Sunday, June 26, 2016

Expensive benefits: In tax subsidies can be 18 billion euros … – ABC Online

Sunday, 06.26.2016, 11:49
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Whether tax-free supplements for night work or extra rules for hail insurance: the list of tax subsidies is long and only a small group benefited. The Financial Scientific Research Institute Cologne covers now on: The strike of tax subsidies could bring 18 billion euros per year.

The Cologne Financial Scientific Research Institute (FIFO Cologne) has found that the numerous tax subsidies annually swallow a double-digit billions.

“The state can save a year up to 18 billion euros if it abolishes nonsensical tax subsidies or at least less generous is” FIFO Director Michael Thöne says the “Welt am Sonntag”.

experts believe many subsidies unnecessary

the total tax breaks add up according to the latest payout report of the federal government to 30.3 billion euros. The FIFO Cologne lists which subsidies criticize particularly strong economic experts. This includes around 70 of the 100 concessions. Of which should, according to FIFO 14 are obtained, 33 were urgent to the test, and 15 actually abolished.

If the policy rouse to implement the proposals of the FIFO Cologne, protests were foreseeable. For the taxation of previously spared surcharges for Sunday and night work would unions hardly accept

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also commuter tax disputed

from the perspective of the FIFO Cologne also environmentally harmful subsidies offer reduction opportunities. So costs about the benefit of the private use of company cars over five billion euros a year, as well as the distance allowance for commuters .

Would simpler policies and provide effective solutions, they could reap each around 2.5 billion euros more, expects Thöne ago. The too low to climate policy The same control could bring two billion euros more in a corresponding increase in the sentence.

Green budget expert effort against environmentally harmful subsidies

The green head housekeeper in Bundestag, Sven-Christian Kindler, there is more flexibility in the environmentally harmful subsidies. But here one could “descend rapidly up to twelve

billion euros,” says Kindler, “the top priority in the budget, it must be now, to invest in the future and to fund the sound.”

CDU relies on relief floats for citizens

the Union before hand, to relieve the taxpayer. “Subsidy cuts in Germany works only in the course of a real tax structure reform,” says Carsten Linnemann, Head of the CDU Economic Association. Due to the high tax revenue and multibillion-heavy interest savings “significant tax cuts” for the middle class were commanded stressed Linnemann: “The citizens deserve a relief”

Also, FIFO Director Thöne calls. “Instead niceties may first the policy even once remember after the next election to the wisdom. cruelties first “If the reduction of tax breaks you against stelle noticeable tax relief, would be a reduction” comparatively easy textPDF “

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