The German policy is stunned: EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker will decide the FTA Ceta without national parliaments. The criticism because he does not understand.
Clearly has European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to criticism of the handling of his authority with the Free Trade Agreement with Canada (Ceta) responds. The EU Commission was for a legal analysis suggest that Ceta was an exclusively European agreement and the approval of national parliaments so that would not be necessary
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“I that is personal but relatively schnurzegal” Juncker said after an informal meeting of 27 EU leaders in Brussels. Ceta was the best deal that the EU has ever negotiated. nobody have content something to complain about it.
But when would the governments of the EU member states to consider that legal opinions did not count when it comes to politics, he was the last person to defend against it. “I will not die on the altar of legal questions, but I would like occupied by unique appeal that this is not an EU agreement.” He had also suggested that one could ask the parliaments in the member countries, as their governments in the EU Council should vote on Ceta.
Gabriel calls the European Commission “foolish”
German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel had previously criticized the refusal of the European Commission to allow national parliaments a say. “The European Commission wants the FTA with Canada with the head against the wall,” said Gabriel. “To decide now that the national parliaments have nothing to say to this trade agreement, is incredibly foolish.”
Gabriel called himself a “proponent of good trade agreements”. However, the European Commission fall all of good will in the back and make them work even harder. “The stupid Pressing Ceta
“If the EU Commission makes it, is TTIP dead”
In addition, bring the procedure Juncker and his authority that anyway plug end in deadlock FTA TTIP with the US even further into trouble. “No one will believe that it will run in the agreement with the US TTIP not the same,” he said. Located opposite the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” was Gabriel even further. “If the EU Commission makes at Ceta, TTIP is dead,” he said.
In a vote of the Bundestag there would be no German yes to the agreement with Canada. “Whatever the EU Commission decides: in Germany chooses the German Bundestag,” he explains. Without a Yes the Bundestag he would “agree in no case Ceta,” said the SPD chairman.
Lammerts announcement Seehofer criticism
Bundestag President Norbert Lammert (CDU) insists on being involved the German parliament. “The federal government can not give its necessary for the putting into effect of the contract agreement to the contract according to the legal provisions in force without the participation of the German Bundestag,” said Lammert.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had on the EU pledged summit, she will ask the parliament to an “opinion”.
Seehofer criticized on Wednesday Junckers veto as “irresponsible”. “This is by no means,” said Seehofer in Munich.
Ceta is not only highly controversial in Germany. are defendants inter alia, the non-transparent negotiations and lack of citizen participation. The negotiations on the agreement have been completed between the EU and Canada. According to the EU Commission, it provides for the abolition of 99 per cent of all tariffs before.

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