please select the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you report the error the editors.

    After several Delays run the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors on new grants this week in Athens. Before making a report of a Grexit-secret plan of ex-Finance Varoufakis the round. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

    • Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms.
    • Athens sought new assistance from the IMF.
    • negotiations with the EU partners run in Athens.
    • newspaper reported Grexit-secret plan

    The facts:. After several delays negotiate Greece and its international creditors since Monday in Athens over new grants , The Troika is unloved since June 2014 for the first time on the spot. By mid-August the final agreement on the reorganization of the Greek budget should be available. Tsipras announced meanwhile to a debt relief in November. Previously made a report on a Grexit-secret plan of the Greeks led by Varoufakis vertebra. The Greek office is investigating the ex-finance minister. And Prime Minister Tsipras is located in the new negotiations is anything but cooperative.

    Should Germany Greece continue to help?

    special party to solution in Syriza-factional dispute bring

    Friday 31st July 06.32 Clock: A special party conference in September to resolve the dispute within the direction of the Greek ruling party Syriza. This was decided by the Central Committee of the party after hours session late Thursday, as state television reported (ERT). The exact date of the meeting is still open.

    The left wing of the party of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had last voted twice against reform and austerity measures were a prerequisite for further negotiations with international creditors on a new aid package. The projects could be approved only with the votes of the opposition.

    Tsipras had repeatedly stated in recent days, was his first priority is to bring the third utility with creditors signed and sealed. Then he wanted to tackle the dispute in his party.

    In a televised speech, Tsipras defended before Syriza Central Committee his U-turn toward the demanded by the creditors austerity program. He had "no choice" but to agree to the new negotiations, Tsipras said. He also campaigned for the deputies of the left wing Syriza for an end to the internal strife. Who believe that I have a better solution, "which is to say it, even if this would mean a return to the (old currency) drachma," Tsipras said. "Magic solutions" does not exist.

    Tsipras is according to experts at the congress a showdown before. The ruling party is likely to have great difficulty in averting a split. The debate was also on Thursday to solve the dispute in a direction matching of all party members on upcoming or next weekend.

    IMF are no immediate loans to Greece

    16.30 Clock: IMF does not participate in a new austerity package: The members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made it clear that the Greek public debt without debt is unsustainable. Although the IMF involved in the talks, but the members want to agree to any further loans. As the Financial Times reported in its online edition, the members complain about the high debt burden also take the lack of motivation of the Greek government to implement reforms.

    Video This gesture fought Varoufakis from - but now returns the memory back

    The euro is in danger: How to save your money

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  • Thursday, July 30, 2015

    Unemployment in Germany rose in July to 2.773 billion – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

    Nuremberg (APA / dpa-AFX) – The number of unemployed in Germany rose to 2.773 million in July to 61,000. These are still 99,000 fewer unemployed than a year ago, as the Federal Employment Agency announced in Nuremberg on Thursday. The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 points to 6.3 percent to

    The head of the Federal Labour Agency, Frank-Jürgen Weise, said. “With the onset of summer break, the number of unemployed people has increased in July , Overall, the labor market is but well there. “The main reason for the increase was the temporary” search unemployment “of young people who finish their company or school-based training during the summer months and therefore currently looking

    for a job.

    After seasonal adjustment increased the number of unemployed in Germany in July by 9,000 to 2.799 million. Economists had expected a decline of 5,000, however. In West Germany submitted the adjusted for seasonal influences number of unemployed by 4,000, while it grew by 5,000 in eastern Germany.


    German Bank – “The status quo is not an option” – Frankfurter Rundschau

    July 30, 2015

    In October wants the head of Deutsche Bank, John Cryan, submit details of the new strategy. Until then, there’s a lot to think about. Photo: RTR

    The new co-head of Deutsche Bank, John Cryan, starts with good quarterly figures. Income lay vigorously. However, the interim report also highlights the major problems of the institute and the new boss his staff on a radical restructuring before.

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    The numbers are good, but the new boss is not happy. John Cryan, since July 1, co-head of Deutsche Bank, took the tripled net profit on Thursday not for praise, but chose harsh words: Earnings lie “because not nearly where we should be,” the costs are “simply unacceptable “he wrote in an email to the 98 000 employees and rebuked the” wasteful use of our hard-earned income “. This means:. On the German bank employee hard times come to

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    At first glance, the bank put a track record before: In the second quarter pre-tax profit rose to 818 million euros after 238 million a year earlier. Pre-tax profit rose by a third to 1.2 billion euros, the consolidated revenues increased thanks to growth in all business areas by 17 percent to 9.2 billion to.

    But all that is not enough for the 54-year British Cryan. Already on his first day he had sent a clear message to employees: The Bank need a Schrumpfkur, the costs are to be reduced. Significant cuts had Cryan announced in investment banking – in the area so that its predecessor Anshu Jain had passed until 2012. This business is less profitable because of the prescribed capital buffers. “This luxury we can no longer afford”, was the new boss, who had been the Swiss UBS rebuilt between 2008 and 2011. As CFO


    investors react positively

    Cryans goal is a fundamental “change of culture” in Germany’s biggest money home. The bank is too inefficient work processes too cumbersome, the

    business model too complex, and all this leads to a “rate of return that is much too low for our investors,” he complained. While the return on equity after tax was 5.7 percent in the second quarter significantly higher than a year earlier, when they had reached only 2.1 percent. But foreign competition is much more profitable than the Frankfurter.

    While the German banking accounted for rising yields. So she took a April-June 2015, bond trading 16 percent higher, while equity trading, the increase was even 39 percent. However, the costs increase with, among others, because of the many lawsuits that cost the institution in the second quarter EUR 1.2 billion. This involves, among other things to manipulation of interest rates and foreign exchange to the suspicion of money laundering and to dubious dealings with mortgage. Currently, the bank for legal legacy has traveled 3.8 billion euros. Other potential legal risks they put at 3.2 billion euros. “Our reputation has been damaged, the severe penalties thin our capital reserves, and it will continue to do,” said Cryan.

    Now he wants to turn things around. He has inherited from his predecessors preparatory work for a “Strategy 2020″, which should reduce the cost by 15 percent and investment banking by 17 percent. Details are expected to be presented in October. But it is already clear: Thousands of jobs will be eliminated. “Changes can be stressful,” Cryan said on Thursday, “but maintain the status quo is not an option.” In addition to the job cuts, the bank plans to withdraw from different countries. In addition, the Postbank are sold and the retail business will be cut back.

    The restructuring of the Group is indeed also swallow a lot of money. Investors reacted positively on Thursday but on the clear words of the bankers: The German bank shares rose until late afternoon by more than three percent to

