The nightmare all convinced Europeans has become a reality: the British leave the EU. But what happens now? Even for consumers farewell Britain from the EU will have consequences. FOCUS Online clarifies the key issues.
The British have the majority decided that they see their future outside the European Union. The exit negotiations in which the relationship between the EU and the UK will be reorganized, take longer. But some consequences for consumers are already foreseeable:
If products from the UK cheaper
English jellybean, orange marmalade and Scottish whiskey are well with the UK’s best known products, which are found in this country?. Above all, the British export cars and car parts to Germany. Total goods were Federal Statistical Office introduced last year in the value of 38.3 billion euros – the UK is in ninth place in the list of major importers
Experts believe that the pound after the crash. will remain weak on Friday. Thus British products would in this country cheaper – at least temporarily. Because on the other side are possible with the No to the EU again tariffs and other duties. You could let prices rise.
Are threatened with Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union jobs in Germany?
UK is one of the most important customers for goods “Made in Germany”. Last year, the island’s third most important export market for German companies. A possible devaluation of the pound and higher inflation could push up prices for those goods upwardly and decrease the selling might. Total exporters threaten according to a study by credit insurer Euler Hermes to 2019 losses of 6.8 billion euros.
“This jobs are in Germany subject,” says Volker Treier, deputy chief executive at the German Industry and Commerce. The association estimates that about 750,000 jobs in this country depend on exports to the island.
What about traveling to the UK from?
For travelers from the euro countries Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union initially good news: with the falling rate of the pound is likely to be a holiday in the UK are cheaper. In addition, is likely to change little: If you visit the island, had also been his identity card or passport show, since Britain is not a member of the Schengen area.
What to do investors and savers now? Preserve
tranquility, advises the Consumer Federation (vzbv). The long-term consequences of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union were not foreseen – whether it relates to the development of the euro
For savers who have invested their money in a British bank, initially also changes nothing like the vzbv assured: The deposit insurance exists still at 75,000 pounds. This roughly corresponds to the European standard of 100,000 euros
should keep an eye on depositors but the long-term development of the exchange rate. A fall of the pound can deposit insurance against the euro melt. Stiftung Warentest recommends therefore, set up a large buffer to the limit of 100,000 euros.
What to German students in the UK note
The UK is popular with students: In total in 2013, according to the Federal Statistical Office 15,700 German were enrolled at a British university. Only in Austria and the Netherlands there were more. The EU students now threaten higher tuition fees on the island. So far they have to pay not to substantially higher non-EU foreigners the same rate as British students and. This special status is in question.
The United Kingdom could fall Erasmus also from the European education program that prepares students abroad financially. Per se, the participation in the program is not subject to EU membership, as the examples of Iceland and Turkey show.
“That’s not because you can still happen”

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