Low interest rates? High health care costs? Mismanaged? Or a little of everything? The price increase in the DKV is certainly only the beginning.
Thomas F. is acidic. The Munich architect should pay from April to 474 euros a month to the private health insurer DKV. So far, there were 331 Euro – the increase is 43 percent. In addition, a deductible of 1,600 euros a year, he has to apply for medical bills or prescriptions in addition.
“This is absurd,” he says. “The DKV had me in 2014 still recommended to upgrade from my former fare of 450 euros to the new tariff for 331 euros.” In return, he suffered performance degradation. “Now they raise no two years later to 474 euros. The tariff”
Thomas F. can do little about it. To a public health insurance, he can not change, because it is older than the 55th Even when he was younger, the change would be difficult. Does he go to another private company, losing most of the accumulated aging provisions. The contribution to the new provider would be higher or would rise rapidly.
The price level is still good, says a spokeswoman
The DKV, part of Ergo Group and thus a subsidiary of Munich Re , is Germany’s second largest private health insurer. The price increase hit 59 percent of the 815,000 full insured. Prices are rising on average by 7.8 percent. However: the more often sold tariff BM4 there are hefty 29 percent
the health costs have risen – and therefore increase the private health insurance companies their rates.
(Photo: Britta Pedersen / dpa )Nevertheless, should the Price level of BM4 still good, says a spokeswoman. “The average contribution is 433 euros, below the maximum contribution of the statutory funds of 665 euros a month.” That would be the amount that an independent capacity would have to pay if he voluntarily in a public health insurance as AOK, DAK or technician would be a member. There, however, the family is insured in the private providers do not.
“The most important reason is the increased health costs,” says DKV. However: With its 7.8 percent DKV is significantly higher than its competitors, which have increased beginning in 2016 to an average of 4.1 percent. All private health insurers (PKV) suffer from low interest rates
private health insurance Why you must have no pity for privately insured
A bargain as before is no longer private health insurance. The culprit, if there is one, the ECB.
The DKV has less success created the money of customers than other
The DKV also has homemade problems. “The company has 2014 its investments achieved a net return of 3.6 percent, the average was 3.9 per cent,” says Abulkadir Cebi, PKV expert of the Cologne-based rating agency Assekurata. DKV has the money to the customer thus applied with less success than others. Even as other financial indicators DKV am worse off.
43 percent
Some customers of private health insurer DKV pay from April to 43 percent more for their health insurance. The average increase is 7.8 percent.
Low investment income affect the contribution. In the private health insurance customers save at a young age – when they are less sick usually – a large sum, which is then inserted in the age to post damping. The amount of this aging provisions is clearly defined. If the capital gains are low, the PKV customer must save up more, so that the calculation comes up -. Climb the posts
The industry is now trying Mitigation
“The DKV is not the last case “expects expert Cebi. “As some other companies also face significant adjustments.” But there is in the balance sheets strong indications. The increases in PHI are quite erratic – in some years there are mild adjustments in other hard-hitting increases
The reason lies in the system.. The companies may then need to adjust prices if health care costs have risen by ten percent or more, with some providers it is five percent. In the adaptation, they must take into account all factors that have changed – especially the interest
The industry is now trying to limit the damage.. Your association contests the criticism of the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach, in the PKV it go “down to business”. The industry needs to worry that price increases in other companies are end 2016 grist to the mill of the supporters of the single citizen insurance for all – and that shortly before the general election in 2017

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