Berlin (dpa) – For low earners in west German conurbations often insufficient income due to high rents to live. This is clear from a reply of the Federal Government to a request of the Left Party shows that there is the screen that appears in Dusseldorf “Rheinische Post”.
According brings a full time job with a minimum wage hourly earnings of 8.50 euros in West German cities in many places too little to cover living expenses and rent.
According to the government a single person receives a working week of 37.7 hours and a minimum wage of 8.50 euros a monthly gross salary of 1388.62 euros , Net remained, according to the paper 1040.27 euros for the cost of living left. However, the average living costs standalone employed workers amounts to 1053 euros and would thus around 13 euros above the content. . The basic needs set up of the Hartz IV standard set of 404 euros, the average cost of accommodation from 349 euros and the employment allowance of 300 euros
In some cities, the gap according to the report even greater: a standalone Hartz IV recipients in Munich was entitled to a rent subsidy of 492 euros, so the paper. This amount lies around 156 euros above the basic needs of a full-time job with minimum wage. In Dusseldorf, the job centers pay an average rent subsidy of 395 euros. Again, bring a minimum wage job 46 euro too little.
For the left-politician Klaus Ernst, the high rental charges for low mean that the minimum wage should be increased significantly. “In large parts of the West and in urban areas to hang with 8.50 euro continues Is the government,” he told the paper. “The minimum wage must be very much higher than is currently being considered by the Minimum Wage Commission.”
The President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, urged not to raise the minimum wage strongly, but the to reduce social security contributions for low earners. “Only if it attractive is again for companies to hire people and invest in them, are productivity and incomes just the low paid may rise,” he said.
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