The European Central Bank (ECB) has already sunk by its policy, the financial world. Whether they ever reappear? Questionable. The new measures, some observers speak of a “iron mace” pumped ECB chief Mario Draghi but definitely no oxygen in the landscape, but tilted at most water.
“With these measures, the ECB takes into account to generate market bubbles when liquidity in the bloodless economic development does not find in the real economy,” writes Dr. Jan Holthusen by DZ Bank.
Financial experts exert massive criticism
And it is always the same question: Why should taxpayers fund government debt? “The ECB paves the way for a monetary ‘End Game’ – the actual takeover of sovereign debt by the central banks”, criticized Heinz-Werner Rapp, CEO of Feri. It always sounds abstract, but investors will feel Draghi dose firsthand.
Firstly, the savings are likely to crumble even faster. And if you want to stock up on cash, the more and more sticks are thrown between the legs – for example, through the planned abolition of the 500-euro note. In this environment, gold seems long still the only safe haven for investors to be.
ECB buys especially many German government bonds
As the ECB had not yet enough money squandered. Germany leads the table with the bond purchases on course. Housed has the money flood little. Inflation languishes in the basement, a growth miracle does not occur. Even Hans-Werner Sinn condemns Draghi madness. This proves once again that the ECB run a fiscal redistribution policy to save zombie banks and almost bankrupt mature countries, the Ifo president.
The largest government bond purchases by the ECB ( in billions of euros)
Germany 140.4
France 111.7
Italy 96.3
Spain 69.0
Netherlands 31.2
sources: ECB, Bloomberg, Unicredit Research; Stand: 14/03/2016
33 pages PDF – 9.99 €
Banks massively under pressure
But it gets even worse for savers. Because banks are suffering, it must also be the customer. Expensive it is through the back door: On April 1, is for example the Sparkasse Leipzig their checking accounts to. Verbaucherschützer criticize that any future booking separately would cost.
The Sparkasse Kleve increased their fees for checking account. When withdrawing money at foreign machines and in the use of cards (the Sparda-Bank West demanded from April for a Giro card ten euros per year) long, the banks also always stronger to - because they do not dare to call money or fixed-term negative interest rates in the price list to . Write
In the video: So no, Mr Draghi! As Europe's leading bankers us all fall into the abyss

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