Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mediation between Lufthansa and cabin crew successfully – ABC Online

Thursday , 30.06.2016, 14:40
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Lufthansa -Passagiere need to foreseeable future no fear of strikes by cabin crew more.

the settlement between the company and the union Ufo has been successfully completed, as of spread on Thursday statements by the social partners is clear. The labor dispute with the hitherto harshest strike in the history of Lufthansa is therefore at an end.

About the details of the agreement, both sides and the mediator Matthias Platzeck however want to report until next Tuesday at a press conference in Berlin. Still open also the parallel bargaining with pilots.

The extensive conciliation result had been accepted by both sides and still had to be worked up in detail, said UFO negotiators Nicoley Baublies. A Lufthansa spokesman pointed yet at last to be clarified details. Baublies declined in deference to arbitrators Platzeck, to explain the contents. a partial agreement “That we however could only agree with a result which respects the needs of our members, everyone can imagine.”

At the beginning of the talks in January had the former SPD Minister of Brandenburg in key issues achieved, but were subject to an overall solution. So, the counterparties had already agreed on a short-term salary increases and outlines the future pension of more than 19 000 flight attendants at the core brand Lufthansa.

Ufo had thereby accepted that in future only firmly defined pension contributions are paid by the company, but not the absolute level of payments is guaranteed. The risk of particularly low interest rates are obtained at the workers over.

A number of regulations about promotion opportunities, operating times and dislocations within the Lufthansa Group to other airlines should be resolved below Platzeck mediation. In particular, the relationship with the emerging low cost subsidiary Euro Wings

needed the union believes an exact definition.

A new, existing services from October salary collective agreement was in the specifications of the arbitrator. The adoption of the arbitrators award is still subject to a ballot of over 10 000 employed at Lufthansa UFO members.

The Platzeck arbitration is the second in the since January 2015 continues escalated wage conflict of flight attendants , A first attempt of ex-politician Friedrich Merz (CDU) and Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD) had failed in the summer of 2015, the hard-line stance of both sides of industry, so that the arbitrator could only recommend further negotiations.

November last year Ufo had then organized a seven days long strike, in which some 4,700 flights had failed. Affected by the strike hardest in the company’s history were about 550 000 passengers. In the negotiations with the pilots a deadline 31 July, to be negotiated up to the true.


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