Thursday, June 23, 2016

The polling stations are closed – N24

Italy – Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union election has consequences +++ Because – Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union would be “very bad” +++ for UK half of Germans critical in many EU decisions +++ More in Live Scores

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YouGov puts Wählernachbefragung before

the polling firm YouGov will present a Wählernachbefragung the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union referendum in Britain after the polls closed , This was announced by YouGov on election day to surprise. The demoscopic quality of the figures is not quite a real forecast. The Wählernachbefragung to be presented shortly after the polls closed at 23 o’clock (CEST).

YouGov had submitted a similar survey after the Scotland referendum in 2014 and the end result thus relatively accurately predicted.

with a clear picture of the actual count is not expected until early morning. Until about 06:00 CEST, much of the important voting districts should be counted, reports the BBC. Then a not reversible outcome could emerge

20:59:. Fico: EU must regardless of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union result Change

Regardless of the outcome of the vote in the UK is Europe to Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union to the referendum to be different than before. The prophesied the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Friday night. His country accepts from 1 July until the end of the EU presidency of the Netherlands.

“We are convinced that the British people will decide to remain in the European Union. Otherwise, our Presidency is facing a more severe task are, “Fico said after an extraordinary government meeting in the small town Lucenec. “Prepared we are but on each of the two variants result,” he assured.

Slovakia has not yet released its complete program for the EU presidency, as they wait for the outcome of the referendum want. In addition to the refugee crisis but will strengthen the EU internally and externally have priority, it was so far in all the announcements of the Slovak government. This called for fundamental reforms inevitably

18:25:. EU politicians Elmar Brok – “My gut feeling is not good”

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Elmar Brok, is pessimistic the British EU referendum. “My gut feeling is not good,” the CDU politician told the television channel Phoenix. He also accused the British government to have the anti-European mood in the country fueled long time. “If a British government declared ten years, how bad a European Union, then it is difficult to say the reverse within six weeks”, Brok said the sender

18:01:. Italy – Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union election has definitely consequences

Italy’s economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan looks irrespective of the outcome of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union vote consequences for the European Union. One could “not continue as if nothing had happened,” he says in Rom. “There have been a break.”

17:32: Because warns Britain against Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephen Weil UK against the consequences of a withdrawal from the European Union (EU ) warned. In case of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union there can be no privileged partnership, the SPD politician said. “You can not want to consume the benefits of the common market and want thereby avoiding the obligations of the common house.” A Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union would be bad for Europe and “very bad” for the UK.

After a bitterly fought election campaign should be clear on Friday whether Britain joined the European Union remains or the community after 43 years the will return back. Despite many warnings from the outcome of the referendum is considered completely open

15:00:. Half of Germans critical in many EU decisions

Around half of Germans complained loudly of Savings Banks survey that the EU decides to many things that should determine the states themselves. This applies for example agricultural and social policy. Nevertheless, there are 86 percent of the basic idea of ​​the European Union continues to be good and keep the open single market, securing peace and the euro for the greatest benefits of the EU

14:35:. Merkel urged to calm after British EU referendum

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has warned of frantic reactions to the British EU referendum. Europe should advise the result “together and alone,” Merkel said after meeting with her new Austrian colleague Christian Kern in Berlin. “I do not believe, now disintegrating into subgroups.” The result will advise on the EU summit on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels. Merkel reiterated she wanted a decision “in the United Kingdom remains a part of the European Union”.

Core warned of doom and gloom. “The news of the demise of Europe is still greatly exaggerated,” he said, alluding to a quote from Mark Twain. At the same time made nuclear clear that in his view, the question should be discussed, “as we define solidarity in Europe”. So there should not be social dumping through the posting of workers.

14:10: Investors bet on “Bremain”

speculation on a stay of the British in the EU ( “Bremain”) have driven vigorous exchanges on voting day Europe. Before opening of the polling stations on Thursday at 08.00 CET, the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union’s opponents had been able to establish in recent polls. “The market is pricing now clearly with growing certainty a ‘Remain’-vote one,” said currency strategist Adam Cole of RBC Capital Markets.

The Dax put up to 2.7 percent to 10,340 points and thus recorded as high as three weeks ago no longer. The Euro Stoxx 50 also put 2.7 percent to 3057 points. Sterling jumped by more than one and a half US cents to a high of $ 1.4946. The euro appreciated by more than one US cent to $ 1.1421 to the highest level in six weeks.

From the seen as a safe haven government bonds investors sold other hand. That drove the yield on ten-year German government bonds to 0.097 percent. so that you reached the highest level in three weeks. The British bonds increased their return on a three-week high of 1.433 percent

13:19:. Long queues outside the polling stations

Despite the bad weather have the EU -Referendum UK long queues at polling stations formed. Voters had waited patiently in long lines to cast their votes in schools, churches or shopping centers, reported the British news agency PA.

In the night it had in London and the South East partly violent where rains and thunderstorms. In the capital, some polling stations had to be closed due to flooding and relocated to temporary offices.

13:05: survey – 55 per cent of Britons are against Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

About 55 per cent of Britons are in favor of remaining at the EU, as is apparent from a Populus poll. Around 45 percent are therefore for a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

12:40:. Betting Odds signaled 85 percent probability for EU whereabouts

In the bookmakers’ odds for EU referendum on Thursday morning again significantly movement come. At noon only 1.17 pounds were paid on the betting exchange Betdaq for remaining the British in the EU for 1 pound. The ratio therefore indicates a probability of about 85 percent for a “Remain” – ie to remain in the EU – and by implication a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union risk of only about 15 percent. In the morning, this still a good 10 percentage points was higher

12:15:. Poll – 52 percent of Britons want in EU remain

Around 52 per cent of Britons are in favor of remaining at the EU , as is apparent from a survey by Ipsos Mori for the newspaper “Evening Standard”. Approximately 48 percent were for a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. The survey was conducted prior to the opening of polling stations

12:02:. Monosyllabic Cameron’s voice from

Without many words to waiting journalists, British Prime Minister David Cameron has his voice at EU issued -Referendum. “Good morning,” was the only thing he said when he together with his wife Samantha 10 went to the ballot box near Downing Steeet on Thursday. Not even the bad weather, the prime minister wanted to express, reported the British news agency PA.

Prime Minister David Cameron with wife Samantha on the way to the polling station . (Photo: AFP)

11:52: What would a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union for Germany and Europe

11:35: German car industry warns of damage from Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

on decision day on EU membership Britain the German automotive industry has warned of the consequences of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. “We would have to deal with already enormous challenges when the Brexiteers would win,” the president of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Matthias Wissmann, the Reuters news agency said on Thursday in Frankfurt. “I hope that will save us.” The head of the truck division of Daimler, Wolfgang Bernhard, warned of negative consequences for the commercial vehicle industry and a major political damage for the European Union. “Nothing is crumbling all I can only hope that we the referendum, whatever the outcome, take the opportunity to reflect on Europe.” He said

11:21:. The Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union would especially the British themselves meet

11:13: optimistic Labour leader Corbyn tunes

the British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has demonstratively confident in voting for EU referendum shown. “It is a good day,” he said Thursday in London’s Islington. For expected tight election said the pro-EU Fighter: One could either stick your finger up in the wind, or ask the bookmaker. “The bookies are usually right,” he said, overlooking the bets put on a victory of the pro-EU camp.

11:05: Pound Sterling rising – good prospect for EU whereabouts

The British pound is a significant price-Plus went to the day of the historic EU referendum?. The currency was quoted on the stock market opening on Thursday in London with 1.4746 US dollars – on Wednesday night it had still been $ 1.4680. Meanwhile claimed the pounds even up to $ 1.4844 – as much as since December 2015 more. This could indicate that the international currency markets expect a victory of the pro-EU camp

10:15:. British voters have rain and flooding defy

British voters in London and in the Southeast are struggling with bad weather, rain and flooding at the EU referendum. In the capital alone is expected on Thursday within hours as much rain as otherwise fall in a month, warned meteorologists.

In the night there were in the capital and around severe thunderstorms with heavy rainfall. There were reports of flooded roads, access to polling stations could be difficult. Experts had speculated a low turnout could be an advantage for the outlet warehouse. According to surveys, the pro-EU camp and the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union advocates should provide a close race in the referendum.

10:11: rightwing populist Farage: Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-bearing has clear opportunities

Nigel Farage, leader of the right-wing populist British UKIP party, adopt the EU referendum of victory. The Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-bearings have a “very strong chance,” he said to kick off election on

Thursday. But it all depends on the turnout from, he said outside his home in Kent news agency PA.

Farage is one of the spokesmen in the exit storage. Critics accuse him, with his fight against migration to stoke fears of strangers and foreigners. According to surveys of the outcome of the referendum is completely open. First results are expected early on Friday morning.

09:41: Australia recommends UK EU whereabouts

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned the British against a withdrawal from the European Union. “It would be a great shock, it there is no doubt,” he said on Thursday. The impact on the world economy would be great if the UK would be crucial for the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union.

However, there would be a major effort to bring the consequences of such shocks to a minimum. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said it was in Australia’s interest that the indispensable friend and allies remain in the EU.

The British agree on (today) Thursday in a referendum on a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union from. Around 46.5 million Britons are called upon to cast their vote. The polling stations are open until 23.00 (CEST). The result is expected early on Friday morning. According to surveys, a scarce output indicates

09:13:. Exchange: concerns about a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union have disappeared

Investors in the German stock market dazzle a potential Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union continue to: On the day the referendum the British of their whereabouts in the EU is expected the Dax retract Win the now fifth consecutive day.

the X-Dax as an indicator for the German leading index signaled approximately forty-five minutes before the start of trading a increase of 0.84 percent to 10 156 pixels. The Euro-zone leading index Euro Stoxx 50 is likely to start similar friendly

08:45:. Chinese party newspaper warns Britain against Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

The influential Chinese newspaper “Global Times” warns Britain against a loss of international importance in case of Brexits. With the referendum the country go a big risk, says an editorial in the Journal, which is published by the newspaper “People’s Daily”, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party

08:12:. British vote on leaving the EU from – polling stations opened

in the UK, on ​​Thursday the referendum on the fate of the country in the EU started. Approximately 46.5 million voters are called upon to cast their votes. Polling stations in the 382 census tracts close at 23.00 (CEST, 22.00 local time). Until recently, proponents and opponents of a withdrawal from the European Union (EU) in surveys are rather evenly. Worldwide, the outcome of the referendum is eagerly awaited. In a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union threatening shock waves on the stock exchanges. Scientists worldwide are central banks stand ready to mitigate currency turmoil. For weeks EU leaders warn as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as US President Barack Obama before a withdrawal of Britain from the EU

In the final sprint of the campaign both camps intensified their key. While the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union -Befürworter warned of unchecked immigration of foreigners, often counter the EU advocates with the specter of a recession and the massive loss of jobs.

Due to the high error rates are from the TV stations no predictions planned for the evening. With the official result will be for Friday morning at 08.00 hours (CEST) counted

07:44:. The US hopes to remain Britain in the EU

The US hopes in the words of its ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, a fate of Britain in the EU. “We believe that the world is a better place if the UK in the EU remains,” says Power magazine “Wirtschaftswoche”

07:32:. Are Conservative leader in the European Parliament be allowed

the Conservative leader in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, advises composure in dealing with the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union issue. He see basically a positive attitude in Europe partnership in the EU, Weber said in Germany radio.

It calls on the community to more pragmatic approach and to focus on the really big issues . Member countries could not solve alone

07:20: German businesses see high risk for the future

42 percent of German businesses see the uncertain course of European politics results in a high risk for their future, how loud “Rheinischer post”, a survey of the Institute of the German economy (IW).

the German economic policy agency contrast only 26 percent of businesses high risk . represents

02:52: Asia cautiously optimistic

The equity investors in Asia give cautious optimism before the referendum. The Tokyo Stock Exchange recorded shortly after the start of trading slight gains, as well as the MSCI index for Asia / Pacific excluding Japan

02:42:. Pound rises in Asian currency trading

The British pound rises in Asian currency trading temporarily to $ 1.4847. This is the highest level since the beginning of the year. Shortly before, two new surveys have been published, see the EU advocates in implementing

02:30. G7 prepares joint statement

Finance Ministers of the seven leading industrial nations (G7) prepare, according to government officials issued a joint statement in the event of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union before.

Thus, they want to underline its readiness to take all necessary steps to calm markets , Britain should leave the EU. . The statement should be published as soon as clear is how the referendum is considered

00:35: list of demands in the event of Brexits

has the British financial industry association TheCityUK according to the “Daily Telegraph” a list of demands in the event of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union created. The policy is called accordingly is to provide a gentle transition

boundaries are open also and a public awareness campaign be launched, which then support Britain’s reputation as a financial center outside the EU., The newspaper reported, . citing confidential documents

00:10: in a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, the top ranking would be gone

the rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s (S & P) would deprive the UK in the event of withdrawal from the European Union, the top credit rating “AAA”. If the country opt for a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, “then the ‘AAA’ credit rating would be due and would be downgraded within a short time thereafter,” citing “image” in a preliminary report the S & amp; P chief strategist for sovereign ratings, Moritz Kraemer. The political situation in the country would be less predictable when Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, he says

+++ Wednesday, June 22, 2016 +++

16:51.: Yellen – Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-consequences for US could be serious

for Fed chief Janet Yellen is unclear how much the United States would be affected by the effects of a British EU exit: “I’m not sure whether a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union would have serious consequences for the United States, but that would be possible “

16:35:. Hollande – With Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union decision is the future of the EU at stake

the British agree to assessment of French President Francois Hollande from the EU referendum and the fate of the European Union. “It is more than Britain’s future in the European Union is at stake, it is about the future of the European Union,” Hollande said on Wednesday in Paris. For the next week he announced regardless of the outcome of the British referendum on a visit to Berlin.

The exit of a geographically, politically and historically belonging to Europe country would inevitably have serious consequences, Hollande said after a meeting with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. For Britain, there was a serious risk of not being able to access the EU single market and the common economic space.

A withdrawal of Britain called Hollande «irreversible». In case of Brexits he would take with the partners of France initiatives. Here Hollande called explicitly Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). The general aim was to further develop the European construction. Further details can not be made the head of state.

16:03: Merkel woos British Yes to EU

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on the British to vote this Thursday against a withdrawal from the European Union. “I wish that course the UK remains in the EU,” Merkel said on Wednesday during a meeting with the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo in Berlin. They also reiterated: “But it is a decision of the citizens of Great Britain.”

Szydlo said: “We firmly believe that the British want to stay. But this is a sovereign decision of the British themselves “On the question of the consequences of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union she replied.” A European Union without the United Kingdom is an EU that must revolutionize their operation somewhat. We need to then entertain “

15:19:. Juncker includes renegotiate reform package with British from

Regardless of the outcome of the British referendum wants EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker of government in London make no further concessions on the agreed reform package. “The British politicians and voters need to know that there will be no kind of renegotiation,” Juncker said in Brussels on Wednesday after a meeting with the new Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern. The EU leaders have agreed a reform package with British Prime Minister David Cameron on 20 February, Juncker said. “He received the maximum that he could get and we gave the maximum that we could give.”

renegotiations it will therefore neither the reform package still in talks on the EU enter contracts. Juncker noted that the reform package have played no part in the debate on the so-called Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union in recent months anyway. Should there be a victory of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union advocates, there is the EU Commission boss believes no turning back for United Kingdom: “Raus is out.” But how core Juncker also expressed the wish that the proponents of EU fate of the United Kingdom to win the referendum on Thursday.

14:30: Typical British rainy weather on the day of the referendum

How could it be otherwise: in the UK is the day of decision on the fate or exit from the EU probably also the weather play a role. Meteorologists are predicting heavy rains and violent thunderstorms. should be mainly affected the south-east to the capital London and the northwest, as well as parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Throughout the UK there will be always nearby.

pollster lead in the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union Debate a high turnout as a potential advantage for the advocates of staying in the EU. Bad weather, which already made the famous rock festival Glastonbury to mudslinging, could cut turnout downwards. However, the usual in this regard grief Britons are considered of bad weather to be impressed,

12:16:. Italian protest party for euro referendum

The protest party located on the upswing “Five star “campaigns for a referendum in Italy on the future of the euro. “The euro – as it is today – does not work”, says Deputy Parliament Chef Luigi Di Maio. “We either need an alternative currency or a ‘Euro 2′.” The party of the comedian Beppe Grillo has conquered the city halls of Rome and Turin on Sunday.


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