The consumer goods group Henkel intends to strengthen its US business through a multi-billion dollar takeover. The company buys the detergent manufacturer Sun Products for 3.2 billion euros, Henkel said. Seller is a fund of financial investor Vestar Capital Partners.
The acquired company achieved in 2015, according to Henkel in the US and Canada sales of around 1.4 billion euros. Sun Products employs approximately 2,000 people and has two production plants and a research and development site in the US.
Other acquisitions possible
The office since early May Henkel boss Hans Van Bylen had repeatedly announced acquisitions. Even after the purchase remains Henkel in takeover mood. “If a company fits strategically with our stores and is available at a reasonable price, even more, targeted acquisitions are possible,” van Bylen told the “Rheinische Post”. “We have a strong balance sheet and have the necessary
The price for the purchase Reviewed the CEO as not too high: “We are investing in a successful business in a profitable and growing market Den. price we pay for it, we consider very reasonable, “said van Bylen.
the stock market responded positively to the takeover. Henkel shares lost on Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-day even slightly, but went with a decline of only 0.5 percent as the strongest DAX value from the market. Stocks from the consumer goods, food and health sectors are considered defensive and relatively non-cyclical values.

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