Thursday, June 16, 2016

VW scandal in news ticker: Serious Weaknesses: Now speaks VW CEO Müller … – ABC Online

Updated Thursday, 06.16.2016, 13:25
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VW manipulated world measurement data at eleven million vehicles in Germany alone, the Group must recall 2.4 million diesel cars. The leadership of the group knew well before the manipulations in the United States, as initially added

realignment after the exhaust scandal. New VW strategy

Summary, 13:25: Europe’s largest carmaker Volkswagen wants to establish a fundamentally new exhaust after scandal and expand electromobility massively. Other priorities are autonomous driving and new mobility services. They should be in addition to the traditional core business, the second pillar of the group.

Volkswagen should for the “new era of mobility” to be rebuilt, CEO Matthias Mueller said at the launch of the new corporate strategy by 2025. In the Converted wants VW to invest a double-digit billions in the next nine years.

Facing the exhaust scandal Mueller said, the readiness for changes in the Group has grown significantly. The scandal has also uncovered weaknesses. “The key words are above all: structure, culture and efficiency,” says Müller. And: “The diesel issue has undoubtedly shaken us neatly, and their full coping will still need some time.” Through personal contact with managers, employee representatives and employees but Müller feel the willingness to change every day

<- finance-chart.tag.!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"-4,04%","PRICE":"115,30","NAME":"Volkswagen Vz.","PERF_PCT_RAW":-4.0366,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-4.85,"PRICE_RAW":115.3,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"-4,85"} ->

115, 30 EUR
- 4.85 (- 4, 04%)

VW plugged billion in mobility services - office in Berlin

13:11: Volkswagen wants to be the construction of a new business unit for mobility services in the coming years a high cost billion sum. "For the necessary future investments in the transformation of the core business and the structure of the (...) column, we estimate 2025 a double-digit billions," said CEO Matthias Müller in Wolfsburg. We'll analyze this market carefully -. But also "not every trend run after"

The Mobility Services by 2025 become a revenue "in substantial billions" targeted, Müller said. Head of the new unit will be Berlin, the Group announced the establishment of an independent subsidiary already the end of April.

VW had already announced participation in the dispatcher-broker and uber-rival Gett $ 300 million recently. This'll be the "nucleus for expanding the business," said Müller. "Around this core, we will in the next few years additional services such Robotaxis, carsharing or transport-on-demand group in rapid succession." Here you aim for private and business customers. 1,000 more software specialists want Volkswagen Set to

VW works. New business also bring jobs in this country

13:06: The VW group works council sees the increased focus on the company's software-based services around mobility a motor for jobs in this country. "Here jobs in Silicon Valley are well arise as in Berlin, but also in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart or Ingolstadt. This will give us important expertise for the design of new business models secure," said the group works council chairman Bernd Osterloh.

VW wants to be profitable - Müller: 2025 return to 8 percent

12:53: VW CEO Matthias Müller reiterated the goal of a significantly higher profitability for the auto giant. "The operating margin is expected to rise gradually until 2025 to 7 to 8 percent," he said at the launch of the new strategy in Wolfsburg. By industry standards, Europe's largest carmaker had cut last rather weak in terms of profitability.

2015 only just under 2 percent were left over from the sales as earnings before interest and taxes in the VW-core brand. A better ratio of earnings and returns is one of the main objectives of Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess. "Roughly speaking, we will work off excess pounds in the coming years and build additional muscle", Müller said to the general earnings targets.

"We are our money conscious and are running more focused, "said Müller. She explained all about targeted and thus more effective expenditure, not to save brush approach. Charges for the research and development, that applies also to the cost of sales and administration. You would have a percentage of sales shrink again - most recently the post made the opposite

Müller flirts with its own battery cells Factory

12:37: The VW. Group will examine its own factory for battery cells for the growing electric mobility with high pressure. "But for the equipment of our own e-fleet we need by 2025 a battery capacity of the order of 150 gigawatt-hours - which would also represent a huge purchasing volume," said VW CEO Matthias Müller at the launch of the new corporate strategy by 2025. " the economic importance of the issue is so obvious. And the technological competence would the Volkswagen Group undoubtedly to shame. " Müller announced: "We will consider all strategic options thoroughly."

VW group wants more than ever rely on partnerships

12:31: Volkswagen will often put in future on partnerships and so also set in core subjects less to work on their own. "We no longer give us the illusion that everything can be better or having to develop everything themselves," said VW CEO Matthias Müller. He acknowledged that requires a rethinking of the driven by engineers group. "But we can not get past the realization that a smart investment strategy saves time and money," he said. It will search for cooperation fields and partners a top priority. "The selection of possible engagements in future controlled centrally," said the chairman of the Twelve Brand Group

Müller. VW is facing biggest change in the Group's history

12.28 : Digital, efficient, environmentally friendly: The new business strategy of VW CEO Matthias Müller is Volkswagen fundamentally change. "The future program 'Together - Strategy 2025', the Volkswagen Group is focused, efficient, innovative, customer-orientated, sustainable - and consistently focused on profitable growth," he said in Wolfsburg. It is the biggest change process in the VW-history.

"Our new corporate strategy paves the way for the transformation of one of the best car manufacturer in the world to one of the world's leading provider of sustainable mobility. This is the vision that guides us, "said Mueller. Volkswagen also breaks with the recent expansion of its large range of vehicle variations. "The total number of our today around 340 model variants, we reduce", Müller. Said

In addition, Müller also acknowledged the proliferation of equal parts strategy, with which the group tries to use as many identical parts in different models. "The kits are the way to go. But we were going to get bogged down," said Müller. "In the future we will, instead of the current work with twelve variants, with four major building blocks:. One each for Economy vehicles for volume models for premium vehicles and sports cars" So the complexity will fall and get the chance for more profit strength

New strategy:. Volkswagen plans to expand electromobility massively

12:24: Volkswagen wants to after up exhaust scandal fundamentally new and thereby expand electromobility massively. Other priorities are autonomous driving and new mobility services. Volkswagen should for the "new era of mobility" to be rebuilt, said CEO Matthias Müller. For the necessary future investments VW wants 2025 to spend a two-digit billion range.

The new strategy VW will also respond to the fundamental changes in the auto industry. The two major topics of the future are alternative drive systems such as electric motors and increasingly internet in the car. Müller spoke of an "epochal change".

E-cars could be battery-operated already in about ten years in the world market, every fourth new vehicle from the perspective miller and so do without conventional internal combustion engines. Müller announced that the purely battery-powered vehicles of the group in 2025 "around 20 to 25 percent" should account for the then achieved total sales

Müller. Diesel scandal has to reforms at VW increased

12:20: has the diesel crisis, according to VW CEO Matthias Müller willingness to reform the group increases. "The diesel issue has undoubtedly shaken us neatly, and their full coping will take some time," he said in Wolfsburg. The current crisis THAT CONDITION here as a catalyst. "At Volkswagen itself doors have opened. The willingness to change has grown significantly. I feel that personal contact with managers, employee representatives and employees every day," said Mueller. The entire auto industry stand before an epochal change

VW CEO Müller admits mistakes and weaknesses openly

Thursday, June 16 12:17:. VW CEO Matthias Müller has obscured the rapid success driving the Group in recent years weaknesses. "We have no doubt serious weaknesses The key words are above all:. Structure, refinement and efficiency," the successor of the former CEOs Martin Winterkorn, who had resigned in the diesel crisis last fall, in Wolfsburg

There Müller presented the Group's strategy by 2025. "These weaknesses are more apparent than ever emerged since last autumn. but we bedazzle not made, but we want to eradicate it. for this, the new strategy will make a significant contribution "Mueller said. . The crisis is there a chance to change things faster than before

Volkswagen sets about defining new Group strategy

Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 11:09: electromobility, digitization, more autonomy of twelve Group brands - with the "strategy 2025" will set the course for the future in the midst of the biggest crisis the Group's history Volkswagen. Next Thursday (June 16) VW CEO Matthias Müller will inform the public in Wolfsburg on details of his plans.

The new specifications solve the previously applicable "Strategy 2018" from. They had been called by Mueller's predecessor Martin Winterkorn and looked, inter alia, to make the twelve-brand group the largest automaker in the world

Volkswagen is -. Just like other automakers - a true paradigm shift in the house , After Muller's vision VW must its business model change, thus obtaining the automobile plans from Silicon Valley Apple , Google and Co. need not fear. The Wolfsburg will not sell only cars, but also with services around mobility increase returns.

Pension Fund of the NYPD wants special at Volkswagen

13:24: The scandal-ridden VW group it gets with the police , firefighters, teachers and city employees to do in New York - at least indirectly. Because the pension funds of these professionals from the US metropolis have also invested in Volkswagen shares - and the pension funds behind it are now demanding a special auditor to investigate the gas crisis. For this they have submitted an application for the VW annual general meeting on June 22 in Hannover. This went on Thursday apparent from referral documents for the shareholders' meeting.

The shares of Wolfsburg lost since the start of the diesel crisis violently value. The preference shares losing about some 40 percent, currently they are at about 75 percent of the level before the crisis.

A similar application as the Fund of the staff from New York also has the German protection combination for security possession (DSW) placed on the agenda for the shareholder meeting. DSW represents in turn also pension funds of employees in New York's education system. The DSW raises Volkswagen front carryover of the affair and to tentative information policy. "The special audit is required around the exhaust issue in the interests of Volkswagen AG and the shareholders elucidate the various subject areas and prevent further financial losses and to prevent future misconduct," it says in the DSW-justification.

Fund behind the New York Public servants want to learn from the external special among others: "which group of people met to use manipulation software the decision at what time this decision was made?" To clarify such aspects Volkswagen the US law firm Jones Day has itself investigators used - results from it but at the earliest determined at the end of the year. The VW group has used in most eleven million diesels illegal software, tricking the emission tests by the authorities

Prosecutor:. Deleted VW information hamper investigations not

Thursday 9 June 12:09. the Volkswagen disappeared shortly before flying up the exhaust affair data according to prosecutors so far no obvious obstacle for the prosecution. "We are actually quite hopeful that this will not hamper our investigation," Attorney Klaus Prefer said Thursday. "We actually believe that we have not suffered a significant loss."

The dimension of data loss let to estimate, among other things, therefore, because some of the missing information has since been returned. Prefer said testimonies and own investigation results of the prosecutors would have the fact of data erasure unearthed.

As a result, the authority initiated against a VW employees a new investigation. This involves Ziehes reportedly to the initial suspicion of concealment of documents and attempted obstruction of justice. In first had NDR, WDR and "Süddeutsche Zeitung" reported

office is investigating VW lawyers for obstruction of justice

Wednesday 8 June, 14:33. Before flying up the exhaust affair at Volkswagen is apparently trying to possibly eliminate incriminating documents. The Braunschweig prosecutor go after suspected, reported "Süddeutsche Zeitung", NDR and WDR on Wednesday night. A spokesman for the prosecutor have confirmed that an investigation into a VW employees had been opened because of suppression of documents and attempted obstruction of justice.

The joint research According to it was stated that the accused a senior VW lawyers, meanwhile was on leave. The accused have "legal language, but clear enough" in August last year colleagues suggested to delete data or to create aside, reported the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung", citing the spokesman for the public prosecutor, Klaus Draw. At that time the publication of the exhaust manipulation had before been short.

The request was acted upon. A week later, there was the VW Law Department a written request to store data for a possible process.

According to the prior investigation data were partially outsourced to memory sticks. Meanwhile, these were but returned at least in part. "To date, the prosecution of any major data loss go out, which could hamper or delay the investigation in diesel scandal decisively" Drag said accordingly.

The Volkswagen Group wanted opposite the Search composite because of the ongoing investigation not to express information

US attorney wants five billion dollars of Daimler

Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 14:17. the American lawyer Steve Berman estimates dispute his case against the accused by him Daimler Group at five billion dollars. "It's probably at the end less," Berman says the "time": "But certainly more than a billion dollars."

Berman holds the advertising promises of Daimler with the so-called BlueTec developed the cleanest diesel technology in the world to have, to be untenable. Finally, Mercedes vehicles were noticed with excessively high nitrogen oxide emissions in road tests. "In the US, you have to tell the truth in advertising - and this ad is not honest. It is misleading because the car would never have been approved if would have known what they blow down the street in the air, "says Berman.

In his letter to Daimler CEO in early April did Berman never get an answer. Daimler announced this: The communication was given "exclusively through authorized lawyers". Next, the group says: "We are in a formal legal process. We will and must express ourselves naturally included. We believe that the lawsuits are without merit and will contact you with all legal means to defend "

In the video: So Dobrindt wants to avoid a new exhaust scandal

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