the construction of one of the pillars of the German economy at the moment.
the number of unemployed in Germany dropped in June by 50,000 to 2.614 million. These are 97,000 unemployed less than a year ago, as the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg announced. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 points to 5.9 percent. This is the lowest level since German reunification.
“The labor market continues to develop positively,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. The demand for labor is to be fast. “Unemployment has fallen again and the social security contributions increased considerably.”
After seasonal adjustment were in June 2.69 million people in Germany without work. The adjusted to seasonal influences number of unemployed compared to May fell by 6000. In West Germany, the figure dropped by 2000, in the East by 4000.
The employment and the number of people with regular jobs grew at the same time on. According to recent data from the Federal Statistical Office in May, the number of employed persons increased from the previous month to a seasonally adjusted 45,000 to 43.56 million. That was 559,000 more than last year.
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The social security payments put by extrapolation the federal agency from March to a seasonally adjusted 33,000 in April. With 31.33 million people, employment was on the previous year to 681,000 in Plus
Companies continue to seek many new employees. The number of vacancies rose in June compared to the previous year by 93,000 to 665,000.
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