Sunday, June 26, 2016

+++ +++ Market News: robot builders Kuka receives existence guarantee before … – ABC Online

Updated Sunday, 06.26.2016, 09:26
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Newspaper report:. Investment Agreement between Kuka and Chinese

Sunday 26 June 09:19: the Bavarian robot manufacturer Kuka apparently gets long-term guarantees from the Chinese Midea Group, which wants to take over the company. A corresponding investment agreement was close to completion, reported the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” citing negotiation circles.

The Pact should therefore be valid until the end of 2023, all locations worldwide are committed until then, all employees guaranteed their places. The company’s headquarters will remain Augsburg.

On Saturday the Kuka Supervisory Board discussed the report says about the agreement and listened CEO Till Reuter to the latest developments. Only final details are therefore to clarify with the Chinese, the contract should be signed in the next few days. This is to the independence of the Kuka Board be maintained under the new ownership.

The Kuka Me ‘s share is listed on the stock exchange. This guarantee the Chinese report says even in the case that they should be used 100 percent of the shares. Shareholders have until mid-July time to decide whether to sell their shares at 115 euros to the Chinese.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"-0,28%","PRICE":"107,35","NAME":"KUKA","PERF_PCT_RAW":-0.2787,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-0.3,"PRICE_RAW":107.35,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"-0,30"} ->

107, 35 EUR
- 0.30 (- 0, 28%)

losses in New York - Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union -Schock runs deep

22:27: the unexpected agreement of the British to withdraw from the European Union (EU) has investors on Wall Street on Friday as shocked as the rest of the world. The Dow Jones Industrial slipped until close of trading to 3.39 percent to 17 399.86 points from. Overlooking the year to date, the index is now fallen back into the red.

The day before, the US index had recaptured the brand of 18, 000 points, as the majority of investors firmly in leaving the British in the EU had expected. In weekly view, the world's most famous stock market barometer lost one and a half percent a

The market breadth S &. P 500 buckled on Friday at 3.60 percent to 2037.30 meters and for the technology stocks-heavy Nasdaq 100 was about 4, 07 percent to 4285.701 points down

Dax deep in the red

18:10:. the Dax collapsed after surprising Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote of the British: The German index closed with a loss of 700 points or 6.82 percent at 9557 points. Shortly after the start of trading, the leading index was even a decline of about 10 percent or about 1000 points and fell to their lowest level since February. Such massive losses it had last given during the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009. The MDAX Medium-large values ​​lost on Friday just over four percent a the TecDAX lost more than three percent.

All Dax values ​​listed in the red, the worst it got the money houses: German Bank and Commerzbank lost around 14 percent. The share of the German Bank

The British financial market has been hit hard. The pound slipped meantime from just under $ 1.33, reaching its lowest level since 1985. While oil prices declined by about four percent, gold was more expensive than last more than two years ago. The resignation announcement of British Prime Minister David Cameron made the stock market in London to rise back slightly. They closed end with a minus of 2.8 percent. So the pound is against the dollar

In Video: False caught by Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union: To survive investors the next day

the most important stock exchanges in the world

  • USA New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) - Dow Jones , S & amp; P 500 , Nasdaq 100 , CBOT and CME
  • UK: London Stock Exchange - FTSE 100
  • Japan Tokyo Stock Exchange - Nikkei 225
  • Germany Frankfurt stock exchange - DAX , MDax , SDax , TecDAX , Xetra, Eurex
  • France Bourse de Paris - CAC40
  • Switzerland: Börse Zurich - SMI
  • Brazil exchange Sao Paulo - Bovespa
  • Hong Kong Hong Kong Stock Exchange - Hang Seng
  • China Shanghai Stock Exchange - SSE
  • Russian Exchange Moscow - Moscow Exchange, RTS
  • Australia: Exchange Sydney - Australian Securities Exchange, ASX
  • list of trading hours:
13, 36 EUR
- 2.20 (- 14, 13%)