Overall, in the month was 2.614 million men and women without work -. and thus 50 000 less than in May and 97 000 fewer than a year ago, the Federal employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg on Thursday. Fewer job seekers there had been in the month of June last in 1991.
The unemployment rate in June by 5.9 percent even at the lowest level since German reunification, raised BA CEO Frank-Jürgen Weise forth. In May the rate had stood at 6.0 percent. “Employment has continued to rise, the demand for labor remains high. The labor market thus continues to develop positively, “summed manner.
According to federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) the latest data show that the labor market in Germany” is a real anchor of stability “for Germany and Europe , The consequences of forced migration would probably more visible in the coming months, she presented on Thursday in a notice fixed.
From the British Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote Federal Agency chief expected manner for the time being “no dramatic consequences” for the German labor market , “There is now no reason for us to go into crisis mode,” emphasized manner. But he did not rule out that some sectors could be affected by a withdrawal from the EU in Britain. With the labor market consequences in a big way he did not expect, however, for the time being, added way added.
Although the UK is an important trading partner for Germany. “But a single country, the German economy not so much influence.” It would also not equal capped with the British withdrawal from the EU all trade relations with Germany. And if it were, with the UK to arrange similar FTAs as with Norway and Switzerland, the consequences for the German economy should be limited.
Much will however depend on how long the negotiations on an EU exit Britain lasted. If the separation process drag on longer than necessary, insecure CEOs could already push planned investments on the back burner. That would hurt the economy. “The hard part is the psychology.”
Manageable remains refugee unemployment. According to the Federal Employment Agency figures were at the job centers in June 131,000 “unemployed Escaped” registered. 100 700 of which came from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea, Nigeria and Somalia, it is apparent from the newly structured Statistics. The
Other 170 000 asylum seekers who are still waiting for their asylum-recognition, would present with the employment agencies care, added BA board member Raimund Becker. They were officially registered there as a job seeker. Many of them completed language courses and other programs that they should prepare for a working life in Germany. could officially unemployed login asylum seekers at the job centers only after their refugee status.
Of the 131,000 in June as unemployed registered refugees are most predominantly male (73 percent) and younger to a large extent as 30 (47 percent). Good one in four of them did not graduate high school or similar statements, three out of four had no formal vocational training. After all, 26 percent have a the German Abitur comparable degree, 9 percent a university education. For 61 percent comes under federal agency because of their low qualification only a laborer job in question; 15 percent claimed to have last worked as an expert or specialist.
Raimund Becker still looks after appropriate promote good job opportunities for many refugees. He and way refer this to continue receptive German labor market. Thus registered, the Nuremberg-based Federal Authority in June 665 000 open sites – and 93,000 more than last year. Especially in service occupations continue to incur new jobs. In May are in Germany 43.56 million men and women in labor; those were seasonally adjusted 45,000 more than in April and 559,000 more than in May, 2015.

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