Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mobile: Many customers complain: Fault with Vodafone – ABC Online

Thursday, 06.30.2016, 20:59
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Round 1 , 8 million Vodafone customers had on Thursday night according to the company can not access the Internet. A fault in a computer network was the cause

Big loss for hours. The cable network of telephone and Internet provider Vodafone was still disrupted on Thursday evening in many parts of Germany , Up to 1.8 million customers could not make calls and surf the Internet or use the Internet-based video-on-demand, informed a spokeswoman. The television was not affected.

Since 17:30 there transregional restrictions in parts of the cable network, the report said. Cause is a malfunction in a computer network in Frankfurt

and Berlin. “Our engineers are working hard to resolve this failure,” Vodafone said in its Customer Forum with. Customers vented their displeasure on Twitter Air

2, 9 million customers

Vodafone acquired the cable network operator Kabel Germany. Vodafone had the end of 2015 claims to 2.9 million cable Internet customers, more than 16 percent a year earlier.

If the network still does not? Telekom has a tip for all customer

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