Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Draghi expects less growth because Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The European Central Bank fears a Insider According slightly negative impact on the economy from the possible withdrawal from the EU in Britain. ECB chief Mario Draghi have the heads of state and government of the EU said on Tuesday at their summit in Brussels that the reason for this is the expected lower growth in the United Kingdom. In his statement, the ECB chief had spoken of a reduced growth of 0.3 to 0.5 percent over the next three years.

Draghi urged both the EU governments to urgently reform because it the rest the world might give the perception that the EU will become ungovernable. Similar warnings had already expressed on Monday Chancellor Angela Merkel. Draghi had noted that the

vulnerabilities in the banking sector need to be addressed, the EU official said. Details have not called Draghi. The budgets of EU countries should be more focused on growth. Draghi had assured once again that the ECB was standing ready to deliver price stability and to coordinate it if necessary with other central banks.


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