After 18 minutes, the decisive sentence was: “The European legal community has emerged stronger from this process.” What sounds like a mere lip service has immense importance for the future of Europe. For the nine words were not about the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg spoken, but the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) in Karlsruhe.
The presiding judge Andreas Voßkuhle and his seven fellow judges have after years of struggle approves euro bailout of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Frankfurt monetary authorities may rely in emergencies with German participation at risk of insolvency euro crisis states through government bond purchases.
the Federal Constitutional court dismissed several complaints including the party of left against the so-called OMT program from, presented his execution but under conditions. Thus, the judges included in the essential points of a European Court of Justice (ECJ) from last year. Although the Senate had further concerns, see, however, bound by the Luxembourg legislation, Voßkuhle said in Karlsruhe.
It is at first glance a points victory for the ECJ, the Brussels Euro-rescuers, the ECB and all those who dream of a greater pooling of debt in the euro zone. Because Karlsruhe joins with the OMT judgment substantially with the fellow judges from Luxembourg to. Shortly before the referendum the British on membership in the EU Karlsruhe risked no further turbulence.
But that’s only one interpretation. In fact, the German judges have a fine distinction made between the OMT program decision and its practical implementation in the financial markets. Here the judges barriers could have set the de facto Core the OMT program.
Solomon African Judgment
For many observers, the judges have so wisely positioned in an extremely diffizilen decision. “The Federal Constitutional Court has handed down a judgment of Solomon and thus given the tense situation in Europe found the right way,” said the Freiburg economy Lars field of “world”. “It was important that the judges make in view of the centrifugal forces which currently affect Europe not national over European law and thus provoke a constitutional crisis,” said Field. At the same time the judges had their concerns but stressed and the barriers that the Court had set, it has escalated. “The OMT program the ECB is fenced so without causing a break in Europe. This is the result that counts.”
Even action leaders like the Berlin lawyer and economics professor Markus Kerber expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the proceedings. “It was wise not to cash the ECJ decision and thus to imply that the Court arbitrariness.” At the same time the judges had their doubts that existed over OMT, but – unlike the Luxembourg judges – re-emphasized and sharpened the restrictions on the program significantly. “Through the back door, the OMT program has been undermined so,” says Kerber.
the occasion of the dispute is long back. In summer 2012, the wedding of the euro crisis ECB President Mario Draghi announced speech in his
Although the “outright monetary transactions” program, such as the invention of money guardian’s full name is, has never been used since its creation in 2012, seems fallen out of time now. After all, the ECB rotates with its ultra loose monetary policy and the multibillion-dollar purchase of government bonds and corporate securities already a much larger wheel.
Draghi’s verbal blank check is like an insurance policy
Nevertheless OMT not obsolete. On the markets of verbal blank check is like an insurance policy. In 2014, the German Constitutional Court had therefore declared that the OMT program in its original form overstepping the ECB’s monetary policy mandate.
Crucial to their findings the EU treaty malfeasance ECB called the judges, among other things, the unlimited amount of the purchases, the ECB’s willingness to adhere to debt cuts to participate, and the intervention in the pricing on the market by the neutralization of interest rate spreads.
the Federal Constitutional court had then passed the case for consideration to the court, one to then unprecedented approach. The Luxembourg judges had the ECB, however, unlike in Karlsruhe hardly been expected ahead and requested a few limiting measures.
This is followed Karlsruhe has now connected, however drafted some guidelines. “The Senate remains concerned, he sees but bound by the law of the ECJ, in turn, the scope of permissible interpretation does not exceed the” Voßkuhle said in the verdict.
In particular, a barrier is in contrast with the actual OMT program. So the Bundesbank may only participate in the OMT program if the bond purchases are limited in advance. But precisely by the blank check Draghi would levered. The question remains, however, how strictly the monetary authorities are actually respected in practice to the now outlined guidelines. Quite apart from whether OMT, which has so far remained a phantom of monetary policy, ever applies.
markets have their own version
Many market experts interpret the judgment therefore entirely different. After her reading an important rescue net for Europe remained intact, said about Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg Bank. For DZ Bank again the judgment is a harsh setback for ECB critics. According to the reactions on the financial markets failed. Yields on Bunds and peripheral titles were moved by the judgment little.
Even experts such as the new Ifo chief Clemens Fuest were disappointed: “The judges have towards their original decision of 2014 made a U-turn and not dared the European Central Bank for the purchase of government bonds more to rein in when the European Court, “he said. “That’s too bad, because it is obvious that the OMT program primarily pursue the fiscal objective of maintaining highly indebted countries’ access to credit. The associated risks carry with the German taxpayer, without the Bundestag approved. ”

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