Thursday, June 23, 2016

Historical EU referendum: Historical EU referendum splits UK … – THE WORLD

London – United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) are facing a historic turning point. After a bitterly fought election campaign will be clear this Friday, whether the United Kingdom EU remains or the community after 43 years will turn their backs.

Despite many warnings from around the world in front of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union – that a withdrawal from the EU -. the outcome of the referendum was completely open

in total, some 46.5 million registered voters called for a vote. Polls say usually preceded by a head-to-head race between the two camps. The last – published even on election day – surveys saw the “Remain” bearings, which will remain in the EU, a narrow lead. Many voters were, however, shortly before the vote undecided.

Polling stations opened across the country at 8:00 am CEST. The counting of votes in the 382 constituencies should begin immediately after the polls closed at 23.00 CEST. Forecasts and projections should not exist.

However, the polling firm Yougov announced an election survey, the (CEST) should be published at 23.00. This should, however, be based only on a relatively small sample -. So quality does not compare with a real forecast

First count results in the early hours of Friday expected. The British news agency PA assumed that until 6:00 pm (CEST) a reliable result could be. The BBC calculated that – depending on how tight the race would be actually -. 5:00 to 8:00 (CEST) might be clarity on the outcome of the referendum

From the outcome of the referendum and the political fate of British Prime Minister David Cameron could depend. It was expected to shortly after the announcement of the election results in 10 Downing Street – would appear before the press – his official residence. A victory of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-camp would mean a serious defeat for him. Whether he could continue to govern afterwards, was regarded as questionable.

The last survey of the institute YouGov before the referendum, the pro-EU camp saw a 51 to 49 percent front. “The current polls put too close race close, than that prediction is possible,” said the Institute. But there is a new “trend to stay inside.” This confirms observations in other independence referendums in the past. Shortly before the ballot there is a movement of the selector for maintaining the status quo

Premier Cameron showed up voting taciturn. “Good morning,” was the only thing he said when he went with his wife Samantha near 10 Downing Street to the ballot box. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was demonstratively confident. “The bookies are usually right,” he said in view of the bets placed on a victory of the pro-EU camp.

Nigel Farage also , head of the right-wing populist British UKIP party and one of the spokesmen of the outlet bearing, was confident of victory. have The Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union stock a “very strong chance,” he said outside his home in Kent news agency PA.

A Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, the EU would in overthrow the probably most severe crisis in its history. Many European politicians had warned the British against a discharge. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other institutions predicted economic turmoil in the event of Proposed referendum on United

Kingdom membership of the European Union.

German President Joachim Gauck warned after the referendum simply move on to the next item. “We should draw lessons from the crisis and discuss further how we want to live in Europe,” Gauck said during a visit to the Bulgarian capital Sofia. “The best thing about the debate on the so-called Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union was the debate itself,” Gauck said. They have brought discontent with the European Union to light which have previously been smoldering in secret.

In the financial markets ruled on Thursday optimism that the British for Pronounce to remain in the EU. On the day of the referendum, the Dax stood the now fifth consecutive day clearly in the black, as the Euro Stoxx 50. Also for the London FTSE 100 index went up. “The market is the victory of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union opponents anticipate”, analyst Jochen Stanzl of CMC Markets.

said on the currency markets also was a victory of the Pro expected -EU camp: The pound recorded significant price-Plus. The currency climbed throughout the day about the brand of 1.48 dollars; so expensive was the British currency since December 2015 more.

Financial experts believe that the pound could fall dramatically for the withdrawal from the EU at a majority , EU politicians turn fear that a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union exit requests in other countries is likely to inspire – and thus brings additional problems for the EU.

Election results on BBC (after the polls)

Local election results on BBC (after the polls)

website of the electoral Commission for EU referendum

media guide of the British electoral Commission

website of the election Commission on the number of registered voters – English

page with a download link to the document with the expected times for Auzählung by constituency – English

Act on the EU referendum

report in the scientific service of the house on legal issues around the EU referendum

background material on the subject Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union in the “Economist”

BBC – background information on the topic Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union

Think Tank” Open Europe “the end of the night after the referendum

campaign Britain stronger in Europe

campaign Vote Leave


EU figures for budget

YouGov to Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union surveys


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