The Real-workers may be strong with a new wave of strikes for a return of the supermarket chain in the tariff binding. Staff of around 70 Real hypermarkets in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Berlin and Brandenburg laid according to the trade union Ver.di strike action.
The labor dispute is so explosive for the real parent company Metro because this could make for a report of “Lebensmittelzeitung” a new attempt to make the long battling with losses daughter for sale.According to Ver.di on Thursday around 1,900 employees in North Rhine-Westphalia had already stopped work. The supermarket chain Real with more than 37,000 employees had announced the departure from the regional collective agreement in the retail sector last year.
Ver.di fears savings of EUR 400 million
The employer sought to impose through a waiver of workers savings at an altitude of around 400 million euros, criticized ver.di. Here Real have mainly a revenue problem.
Real underlined hand again on Friday, the staff costs would up to 30 percent higher than those of competitors. This paid not by Flächentarifvertrag. Real must abolish disadvantages to secure the future of the chain and the employees. The Real-markets remained despite the strike open.
The parent company Metro had declared get not the cost problem under control, will the situation for Real “medium very threatening.” Metro is committed to investing in Real, “for which we do a more competitive cost base need,” said a spokesman. For Real it also also give prospective customers. He also declined to comment.

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