Tuesday, March 8, 2016

BER: New fire protection problems jeopardize Start 2017 – THE WORLD

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New fire protection problems jeopardize BER start in 2017

again, it’s the smoke extraction system: According to a media report, the planned opening of the Berlin Defect airport BER is the end of 2017 in danger. When fire protection must be touched again.

 Again, it’s the smoke

extraction system: According to a media report, the planned opening of the Berlin Defect airport BER is the end of 2017 in danger. When fire protection must again be improved

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Photo: AP Will he in 2018 finished? The capital airport BER

New problems in fire protection the capital airport BER threaten to information of “Tagesspiegel” the planned opening of the end of 2017. the competent building authority had demanded improvements for the conversion of the smoke extraction system, it said. The clear from a letter of technical director Jörg Marks to the employees out. Airport spokesman Daniel Abbou confirmed the German Press Agency that there was writing and must be that reworked the fire.

“We have to include the requirements of the Building Regulations Office and see how we can implement the improvements, “Abbou said. The impact on the schedule are therefore uncertain. “You have the impact rate,” the spokesman said. The District of county Dahme-Spreewald and head of the Building Regulations Office, Stephan Loge, but he confirmed that they will try the problems “during construction” to solve, thus minimizing the delays explained Abbou.

The capital airport should actually open 2011th Four opening dates were eventually canceled because design errors and construction defects had to be processed. Recently the schedule by the collapse of the building-equipment supplier Imtech and late filed supplements to the planning application was under pressure. but according to the latest airport information, there is still buffer.

  dpa / mak


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