Keep in Germany are now gefrackt?
fracking itself was not banned. There was only a moratorium, a kind of standstill agreement the gas producer with politics. They made no requests and waiting for a law. Fracking in sandstone, so-called conventional fracking, there are in Germany since the 60s. Most is with Fracking but the “unconventional” production of gas meant about in shale. This is the method that is known from the United States. Unconventional Fracking is prohibited -.? More than four exploration wells throughout Germany for scientific purposes are allowed
And who decides
Countries may decide if it to give test drilling for science with them. None State can be “forced” fracking. This would be especially North Rhine-Westphalia, where state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD) said the same, with her it would not give. Lower Saxony’s Economics Minister Olaf Lies is also satisfied – he wants to “give a future” conventional promotion in Lower Saxony
The conventional fracking remains therefore allowed
It.? is prohibited wherever it comes drinking water – in water protection and healing source protection areas, to dams and lakes, such as lake Constance, which are used for public water supply. Not only the mining law, and water law determines the future, where natural gas may be promoted. The municipal water and water utilities will find the well: “It contributes to water protection. The currently unclear situation harms the protection of our water resources, “says Martin Weyand, chief executive of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW).
Why the law hung so long in the Bundestag?
the original bill, which the cabinet had adopted April 2015, was not as severe as the compromise now reached. Fracking is in many constituencies in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia a huge issue – both in the Union and the SPD therefore called deputies improvements. In SPD sources
And the opposition?
Green and Left are, at least at the federal level, against fracking chemicals. Only in April, the Greens had roused with a bill to parliament. They wanted to ban fracking according to mining law and take a vote on name – not an easy thing for MPs who refused to stand as fracking friends in the native constituencies. In fraction circles was sighed: “. The issue can only lose”
Why the agreement comes straight now
Neither SPD nor the Union might be interested mind to grapple in the election campaign with the theme Controversial Fracking. An agreement before the summer break will help all. The deciding factor was probably pressure from Lower Saxony, where around 95 percent of Germany’s natural gas reserves are located. Mining companies there had announced to provide back applications to which they had voluntarily surrendered. A good reason for the federal parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann and Volker Kauder, to clarify the matter.
What environmentalists say the compromise?
The Association for environment and conservation Germany (BUND) called the agreement “outrageous”. The dangers mountains method for health, nature and drinking water, are not banned, said the BUND chairman Hubert Weiger. Environmentalists fear poisoned drinking water or even earthquakes by fracking. Moreover, the era of fossil fuels will be extended. “In order to avoid the worst consequences of climate change, coal, oil and gas must remain in the ground”, calling environmentalists.

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