The Lufthansa pilots strike again.
The pilots of German Lufthansa have in their labor dispute with the company a new level of escalation ignited the first time in the current labor dispute to the early retirement of the pilot sets the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) with a strike call targeted long-haul flights lame. This Tuesday, no long-range jets Lufthansa SHOULD BE DONE BY 8 bis 23 clock clock at Frankfurt Airport take off, the craft union announced on Monday. According to the company so that a total of 57 overseas flights with the aircraft types Airbus A380, Boeing 747 and A340 and A330 affected, of which 25 are canceled.
Author: Dietrich Creutzburg, born 1969 economics correspondent in Berlin consequences. ‘ / span>
Author: Ulrich Friese, born in 1960, editor of the economy.
The Lufthansa management had “still not presented a compromise competitive offer” in the dispute over the early retirement and thus forced the new strike, said the VC. Two weeks ago they had already announced an eight-hour long-range strike. This they had but then canceled at short notice, and new interviews with the management out, but they are now once again unsuccessful.
The company plans to raise the minimum age for access to occupational early retirement for pilots from 55 to 60 years. This early retirement pension is 60 percent of the final gross salary. Against the continuation of pilot strikes also do yourself the Group on resistors: In an open letter to the 5400 pilot for the first time calling the 1200 management of Lufthansa her colleagues for moderation: “Please return to the cockpit and at the negotiating table,” it says. No employee in the entire Lufthansa Group have a similar early retirement scheme as the pilot.
The fact that Lufthansa, the German railway and some other employers actually have to do with a particularly difficult employee representatives, is also new data from the Institute of the German Economy (IW): Whether pilots, train drivers or hospital doctors – collective bargaining rounds with divisional and professional unions run on average almost twice as aggressive as the collective bargaining rounds of major trade unions such as IG Metall or Verdi. This shows an analysis for which the employer near Institute analyzed a 134 industrial disputes since 2000.