Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Start menu versa zurückIm Overview: This is new for Windows 10 – ABC Online

The Start menu versa zurückIm Overview: This is new for Windows 10 – ABC Online


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With the name Microsoft surprised everyone: Instead of Windows 9, the latest edition of the operating system is called Windows 10 on board, among other things, an old acquaintance: The Start menu. Online FOCUS shows the features of Windows 10th


The successor of Windows 8 does not mean about Windows 9, Windows 10, but in San Francisco Microsoft introduced the newest edition of its operating system. In Windows 10, the Start menu returns: In addition to classical items such as system control and live tiles are now integrated. Also new is that apps can also be opened in windows now. Moreover, it is in Windows 10 possible easily switch between different virtual desktops and forth.

They can, for example, different interfaces for the private use and for working set. The “Task View” feature also provides an overview of all open Apps.Wann Windows 10 appears, is not yet clear, but it will only be ready in 2015. A preview version is, however, very soon available.


Airline will negotiate again: Lufthansa pilot strike loses millions – ABC Online

Airline will negotiate again: Lufthansa pilot strike loses millions – ABC Online

Wednesday, 10.01.2014, 01:34
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a two-digit million amount cost the strikes of the pilots’ union Cockpit Lufthansa this fall. Therefore, the airline will very quickly to negotiate with the pilot. It also calls for legal barriers to craft unions.

The recent strikes the Vereinigung Cockpit costs Lufthansa million. “The three days of strike in the spring have cost us 60 million euros and the last five days of strike will certainly again caused tens of millions of damage,” said Bettina Volkens, Personnel Board of Lufthansa the “Bild-Zeitung” (Wednesday edition), according to a preliminary report.

Volkens asked the union for a return to the negotiating table. “We want first of all deal with the pilots’ union Cockpit. Yet for talks must also include the union to compromise

to be ready.

This is currently not the case. What makes the cockpit, has nothing to do with fair social partnership do, “she added. “We must return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, preferably immediately. I’m cockpit around the clock reached” Volkens said.

Lufthansa wants barriers for craft unions

Lufthansa also demanded a statutory curtailment of craft unions. “To bring a law for the bargaining unit on the way, would be important for the German economy,” said Volkens. The Ministry of Labour appropriate plans should already circulating.]

In addition, she sees the need for “constitutional rules, and procedures to assure that a company can not be constantly strike of various craft unions. Politicians are called to act quickly . “

In Video: Lufthansa to pilot strike cushion

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Argentina is seeking to avoid payment ban on US-judges – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Argentina is seeking to avoid payment ban on US-judges – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



BUENOS AIRES (AFX) – Argentina has paid $ 161 million for interest payments on its foreign debt escrow accounts of Banco Nacion state. The money am available to creditors who have not obtained their interest Argentine government bonds through the Bank of New York Mellon (BoNY), the Ministry of Economy said in Buenos Aires on Tuesday. In this way, the government wants to circumvent the ban on payment of U.S. Judge Thomas Griesa. It is unclear how many creditors will accept the transfer of the place of payment.

The judge had the operation of Argentine obligations in New York blocked unless plaintiff hedge fund paid $ 1.5 billion (1.2 billion euros) will. The litigation will take place in the United States, because the disputed bonds were once issued in U.S. dollars under United States law, to make it more attractive for international investors.

In June, Argentina had paid $ 539 million to the BoNY for interest payments that were not paid due Griesas judgment of the bank to the creditor. Since then, the South American country is in a so-called “technical” or “selective” default. Payments for Bonds under Argentine law has permitted, however the judge.

Griesa had said on Monday that Argentina is liable to prosecution for making judgment disregard. The Argentine government has the judge’s decision as a “violation of international law” back.

/ Jg / DP / jkr


Diego Maradona disengages

The Argentine football legend was in Buenos Aires driving his son, as he felt harassed by a journalist and slammed. More

11.08.2014, 15:33 clock | Sport

Pro-cannabis demonstration in Buenos Aires

Attachments and possession of cannabis should be legalized. The demanded tens of thousands in the streets of Buenos Aires at the annual marijuana march. More

05.04.2014, 17:32 clock | Society

More news Rhön agrees with plaintiffs

VW builds the new Jetta from mid 2015 in Brazil, the former Health Minister Bahr changes to the alliance and the supermarket giant Wal-Mart gets the Instagram co-founder in the Board of Directors More

30.09.2014, 06:59 clock |. economy




Disappointing numbers: German labor market weaker than expected – ABC Online

Disappointing numbers: German labor market weaker than expected – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.30.2014, 10:00
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The labor market in Germany has developed worse in September than usual for the season. The number of unemployed fell by 94,000 in the previous month while on 2,808,000 returns, such as the Federal Employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg on Tuesday. The decline was however weaker than in previous years.

This also lies the fact that fewer people were in support programs of BA. “Excluding normal seasonal effects outside of, but unemployment rises,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate unexpectedly put strong to 12,000. Bank economists had forecast, on average, with a decline of 2,000 in the previous month.

However, the labor market is doing well. The number of unemployed was 41,000 lower than a year ago and barely higher than in the boom

times of the early 90s. In almost any other country in the euro zone’s unemployment rate is so low. She is in Germany unchanged seasonally adjusted 6.7 percent. Employment and social security contributions are, according to the BA increased seasonally adjusted in recent months.

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Given the Ukraine crisis and the sanctions against Russia as well as the weak economic development in the euro zone is, however, expected little movement for the current year in unemployment in Germany.

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IPO: After years of argument: Ebay brings Paypal to the stock market – ABC Online

IPO: After years of argument: Ebay brings Paypal to the stock market – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.30.2014, 13:54
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The online auction site Ebay splits its online payment service Paypal and brings him separately on the stock exchange. The companies had denied this measure long. Now it should be 2015 so far.

The online auction site Ebay splits from his rapidly growing payment service PayPal. PayPal will floated as a separate company in the second half of 2015, the American online retailer said on Tuesday. The Group’s management has come to the conclusion that Ebay and PayPal are each alone in a better position, said chief executive John Donahoe. On the financial market, the message was well received: eBay shares rose in premarket U.S. trading at eleven percent

Investor Icahn triumphs

The IPO is a victory for the influential investor Carl Icahn.. He and other investors have long been of the view that PayPal could grow even more independent.

The surprising decision of Ebay was a month-long dispute headed. In the spring of ebay had rejected the suggestion and initially prevailed against Icahn. The well-known for its aggressive financial management shareholder had not only withdrawn in April its call PayPal to split off from the group, but also to bring two

confidante to the Board. Icahn buys usually relatively small shares of companies and then provides loudly demands to management. He had also applied with Apple and Dell and last gechasst the CEO of the American car rental company Hertz.

No guide jobs Ebay bosses

Now to the two previous bosses John Donahoe and Bob Swan but carry out the separation of Ebay and Paypal. A leadership role in one of the two new companies it will not take, however, but on the Supervisory Board, it says in the statement.

PayPal, with around 140 million active users (as of end 2013) is considered as a support of eBay. About the payment service, customers can manage their online purchases. The company was founded in the late 1990s and went in 2002 to the stock market. Shortly after eBay bought the service for $ 1.5 billion.

In the second quarter of eBay increased thanks PayPal sales by 13 percent to $ 4.37 billion. eBay even got to feel the reluctance of customers, however, after a big hacker attack on the company’s data.

The investments of Carl Icahn



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Action for discrimination: Lufthansa pilot wins fight against cap compulsory – ABC Online

Action for discrimination: Lufthansa pilot wins fight against cap compulsory – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.30.2014, 11:13
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If the cap compulsory for Lufthansa pilots discriminatory? A pilot of the airline feels that way. Now the Federal Labour Court

has the verdict and decided in favor of the pilot. On Tuesday the trial of the action was in Erfurt one employed by Lufthansa since 2006 pilot’s held. He comes from the fact that for the pilots cockpit cap is only a uniform accessory that can be worn in public, but not necessarily. For pilots, however, the blue cap with the Lufthansa emblem and gold cord is mandatory in public areas of airports.

Now the Federal Labour Court (BAG) gave the man right. The Lufthansa may not commit to wearing a uniform cap at airports its pilots. The federal judge saw in the Lufthansa arguments – Tradition and the specifics of women’s hairstyles – there were

insufficient grounds for unequal treatment of men and women.

background of the dispute to the last instance is an operating agreement “uniforms” of 2004, which regulates the dress code at the airline. The First Senate of the Federal Labour Court has now examined whether the regulation of the General Equal Treatment Act and regulations contradicts the Works Constitution Act. It was also about whether there are sound reasons for unequal treatment of women and men in the pilot’s uniform.

The Labour Court Cologne had given the pilots right in his action against the cap compulsory, the Court of Appeal, however, the Lufthansa . The applicant comes from North Rhine-Westphalia and is stationed in Munich. The attempt of the company to make a uniform caps rule for both men and women, has not been supported by the Staff Committee, said a spokesman for Lufthansa AG in Frankfurt.


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Euro falls: Low inflation currency crashes – ABC Online

Euro falls: Low inflation currency crashes – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.30.2014, 11:46
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Cheaper energy has pushed the euro zone in September to its lowest level in nearly five years, the rate of inflation. Including the euro suffers. He falls to the lowest level in two years

The chances of purchases of government bonds in the billions by the European Central Bank (ECB) grow. In September, consumer prices only increased by 0.3 percent over the same month last year, as the statistics office Eurostat said on Tuesday. A lower value was last seen at the height of the global financial crisis in October 2009, when the prices even decreased slightly. In July and August, the inflation rate had stood at 0.4 percentage

The danger of deflation is always tangible -. Scenario that ECB chief Mario Draghi wants to prevent at all costs. To prevent harmful for the economy falling prices across the board, the ECB had already lowered its key interest rate in September to a record low. They also pumped billions of cheap money into the economy

decline in inflation

The renewed decline in inflation therefore put the euro at:., He expands his losses and is 1.26 dollars as cheap as last beginning September 2012

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Euro / U.S. Dollar (EUR / USD )
1.2595 EUR
- 0.0110 (- 0.87%)

At the same time attracted to the European stock exchanges at prices because investors now expect a further easing of the ECB. The Dax was up. Even more cheap money would probably flow first to the capital markets and trigger new course fireworks there.

On Thursday, the monetary authorities decide again at its next meeting on monetary policy. Details are expected to planned purchases of mortgage bonds and credit instruments bundled. "I do not think the pressure to act on the ECB by the further decline in inflation is rising," but said Nordea economist Holger Sandte. The low point in prices could be achieved now.

The dollar is gaining strength

The reason for the weak euro is not only the loose monetary policy of the ECB. Add to this that the American Federal Reserve slowly begins to tighten monetary policy again. She drives back the monthly bond purchases because recovers the U.S. economy. This is good for the dollar, it becomes more valuable.

"There is brewing for the euro-dollar exchange rate of the perfect storm together," Commerzbank therefore wrote in a recent study. "The question is really: how far the exchange rate will fall And: How quickly is the Devaluation" Commerzbank expects an exchange rate of $ 1.20 by the end of 2015

video comment. Whoever is to blame for the weak euro


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eBay is built around radically – PayPal comes to the stock market in 2015 – Reuters Germany

eBay is built around radically – PayPal comes to the stock market in 2015 – Reuters Germany


– of Supantha Mukherjee


Bangalore (Reuters) – eBay bows to pressure from investors and splits his rapidly growing payment service PayPal now but from.


PayPal will floated as a separate company in the second half of 2015, the American online retailer said on Tuesday. The Group’s management has come to the conclusion that eBay and PayPal are each alone in a better position, said chief executive John Donahoe. He succeeds surprisingly, the argumentation of the influential investor Carl Icahn.


In the stock market, the step was redeemed eBay share prices were up more than six percent to $ 56.05. The eBay trading activity could now be more attractive for acquisitions, it said in a brief report by investment bank Piper Jaffray. Finally, the Chinese Amazon Alibaba counterpart was gone in New York on the stock market. With $ 25 billion it collected so much money as a date no other company and now wants to expand in America.


eBay CEO Donahoe admitted in conversation with the “New York Times” to follow Icahn’s recommendations. However, this is not the result of pressure, but a detailed strategic review. They have

led to the conclusion that the advantages to lead eBay and PayPal under one roof, schwindeten. PayPal is stronger than ever in competition with Google. Even Apple pushes into the area and should soon settle financial transactions.





Icahn, who owns nearly 2.5 percent of eBay, had repeated and usual loud strongly made for the splitting. eBay and PayPal could be separated in total worth more and grow stronger, he argues. The turnover in the trading areas of eBay climbed in the past four quarters by ten percent to $ 9.9 billion. In the PayPal Plus in the same period was 19 percent to $ 7.2 billion.


In the spring had rejected the suggestion and initially prevailed against Icahn eBay. The well-known for its aggressive financial management shareholder pulled back in April not only its call PayPal to split off from the group, but also to bring two confidante to the Board. Icahn lies down again and again with companies – most recently about Apple and Dell – to to get short term benefits to shareholders, in the form of special dividends. Continued …


Lufthansa pilots strike from wide – affecting thousands – Reuters Germany

Lufthansa pilots strike from wide – affecting thousands – Reuters Germany


Frankfurt (Reuters) – The new strike by Lufthansa pilots crossed the travel plans of thousands of passengers worldwide.


9000 travelers could not compete because of Ausstands as planned their flight, a Lufthansa spokeswoman said on Tuesday. The pilots on strike for eight clock in the morning the first flights of Lufthansa’s Frankfurt hub. Because of the strike, which is scheduled to last 15 hours, falling from 25 of the planned 57 intercontinental, inter alia, to Los Angeles and Dallas. An approach in the wage dispute, in which the pilots want to save their generous compared to the industry early retirement scheme before the austerity of the top management is not in sight. “There is no conversation level,” said Markus Wahl, Chairman of the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit to Reuters. “If Lufthansa does not move, there will be further strike action.”


The largest German airport prevailed after the strike began dense crowds. Groups were faced with the large scoreboard in Terminal 1 and examined their flights. The chaos failed to materialize. To minimize the impact of the labor dispute, constitutes Lufthansa among other manager with a pilot’s license in the cockpit. “We have succeeded, every other flight to get in the air,” said the airline spokesperson. Nevertheless, the damage to the airline would be great. To keep passengers in the United States or China to date, CEO Carsten Spohr has provided a video message to the Internet. (Here)


This aircraft and crews not stranded overseas, Lufthansa began on Monday afternoon to

cancel routes. Since compounds are canceled for Wednesday, falling at Lufthansa from a total of 50 long-haul flights. That is painful, because the tradition flights to intercontinental flights well deserved – as opposed to routes within Germany and Europe.



conflict escalates


The 5400 pilot of the crane airline insist on maintaining their in-house early retirement. The Lufthansa announced the collective agreement late last year. In addition, the pilots fight against the expansion of low cost supply of airline. An assignment of the dispute is a long way off. Even in the most recent round of negotiations, the tariff of Lufthansa have not changed, cockpit executive said election. “We will fight the labor dispute in the long term.” According to Lufthansa, the talks broke down because the cockpit had demanded a signature-seasoned offer, instead of going into the negotiations.


The Lufthansa is frequently hit by strikes than any other company, since powerful professional groups such as the pilots have formed their own unions. The latter strike now for the fourth time within a half months – in April they had even three days stopped work. Prior to about the ground staff or the Safe forces had gone in walkout at Frankfurt Airport. The federal government is pushing a new law ahead to put the power of small unions boundaries.


FDP politician: Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr goes to the Alliance – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

FDP politician: Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr goes to the Alliance – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



                          Former Health Minister Daniel Bahr


The former Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr has a new job: On November 1, he starts at Allianz Private Health Insurance to. There, the FDP politicians and health expert will initially be responsible as General Manager for the topics performance management and sales coordination center. “After a training period” and if the financial BaFin agrees to move up in the board of thirty-seven. This was announced by the company on Monday in Munich.


Philip Krohn Author:. Philipp Krohn, born in 1977, editor in business

After the FDP was flown out of the Bundestag in the general election in 2013, Bahr had retired from politics and was idle for a time with gone his family to America, where he worked as a health policy advisor for a think tank in Washington. He had started in the youth organization of the FDP His meteoric political career, in 2002 she led Bahr in the Bundestag and in 2010 to the post of FDP chairman in North Rhine-Westphalia. Half a year later he was then Minister of Health – because his predecessors Philipp Rösler as the new FDP leader would rather run the business section. Already in his economics degree he had chosen the international health as a priority.


The private health insurers was the Liberals as a guarantee for the existence of their business model. For not only by the Social Democrats, but also in the Union parties to this has been increasingly in recent years in question. In return, Bahr also showed as partners in the industry and developed in his ministry the concept of a government-sponsored supplemental insurance.


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After the Riester pension, this product was the beginning of last year, the second insurance product that is named after a minister. The “care-Bahr” is currently selling but still sluggish. A number of providers has not taken him to the program because it hard constraints are established. The output from the then Federal Government target of 1.5 million policies in the first year was clearly missed.


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More news Rhön agrees with plaintiffs

VW builds the new Jetta from mid-2015 changes in Brazil, the former Health Minister Bahr and the Alliance and the supermarket giant Wal-Mart gets the Instagram co-founder of the Board. More

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Alliance fund legend leaves Pimco Gross

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Rasmussen speaks of attack Russia to Ukraine

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youth organizations of the parties Eternal Youth

Gerhard Schröder was so far the only Chancellor, whose biography includes the Chairman Office of the youth policy of his party. Are the junior organizations so really career springboards? More

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FDP politician

Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr goes to the Alliance

From Henrike Rossbach and Philip Krohn

The former Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr has a new job: He switches to insurance company Allianz – and there should also move up to the board.

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Pilots’ strike – but 25 Lufthansa flights canceled – tagesschau.de

Pilots' strike – but 25 Lufthansa flights canceled – tagesschau.de

<-! - Media>

Date: 30.09.2014 08:02 clock

Last 8 clock Lufthansa pilots strike at the Frankfurt hub. The union Vereinigung Cockpit had called for the walkout. Lufthansa plans to offer still more than half of the planned 57 intercontinental flights. Were finally canceled 25 launches from Germany’s largest airport in overseas destinations. Affected passengers can rebook your flight or cancel free of charge.

32 compounds should however take place as scheduled or postponed. At the wheel either Lufthansa manager sitting with pilot license or volunteers. Six flights were pulled out of the strike period forward or postponed to Wednesday.

“We are very confident that the special flight schedule will take place as planned,” said a Lufthansa spokesman. So far the situation on Germany’s biggest airport was very quiet. “There seems to be a normal day.” Many affected passengers would not even to the airport, because they had learned in time of the strike.

The Munich Airport is Lufthansa loud not

affected by the strike, including flights to and from Dusseldorf as well as short and medium haul flights were taking place as planned. By 23 clock of the recusal of the pilots in Frankfurt am Main due to be completed

. <- Infobox ->

With the now fifth wave of strikes, the union wants to bring movement in the stalled collective bargaining talks . Last week, the negotiations between the union and the company had failed. Cockpit had then announced new strikes.

background of the dispute is the deadlocked pay dispute to the supply of Lufthansa pilots during the transition to retirement. “Since the Lufthansa management has continued submitted no compromise competitive offer, we are forced to these other measures,” the VC said. But it was still anytime association ready to avert strikes. The VC has skipped thousands of flights already in four waves of strikes. A fifth wave was canceled shortly after Lufthansa had submitted a modified offer

. <- Infobox ->


Monday, September 29, 2014

About: app for taxi companies also start in Germany – Spiegel Online

About: app for taxi companies also start in Germany – Spiegel Online

Berlin – The car service Uber agent walks toward the German taxi industry. The U.S. company also in Germany a platform Uber his taxi, can offer their services over the taxi companies. The offer should be start in Berlin and Hamburg and then extended to other cities in Germany. So far, the company offers its taxi platform including London and New York.

With the industry Uber is currently for its other platforms in the dispute. The traditional taxi companies keep especially the app listing About Pop for non-compliance with the law, will be offered at the rides with private drivers. They argue Uber-driver possessed no permission to carry passengers and their vehicles are not insured accordingly.

With the taxi platform Uber occurs now in competition with well-known taxi call-centers, but especially to established apps like MyTaxi . Although met with a business model to critique the centers, compared to the previously available in Germany Uber pop service the industry can arrange it.

Uber considering constitutional complaint

About Pop trips are taught with private drivers. Taxi entrepreneurs and authorities went to several cities before against the Californian company because it enables look distorted competition. With success: about courts decided in Berlin and Hamburg in summary proceedings that Uber’s app for the time being may not be offered.

Simultaneously with the announcement of the taxi placement announced Uber launches appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court of Berlin. The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of Hamburg considering Uber therefore also constitutional complaint.

In Munich gets the Dispatcher agent, according to newspaper reports problems. The city government is therefore legal action against the driver and company. Representatives of the taxi trade the transport ministers of the federal states invited to address at their conference this week with the dispute.


Online fashion retailers: IPO brings Zalando 605 million – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Online fashion retailers: IPO brings Zalando 605 million – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



                          About 14 million customers, the Berliner online Modeversand Zalando currently experiencing


The online fashion retailer Zalando will take 605 million euros in its IPO. The Berlin-based company presented the issue price of the shares on Monday laid to 21.50 euros. This Zalando drew the specified price range from 18 to 22.50 € not completely.


Zalando Thus, regarding his IPO not quite as much money as one expects. At the upper end of the range of revenue would have amounted to 633 million euros. Overall Zalando is rated so the issue price of around 5.35 billion euros. The start of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is planned for 1 October.


Probably this year winning

Zalando delivered on Monday evening initially no explanation for why the price of the share was set just below the upper end of the price range. In the meantime, had been a strong demand of the question. A total of about 28 million documents to be allocated. Anchor investors had already secured early shares worth nearly 127 million euros. After the IPO, about 11.3 percent of Zalando will be listed on the stock exchange.


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The Online consignor, the herself with flashy advertising campaigns (“cry with happiness”) and Free Returns a name made, had worked its way shortly before the IPO in the black. Zalando could also conclude this year with a profit.


The former shareholders of Zalando do not want to part with shares at the IPO. There are 24,476,223 new shares were issued -. Plus 3,671,433 shares for a greenshoe on the banks accompanying


Proceeds will promote growth

the principal owner of Zalando, the Swedish investment company Kinnevik last with 35.6 percent, and the Internet-investors Oliver, Marc and Alexander Samwer with 16.7 percent. Your shares will dilute with the issue of new shares. According to the prospectus Kinnevik will hold after the IPO with full over-allotment still 31.57 percent, 14.81 percent of the Samwer brothers.


The proceeds from the IPO will be invested in the further growth of the company. Zalando will be greater, especially on its own, but can also imagine acquisitions. The Berliner want to expand their customer base, increase sales at individual buyers and penetrate into new regional markets. The online consignor had last around 14 million active customers.


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Zalando wants in autumn on the Fair

The countdown for the long-awaited IPO of online fashion retailer Zalando running. The leap onto the Frankfurt floor should still be possible, depending on the market environment in the fall. The shareholders will retain their shares in the started as a shoe-Online store company in 2008, however. More

03.09.2014, 16:14 clock | Economy

Alibaba Chasing Records

The volume of initial listing on Friday was 21.8 billion dollars. This is the largest IPO by an Internet company. If Alibaba as expected attracts also the option for the allotment of shares, the IPO is $ 25 billion overall, the greatest of all time. More

23.09.2014, 12:50 clock | Economy

Tec-Dax Internet enthusiasm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

With Zalando, Rocket Internet and Scout 24 seek three Internet companies on the stock exchange and may consist of evaluations hope to billions. Zalando shares can now be drawn. More

19.09.2014, 08:20 clock | Finance



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Online fashion retailer

IPO brings Zalando 605 million


Despite great demand even before the start of the Zalando share the paper will cost 21.50 euros – a little less than expected . The stock market debut of the online retailer is scheduled for Wednesday.

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Board for Private Health Insurance: Ex-Health Minister Bahr is … – ABC Online

Board for Private Health Insurance: Ex-Health Minister Bahr is … – ABC Online

Monday, 09.29.2014, 17:29
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Former Health Minister Daniel Bahr Board shall be private health insurance at Allianz subsidiary. Barely a year after his departure from the cabinet, the insurance appointed him first as Chief Representative.

Allianz Private Health Insurance (APKV) gets the former Health Minister Daniel Bahr ( FDP) as a board candidate on board. As the Alliance tells Bahr will from November 1, Chief Representative of APKV be there and take over the areas of performance management and sales coordination center. After an unspecified training period of the 37-year-old will be appointed to the board. The change must the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) agree.

Bahr was a member of parliament and member of the FDP in the Health Committee since 2002. In 2009 he was first Parliamentary Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health and from May 2011 the Federal Minister of Health.

After the election debacle of the FDP in September 2013 he had to leave his office. Following Bahr worked for the think tank Center for American Progress, which advises the U.S. government on the proposed by President Barack Obama health reform

Surf Tip:. Are you paying too much ? – Compare private health insurance here

The former Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) has its planned move to Allianz Private Health Insurance AG already defended. “My education and my commitment in recent years for health care lead logically to me that I also work further in this area,” Bahr said the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. It would have been more surprising if I were to work for the automotive industry, where I do not know much about “

The Alliance has high hopes for the transfer passengers”. Daniel Bahr is the APKV promote entrepreneurship as a renowned health expert “commented Markus Riess, CEO of Allianz Germany AG, the prominent change.

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Lufthansa sweeps because of the pilots’ strike 25 flights – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Lufthansa sweeps because of the pilots' strike 25 flights – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



                          The Lufthansa pilots strike again.


The pilots of German Lufthansa have in their labor dispute with the company a new level of escalation ignited the first time in the current labor dispute to the early retirement of the pilot sets the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) with a strike call targeted long-haul flights lame. This Tuesday, no long-range jets Lufthansa SHOULD BE DONE BY 8 bis 23 clock clock at Frankfurt Airport take off, the craft union announced on Monday. According to the company so that a total of 57 overseas flights with the aircraft types Airbus A380, Boeing 747 and A340 and A330 affected, of which 25 are canceled.


Dietrich Creutzburg Author: Dietrich Creutzburg, born 1969 economics correspondent in Berlin Ulrich Friese Author: Ulrich Friese, born in 1960, editor of the economy.

The Lufthansa management had “still not presented a compromise competitive offer” in the dispute over the early retirement and thus forced the new strike, said the VC. Two weeks ago they had already announced an eight-hour long-range strike. This they had but then canceled at short notice, and new interviews with the management out, but they are now once again unsuccessful.


The company plans to raise the minimum age for access to occupational early retirement for pilots from 55 to 60 years. This early retirement pension is 60 percent of the final gross salary. Against the continuation of pilot strikes also do yourself the Group on resistors: In an open letter to the 5400 pilot for the first time calling the 1200 management of Lufthansa her colleagues for moderation: “Please return to the cockpit and at the negotiating table,” it says. No employee in the entire Lufthansa Group have a similar early retirement scheme as the pilot.


The fact that Lufthansa, the German railway and some other employers actually have to do with a particularly difficult employee representatives, is also new data from the Institute of the German Economy (IW): Whether pilots, train drivers or hospital doctors – collective bargaining rounds with divisional and professional unions run on average almost twice as aggressive as the collective bargaining rounds of major trade unions such as IG Metall or Verdi. This shows an analysis for which the employer near Institute analyzed a 134 industrial disputes since 2000.


At the top of the conflict scale is here the train drivers’ union GDL, which – as measured by a newly developed index – an average of 43 points per round of collective bargaining conflict comes. The pilots have their aggressiveness factor increases within a year by almost half to 19.5 points per round of collective bargaining. At the other end of the social partners Mining, Chemical and Energy stands with only 0.2 points. On average, the industry unions are the analyzed sector unions in 23 conflict points at the 13th


The investigation of the tariff researcher Hagen Lesch goes well beyond other studies on the role of craft unions, as they are not simply measures the intensity conflict on the number of participants in the strike or strike days. Rather Lesch has collected the full range of occurring in collective bargaining rounds escalation levels for the new index and graded on a scale from 1 to 7 points. It ranges from “verbal-formal” escalation – about strike threats – over strike calls and warning strikes, arbitration and legal battles up to the maximum level of indefinite industrial action


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Usual strike statistics sign the conflict potential of craft unions. For this set already with few participants and brief work stoppages often high damage, but still remain so under the statistical measurement threshold. The official statistics of the Federal Employment Agency is one of only about strikes of at least one-day duration as full strikes. The pilots remain, however, this time with a period of 15 hours under this limit. Seen Officially, their walkout falls thus under the “Bagatellstreiks.”


In contrast, the strikes of Verdi were in the contract talks in 2013 the retail trade by the same method a major event, although it loaded only a few customers: The employment agency counted 573 affected farms and 20,000 strikers. The Federal Agency shall statistics based statutory reports of employers; they even admits that in order to strike action “under control” will.


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pilot strike puts air traffic lame

Due to the strike of the pilots of Lufthansa and German Wings canceled Lufthansa for the planned Friday walkout total of 3800 flights – these are nine of ten compounds . more

04.02.2014, 18:06 clock | Economy



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pilot strike

Lufthansa sweeps 25 flights

From Dietrich Creutzburg and Ulrich Friese

The Lufthansa pilots have a new level of escalation ignited the first time in the ongoing labor dispute they shall specifically long-haul flights lame . Against the strikes also do yourself the Group on resistors.

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Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr joining the Allianz – THE WORLD

Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr joining the Allianz – THE WORLD

Former Health Minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) is from November for the Alliance Private health insurance (APKV) operates and is there after a training period also be appointed to the board of Allianz subsidiary. As a “designated health expert” will Bahr APKV promote entrepreneurial said Alliance CEO Markus Riess.

Bahr was 2005-2009 health spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group as Minister of Health, he developed the care-Bahr – supplementary private insurance for care that is offered by the Alliance

The 37-year-old who. currently working in the USA for a company specializing in health policy think tank, also was always an advocate of private health insurance. His political commitment has apparently paid off

a conflict of interest with his political activities, however, does not see Bahr. “My education and my commitment in recent years for the Healthcare lead logically to me that I also work further in this area, “Bahr said the” Süddeutsche Zeitung “.

The former health minister Economics studied. “It would have been more surprising if I were to work for the automotive industry, where I do not know much about.”

Bahr stressed that it is not considered Lobbyist will be active, but will take care of the contracts entered into an alliance with physicians and hospitals. “My desk is in Munich. My job is to take responsibility in the company and not to influence political decisions,” he said.

And a other Personnel of the Alliance that is surprising: the former Commerzbank board member Achim Kassow is chairman of the Regional Management South of the insurance operation of the property, life and health insurance. Kassow was seen as a possible successor to the former Commerzbank chief Klaus-Peter Müller. After Martin Blessing it was, he left in 2010 the Institute.

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Rates – Aviation: pilots exacerbate Lufthansa strike on the long haul – Süddeutsche.de

Rates – Aviation: pilots exacerbate Lufthansa strike on the long haul – Süddeutsche.de

Frankfurt / Main (dpa) – The stalled wage dispute at Lufthansa pilots want on Tuesday increase with a 15-hour strike on long-haul flights printing. Between 08.00 and 23.00 clock no long-range jets Lufthansa to Germany’s largest airport in Frankfurt stand.

This was announced by the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) to. Passengers must make again because now the fifth strike wave of pilots on flight delays and failures in focus.

The short and medium-haul traffic should not be affected, according to Lufthansa. Even long-haul flights from Munich and Dusseldorf will start. The flights of the other group companies such as Swiss, Austrian, German Wings, Brussels Airlines and Air Dolomiti could find also scheduled to take place.

Planning for a special flight plan had been started immediately. Threatened are on strike period 56 overseas flights, a spokesman said on demand. The special flight plan should be published in the course of the day on the Lufthansa website. The company informed affected customers also directly via SMS and email.

are affected flights with the Airbus A380 long-haul jets, Boeing B747, Airbus A330 and Airbus A340. Since the walkout of the pilots will continue until the end of operation of the airport, there can not be intentionally delayed start from Frankfurt because of the ban on night flights.

Two weeks ago it was the Lufthansa engineers have succeeded in one to eight hours also for Frankfurt announced long-range strike offer all the connections yet. The VC had canceled the walkout then and now again failed

negotiations in the meantime been added.

background of strikes is the labor dispute to supply around 5400 Lufthansa pilots during the transition to retirement. “Since the Lufthansa management has continued submitted no compromise competitive offer, we are forced to these other measures,” VC said. But it was still anytime association ready to avert strikes. The VC has skipped 4300 flights already in four waves of strikes, hundreds of thousands of travelers were affected.

The conflict between management and pilots union escalated elsewhere. So the company is investigating the use of external pilots on long-haul flights under the brand Lufthansa. Under the project name “Jump” Lufthansa had demanded, inter alia, by the unions cost concessions in order to cost-effectively with pared-service offering without first class to more tourist can fly. The VC should not, according to Lufthansa have agreed to savings, which is contested by the union.

VC spokesman Jörg Handwerg confirmed the Lufthansa-assessment that the proposed step is not contrary to applicable collective agreements. However, customers could no longer rely on that in a Lufthansa cockpit actually were sitting Lufthansa pilots then. That would be a novelty, Handwerg said. “We regret that so doing.”

Cockpit messages

Flight info Lufthansa

issued on 29/09/2014 at 12:55 clock
